The battle

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Katara was fighting Azula.

Except this time, Azula didn't slip. She didn't fall into kataras trap.

Instead azula hit Kataras trap with a large flame, steam hissing from the elements collision. They felt themselves get lost in the haze before they were consumed by it. It was hot. It almost burnt their bodies. But as they started to notice the dissipating of the steam, they felt the fluffy feeling of another substance around them. Katara recognized it as the sky. It reminded her of the days she and Aang changed the cloud patterns to save an island from its bad superstitions.

Azula, less distracted by the elements around her, more focused on the battle found Katara first. She looked down from where they had somehow started to fall. The clouds can't hold their weight and if Katara took the water from them, she will have the upper hand. But not she kills her now...

The sunny was close by. Everyone was outside having a relaxing time or playing around when chopper spotted something off in the distance. "Hey guys I see something!"

Everyone else ran over to that side of the deck, seeing two girls falling high from the sky.

"Skypeia shouldn't be around here right?" Luffy asked.

Nami answered quickly, "No, not by a long shot."

"I'll save you, fair maidens!!!" Sanji yelled, using sky walk to start running to them.

Azula, knowing she needs to be swift, and precise, shot a huge blue lightning bolt at Katara.

It directly hit her.

She cackled. She won! She would finally be crowned-

They hit the water with a loud splash.

Sanji dove and grabbed the injured girl first, then the one that shot fire. He swam up to the surface, both girls in his arms. They were young.

A life saver appeared before him he grabbed hold of it, making sure not to lose either of them in the process. Katara had suffered quite the damadge while azulas world came crashing on her. Where were they? If no one saw the end of the Agni Kai she may never be crowned fire lord. Oh and zuko, her wretched brother is probably still over there. Probably off to steal her throne! Will she ever become fire lord? Did he already have his coronation?? Is she too late??

Franky opened the dock system, allowing easier access to safety. Robin helped carry the girls on board with an extra few hands.

"They're dressed so weirdly." Ussop noticed.

"Maybe there's another Skypia." Luffy shrugged.

Robin seemed to be interested by the idea.

"Move aside! I'm a doctor." Chopper ran over with his medical equipment to treat Katara who was already trying to get up. "Lie down, I won't hurt you."

Katara kept fighting back. Her battle not over yet. She sat up and looked for azula. She was surprised to see how she was trembling, tears running down her eyes with a huge, smile on her face. Katara dared calling out to her "Azula?"

Anger boiled within her. What was all of this for?! Everything she ever worked for became useless with a snap of a finger. Fire boiled within her. She screamed of agony, fire erupting from her mouth, scorching the Adam wood.

Ussop grew frantic, "Hey, hey! It's okay! You don't need to use that fire here! Just take deep breaths. Uh. Cold ones."

Katara waved her hand, moving the water from the dock area to azula, surrounding her in a water bubble so the damadge can be a minimal.

Luffy seemed sad seeing the blue flame, reminding him of ace's flames that went out too soon.

Upon seeing kataras powers for the first time, everyone turned looking at her in pure disbelief. No devil fruit can tame water! That's what their weakness. How could this be possible?? Is she a fishman??

Chopper had smarter plans than questioning, instead gave a syringe to Robin. "Can you make a hand in the bubble and give her this? Buttox or thigh would be best."

"Sure can, doctor." She nodded and made a flur starched to azula, who was still going crazy, handed the syringe to her arm and easily sedated her.

Within seconds, azulas fire stopped, soon falling to her knees and then on to floor.

Katara, sighing heavily took the rest of the water and put it back in the ocean before grabbing some more and covering her injured torso, water glowing as she healed herself, all while standing up in a defensive position, observing the people surrounding her "Who are you? What are your intentions!" Katara snapped, ready to escape at any moment and having a full supply of water to defend or attack with.

Luffy stepped up, "Relax! We're not gonna hurt you. We just think you're cool!"

Robin, seeing Kataras unsatisfied gaze continued, "We're the straw hat pirates. We saw you falling from the sky and decided to not let you drown."

"Pirates.." Kataras eyes widened. They were an odd group. There was a deer-dog thing, two women dressed very immodestly, two men, a green haired guy, a long nosed guy, and... what the hell is that? She thought in fear as she looked up at franky. She swore it talked earlier.

Hold on...

She turned to the dog like thing. Why is it walking on two legs?

"What is that??" She pointed at chopper who looked a little sad.

"Be nice, he's a friend." Luffy interjected.

"I'm a doctor!"

"A what now?" Katara dropped her water in her confusion, leaving her torso with only a scar.

Choppers eyes widened when he saw, "Woah! You can heal?!"

"Why can you talk?!"

Brook, from a crate he was sitting on laughed loudly at the two, "Yohohoho!!"

Robin snatched him out of sight before he could cause any more issues. He was one of the more difficult ones to understand and Katara didn't need that right now.

"Guys it's story time! I wanna tell it this time!" Luffy shouted gleefully.

Ussop smacked him upside the head, "You always fall asleep when we tell our stories! Why do you get to share!"

"Because I know my crew! And I want to add her!"

It was zoros turn to slap him, "LUFFY NO MORE RECRUITING EVERYONE YOU SEE!"

"But zoro! She's so cool, powerful, and she's a girl!"

"And what does that have to do with anything?" Nami asked, also ready to punch him.

Wow, luffy is really getting bullied today.

"There's more space in the girls room than the boys, so it's only smart." Luffy looked at the rest of the boys who low key agreed.

"Let's go on the deck for story time! Or or we can do a picnic! I'm hungry."

Sanji picked up azula gently despite how brash she had been earlier, "Maybe for the young ladies, luffy, but you just had lunch."

"Boooo" Luffy scowled at him.

Katara wasn't getting any mal intent from the people surrounding her. Sure, some were weird and she had questions about it, but she seemed safe for now. And as much as she hates it, she can't leave azula alone and drugged like this. And as easy it would be to travel the waters here with her water bending, there was no land in sight.  She sighed, bringing the water to grab azula, taking it with her upstairs so she can keep and eye on her. She had to take caution. There were much fewer women on the ship after all. As much as she hated azula, she couldn't bear anything like that happening to her. Especially after she helped sedating her.

Katara joined the crew on the grass, gently placing azula outside of the circle, tossing the remaining water overboard.

"So what are those powers?" Ussop asked first which surprised a few.

"My water bending?"

"Water bending. How straightforward." He said, feeling the similarities between the devil fruit names and that name. All of them are straight to the point. "So she would have fire bending?" Ussop laughed jokingly.

"Well yeah actually."

"What fruit did you eat?" Luffy asked next.

"Uh... I think I last ate some mango."

"No, devilfruits."

"I wouldn't call any fruit the devil?" Katara looked at him quizzically.

Luffy was about to protest her idiocy when Robin integrated, "So where are you from?"

"Uh... the South Pole?"

"Interesting. And where's she from?"

"The fire nation...? She's the princess."

"A PRINCESS?! HOW CUTE!!" Sanji fawned.

Katara noted to keep an eye on him and unconscious azula.

"So you're from another world entirely. How peculiar."

" Yeah I'm starting to see that." Katara frustratedly deadpanned. "I would like to get back home to help defeat the fire lord and get back to Aang."

"Aang? That's a weird name."

"What's yours?"


"Like floofy?"

"Never thought about it like that, but yeah!"

Ussop cackled. "Captain floofy."

"Aye, it's not funny !" He shouted which only made him laugh harder.

Robin added, "do you know how you got here?"

"No, I don't. One minute I was fighting her and the next we were falling from the sky."

"Well there are many odd things in the grand line, and I'm sure that somewhere along it, you will find hints to make your way back home. But in the meantime, you should stay and be apart of the crew. Our captain already invited you."

"What about her? I can't just leave her like this."

"Who said you will? Once she wakes up, we will give her the opportunity to stay on an island. I don't think luffy likes her very much."

"She's a meanie." Luffy agreed.

Katara nodded along with them. "Well... I guess I'll join your crew. Thank you for your kindness."

"It's no problem, Mon amor!!" Sanji fawned. "It's so nice to have more girls aboard the ship!!"

"How old is he?" Katara not so discreetly asked nami.

"He's 21"

"I'm fourteen, why won't he stop talking to me like that?"

"You're fourteen????" Nami blurted, astonished.

"Yes I'm fourteen?!"

Zoro laughed, "You hit on a fourteen year old, nice going, sanji."

"Kill me now..." he was sulking on the floor.


"Holy spirits!" Katara screamed, grabbing water as defense or preparing to exorcise this thing, putting him back in the spirit realm where he belonged.

"May I see your panties?"

Katara shot water at him so forcefully that he went overboard.

"You know what, fair game. High five."

"I don't understand you all." Katara said, finding sanctuary in namis kinship and giving her that high five.

Just as quickly as Katara shot him overboard, sanji went diving for him.

"Man overboard!" Zoro shouted but let sanji do his thing.

Nami found now an apprise time to mention, "He's apart of the crew actually. Not a spirit."

"Oh, sorry I guess."

"No, that was completly fair. But it would be best to avoid getting our devil fruit users wet."

"How come?"

Sanji then brook back on board, the skeleton limply falling and groaning for the next few minutes."

"The sea hates them, it drains their energy."

"What? That's weird."

"Here, try it on luffy."

"What?! No! Do it to chopper!"

"No! Do it to Robin!"

Zoro laughed, "do it to luffy."

"If you say..." Katara said and bent the water to enclose him in a blob of it. He immidetly went limp and started groaning.


"I know right." Nami laughed. "You're gonna fit in well here."

1903 words

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