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She was bundled up, warm and cuddled as she sprinted through the beautiful forest. The snow glistened on the ground and crunched beneath her feet as she dodged between the trees. That's when she saw it.

She stopped, then reached out to touch it. She was cautious, her breath clouding out before her, but it approached her. As her bare fingertips made contact, it was soft, furry, and beautiful...  She gazed at it, amazed. The wolf looked back with soft blue eyes, gentle and loving. It's snow white fur blew gently with the winter breeze.

It nuzzled up to her as she knelt beside it, circling her once, then laid in her lap carefully. For a moment she forgot everything, the white wolf taking all her worries away. She pet it with a tender softness, then hugged into its warm body. It was the only thing that could comfort her in the cold, harsh winter.

It then got up and she thought she saw it motion for her to follow. She did, out of curiosity. She was drawn to this creature. It was loving and kind, and she'd long forgotten why she had been running.

Soon, they came to a cave. The sun was setting in the west. The wolf took her sleeve and pulled her inside to be sheltered from the harsh winter storm that was approaching.

Thunder rolled in the distance and she ducked into the cave. The white wolf curled up on her lap once more and she began to doze off.

When she woke again, the white wolf wasn't on her legs any more. She heard growling nearby, fear overtaking her as she remembered why she had been running. She saw blood red eyes in the darkness as she looked toward the cave entrance. There, stood a jet black wolf. It bared it's teeth in the moonlight, stepping closer and closer to her.

She didn't know what to do. Paralyzed, she sat in fear. The only movement she gave was the slow movement of her eyes as the dark wolf circled her. She closed her eyes tightly and swallowed hard as it moved behind her, out of her sight. Her hands shook and she braced herself for the worst. Another low growl came from the dark wolf behind her and she prayed for her life.

The wolf then lunges forward, sinking his teeth into her shoulder. She screamed and tried to pull away, her flight response kicking in. However, it only ripped her skin more and blood began pouring onto the cave floor. She screamed and cried, but it all seemed to be drowned out in the empty forest. As she struggled, she saw the white wolf in the moonlight, laying still outside the cave, red staining it's now matted fur.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she shrieked and pleaded for the dark wolf to let her go. He did, backing off and sitting opposite her. She scrambled back against the wall, holding her injured shoulder. There they sat, staring at one another. The dark wolf could kill her at any second, and yet, all he was doing now was holding her hostage. It looked away for a moment, and she tried to move toward the cave entrance, but it immediately growled and it's deep red eyes met her fearful ones. She stayed put, curling up in her current position, tired, cold and alone. She was trapped.

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