Part 4 (Doctor Strange)

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"You're just going to leave? I thought you were the protector of this sanctum," I inquired.

"Kate, it's just for a little while. Do you want to eat or not?"

I laughed a bit. "Fine, but be quick. I don't want to be caught on my own."

My father chuckled. "I doubt it, but just remember your training and rely on Wong. He can protect you just as well as I can."

"Alright, alright, fine. Be safe. I love you!"

He smiled, pulling me into an embrace. "Love you too, Kate. I'll be back shortly."

I smiled and watched him leave, then headed back toward my room. I laid on my bed with a deep sigh. I was exhausted from practicing my sorcery. I decided I would take a small nap, but just as I got comfortable, I heard a huge BANG.

I jumped up from my bed, running to the top of the stairs. There stood five men, who each had a malicious smirk. "Well, hello there Miss Strange," said the leader, who was standing in the middle.

"I don't know how you know me, but you shouldn't be here."

"On the contrary. We are the new protectors of this sanctum," replied the leader.

"I don't think so," I muttered, conjuring a weapon.

"Ah, you offer resistance? Surprising," he said. "Fine. If you want to fight, I suppose we can fight."

Suddenly, I had second thoughts as two of the five men rushed toward me. I blocked their weapons but ended up mostly on the defensive. When I finally gained the upper hand, I pushed them back just enough to bolt toward the library. As I ran, I pulled out my phone and called my dad.

Ring.... ring.... ring.... ring.... ring... "You've reached Dr. Stephen Strange. Leave me a message and I'll probably get back to you."

I groaned internally as I ran into the library. "Dad, there are some guys that are attacking the sanctum. They're claiming to be the new guardians! Please hurry home I can't hold them all off and I don't know where Wong is!"

I hung up the phone, slipping it back into my pocket. I ran through the library in silence until I heard someone enter. "My dear, I can hear your footsteps. If you want to make this easy, keep running."

I stopped, dead in my tracks. I didn't know what to do! Move and risk being caught, or not move and prolong the inevitable? I thought. I soon heard their footsteps coming toward me, but I couldn't move. Fear overtook me and I looked around frantically for something, anything to help me. I was panicking. Suddenly, I saw something fly toward me, gentle and non-threatening. It was a cloak and looked a lot like my father's.

It wrapped around my shoulders, then pulled me gently off the ground so my feet wouldn't make noise. It started moving me on its own, flying me just inches off the ground so I could get away. I smiled a bit, whispering to it. "Thank you."

Soon, I'd gotten to the other side of the library, where Wong was tied up in a corner. "Oh my gosh, Wong!" I whispered. He was unconscious and tied up. The cloak set me down beside him, allowing me to kneel and try to untie his bonds. However, they were protected with a spell, similar to the one my father had put on the Eye of Agamotto. I grit my teeth as the spell burned my fingers, pulling away. I heard footsteps coming toward me, panicking. "Wong!" I whispered again.

I stood in a panic as the footsteps grew closer. Suddenly, the cloak wrapped around me and became invisible. I stayed silent, holding my breath as two men passed me.

When they were finally gone from view, the cloak unwrapped and lifted me off the ground. I pointed toward the front of the library, and it moved me toward the doors. I made it out, the coast clear as I pulled out my phone again, calling my father once more.

Ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... "You've reached Dr. Stephen Strange. Leave me a message and I'll probably get back to you."

I sighed aloud, then spoke into the phone sadly. "Dad, please please if you're there pick up. Or please get here soon!" I begged, a tear streaming down my face. "I want to say... I love you, dad. You're the best father anyone could ask for."

I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket as the cloak set me down in front of the main doors. I wished for my father to come through them, but I knew it wasn't any use.

Suddenly, I heard slow clapping behind me. I wiped the tears from my face and turned around, holding my head high. "How heartfelt. Too bad that's the last he's ever going to hear from you, hm?" The man chuckled, it being the leader of the group. The others gathered behind him, but he held up his hands. "She's mine, boys."

I conjured a weapon, knowing I wouldn't go down without a fight. The man lunged at me and the fight was on. I got a few hits off on him, but I was no match for him. Once more, I was put on the defensive. Soon, he had cornered me and was beating me to the ground. I fell to my knees, groaning in pain. I looked up at him in pride, but he kicked me in the stomach. I howled in pain, falling flat onto the ground. He laughed, pulling me up by my shirt, about to put a clear dagger through my heart. I growled, looking him in the eye as he was ready to strike.

But it never came. I looked to his hand to find that it was being held back by sorcery. A golden weapon was wrapped around his arm, holding it back.

"She's stronger than you think," my father said triumphantly. "You didn't give her a fair chance."

The man holding me laughed. "Yes, because all's fair in love and war."

"No, but she's certainly stronger than you are. You just haven't seen her at her full strength. She was born for the mystic arts, unlike you." My father pulled on the whip, making the man fly backward and drop me. I fell to the ground in a weak heap, trying to recover. However, pride swelled in my heart as my father's words echoed in my head.

She was born for the mystic arts...

My father dueled with the man, easily outwitting him with some help of his cloak. The cloak wrapped the man up and held him down, letting my father check on me. He kneeled beside me, trying to help me up. "Katelyn, are you alright?" He said gently.

"Wong," I managed. "In the library. I think they knocked him out."

"He'll be alright. Are you?"

"Fine," I croaked.

He took me up in his arms, hugging me tightly. As he pulled back, he noticed the cloak. "Where'd that come from?"

"The library. It helped me outwit those guys."

"Katelyn, that's the Cloak of Power. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head. He chuckled. "You've been chosen by a relic. That's amazing!"

I smiled and he steadied me as we both stood. Suddenly, we saw Wong at the top of the staircase. "What's going on?" He looked to the five men on the ground. "Who are they?"

My father and I laughed. "Nobody, Wong. You just took a little nap," said my father.

"Why are you both laughing?" Wong asked. "I don't get it..."

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