(5) Part 1

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After visiting the dargah, KaViaan reached the hotel& since viaan had his phone handy, he dropped a message to their families about their whereabouts
Few mins later, viaan again received ehsan's call

He recollected ehsan's question& got nervous
But viaan that knew he couldnt dorge this enquiry session for long& will have to face it eventually so he pressed answer


E-viaan, look i wont beat around the bush& come straight to the point
I know the reason behind your withdrawal of 1cr 3lakh from company's account

Viaan became silent while ehsan took a deep breath before speaking further

E-look i will be clear- im not judging either of you
I need to inform you guys about something extremely important
So plz switch to vc

Viaan became even more tensed but switched to vc nevertheless

Katha came out from the washroom& on seeing viaan tensed, she gave him a questioning look but he signaled her to sit beside him on the sofa so she complied
She smiled on seeing ehsan while viaan was still nervous

E-katha i know the history of your& viaan's relationship

Within a second, the smile vanished from katha's face
She too, got reminded of ehsan's question to viaan, few hrs ago

E-look ive already told viaan& will say the same to you- im not judging either of you
Instead, im really thankful to you katha
Its bcz of you that i could see my bff being so much better as a person
This viaan 2.0 is bcz of you

Katha smiled a little

E-actually, even forget me- nobody has the right to judge your decisions
It was your personal matter& you dont need anyone's verdicts on it
And this will always remain between 3of us- a secret buried forever

KaViaan relaxed a little

V-im blessed to have a bff like you in my life
More like a brother

E(smiling)-oh yes
You are indeed blessed to have me as your bff brother& the cupid of your love story

The trio laughed a little

E-ok so now, coming to the point
Ive to inform you something extremely important

(Ehsan narrated how he suspected maya& teji's intensions& how his doubt turned out to be right)

This news left KaViaan shocked to the core
Viaan's voice came out a mere whisper

For a moment i can believe mom's disapproval- she couldnt fake her emotions for long so it eventually used to be visible on her face

But i realise that i had my hopes really high- thinking that she will understand our love& will accept katha& aarav pretty soon
But i never expected this from maasi
She was my guide, my role model

E-even i was equally shocked
But now that we know that they are trying to investigate more about your pasts, their final motive must be to find something which can cause issues between you& stops this wedding- by hook or by crook

They did find few methods which would give them some hints against either of you or your relationship but i made sure to block those sources before they could get hold of anything
And ive also made sure they dont get any info from any other source too

Now, you have 2 options-

Tell your families that you dont want the loud type of wedding& want a simple gurudwara wedding in presence of families- exactly like katha wanted

Get married in court, temple or gurudwara while the preparations will continue as same &you get married again with all the functions

Personally speaking, i want to follow option B
After all its my brother's wedding
But since maasi& teji aunty are unpredictable, its better to go with option A
So that they dont get time for planning any schemes

V-suits well
But what excuse will we give for the muhurat which is planned for next month?

E-leave that to me
I will talk to pandit ji& ask him to find the quickest date possible
Also, we have many projects lined up with conferences& site visits, which obviously cant happen without our lead architect so we can give the office work as best excuse

KaViaan were impressed will the level of analysis ehsan had done& was ready with solutions 

V-you know you couldve put the same level of concentration on studies instead of dating in college
But i wont lie when i say im impressed- you were ready with full SWOT analysis

Ehsan frowned initially but soon gave his evergreen smile

E-i know i know i know
Im such a great planner that you were bound to be impressed
But on a serious note-
Ive done all this bcz i dont want anyone to create differences between you or your relationship

Bcz trust me when i say this
Very few people get such "perfect" 2nd chances in life
2nd chance on redemption &trust
2nd chance on love
You guys are indeed made for eachother

KaViaan smiled& shared an eyelock
Ehsan faked a cough

E-guys i know you love eachother deeply but you have your whole life to have these eyelocks

KaViaan broke the eyelock& faced ehsan
After discussing few more important arrangements, they hung up

Ehsan's smile faded as he thought of viaan's reference to their college days
He kept his phone aside& sat back on the reclining leather chair in his room

E-for once when i finally decided to get married instead of casual dating, destiny wasnt in my favour
My love life will remain incomplete but i will make sure that doesnt happen with my brother
Your story will get its happy ending viaan& i will make sure of it

After the call, katha noticed viaan's smiling face turning into being tensed
Before she could say anything, viaan got up& started to walk around, speaking to himself

V-my fear while driving to the dargah turned out to be right
Ehsan had decoded the story of that black night
But im blessed to have him in my life as he understood our perspective without judgement

But now, mom& maasi are trying to find about our pasts
And if they get hold of that black night& it gets disclosed, then today or tomorrow it will eventually reach aarav

He will loose his innocence
He& his childhood will become like it was for me- full of bitterness, hatred& trauma
He will hate me like i used to hate my father
Our relation of batman& robin will get damaged beyond repair

As viaan's breath got uneven, katha immediately hugged him& rubbed his back to calm his heavy breaths

K-viaan relax
Calm down
Take deep breaths

As katha continued to rub his back& viaan took deep breaths, he eventually calmed down
He pulled katha closer in fear
Katha broke the hug after a while& faced viaan

K-viaan i had told you during our way to the dargah too& will say the same again
Whatever happened that night was wrong
Very wrong
It was a grave mistake which we made
It was a very difficult phase for both of us
But it "was"

It was our past& after putting our best efforts, we have overcome it
From the darkness of that black night, we have covered the path& reached to the bright daylight

Now, we only have brightness in our life- the brightness of our love
So we dont need to go back in the same darkness again, right?
So now, our life wont have any guilt& no more fears of the past

Viaan nodded his head& held katha's palms in his hands

V-katha i promise i wont let our past take a toll on our present or future
I will settle this matter without anyone getting a hint of that black night
I wont let the truth get disclosed

But all i want from you is a promise
The promise to be by my side
I dont want this to bring distances between us

You are my firefly- my jugnoo who always shows me the right path
If you are with me, i can face any obstacle which comes our way
But without you, i will become stranded, clueless& lost
Plz be by my side
We will protect aarav together

Im there for you- always
We will be together, as a small happy family

Viaan smiled& kissed katha's forehead, pulling her for a tight hug, assuring themselves of having a happy future ahead


Next day-

KaViaan returned at katha's home as all the marriage preparations were being done there

(Making this change bcz i dont want to waste my time on writing scenes of that hypocrite family
Makers are obliged but not our fan fics😅)

Aarav opened the door& smiled brightly on seeing KaViaan
He jumped into viaan's arms& gave him multiple kisses on both his cheeks while katha admired the father-son bond with a broad smile

Viaan caressed aarav's hair& moved inside while katha locked the door

K-monkey now plz get down
Papa would be tired

V& A(pouting)-what mumma?

Viaan &aarav looked at katha& replied at the same time while smiling& giving a hi-fi to eachother

As viaan kissed aarav's forehead, he made a promise to himself- to never let their past destroy aarav's childhood innocence

KaViRav spent the entire day together- cooking, playing board games, watching movies& more
As a small surprise for aarav, viaan told him that hes staying back for the night which actually made aarav dance in happiness


Same night-

After aarav slept off, KaViaan were standing by the support of the sofa, holding a mug of coffee each
Viaan broke the silence

V-you know something katha?
Since the days when our relation was just of batman& robin, everytime aarav jumps into my arms to hug me, it gives me immense level of peace
And now with the change in relationships& him addressing me as papa, it has increased tenfold

Katha smiled

K-i know
Its a different feeling altogether
And him accepting& addressing you as papa was just a matter of time

V-i was also thinking of ehsan's plan& i feel its perfect, especially after knowing maasi& mom's intensions
I realised that in all this, i made a mistake too

K(confused)-which mistake?

V-i shouldve believed you long back katha
Mom was never happy with our relationship& thats exactly why she called maasi
It makes me angry that if maasi &mom eventually want to destroy that "one special moment" of our life forever, then why are they holding 15 different ceremonies in the 1st place?

Their was a time when i used to read mom's thoughts by her expressions
If she was faking to be happy, then sooner or later, it reflected in her actions& then, it was visible on her face too
But i failed to notice it this time, maybe bcz maasi became her tutor who taught her to hide emotions perfectly
I feel so disgusted on thinking about all this

As viaan spoke, katha noticed that he was slowly losing his temper
She immediately kept her coffee mug aside& rubbed his back

K-viaan i understand your situation
You were hoping that teji aunty will eventually change her perspective so this thought didnt strike your mind
So its ok
Calm down& take it easy

Viaan finished his coffee& kept the mug aside

V-katha my own blood relatives are planning to destroy my happiness so how can i calm down?

Katha held viaan's palms in her hands

K-viaan your anger is justified in all means
But we can see it positively as well
Even now, the situation hasnt gone out of hand- it can still be controlled
And getting hyper will do nothing but just have adverse effect on our health

Viaan nodded in agreement, although he was still kinda angry at his family
He wrapped his arm around katha's waist, pulling her closer

It can be controlled
Now, we just have to convince them to go our way& then, nothing will go wrong


Katha rested her head on viaan's shoulder& they stayed like that for quite a long time
Suddenly, viaan felt a pair of arms wrapping around his waist from the other side
He knew it was aarav bcz katha was already side hugging him
He caressed aarav's hair gently

V-why is my batman awake?

Aarav opened his half sleepy eyes& faced viaan

A(sleepy)-my sleep got disturbed bcz i didnt find my mumma& papa beside me
So i came out to see what mischief were you planning without including me in it

KaViaan laughed while aarav pouted

K-we wont plan or do any mischief without our monkey involved
Happy now?
You have school tomorrow so you better sleep

Aarav nodded still in sleep, while the trio moved inside
As aarav slept between KaViaan, in no time he shifted himself over viaan
Katha frowned on this newly formed habit of aarav

K-monkey has become impossible recently!
His age is increasing but habits are becoming childish

Viaan smiled& caressed aarav's hair

V-but i dont feel the same& neither do i mind it
We filled the void which was present in our lives
And im sorry Mrs Singh but you dont have a say in this equation bcz me& aarav have chosen eachother
And i barely have any memories with dad so im reliving my childhood again through my son
My batman

Katha looked at viaan in awe
The bond aarav shared with viaan was indeed precious& deserved to remain secured

Katha moved forward& caressed viaan's head

Viaan closed his eyes with peaceful smile as he remembered their conversation on the day katha confessed her love to massage his head after a hectic day

V-this is blissful
I wish to experience this everyday

I did it after the fire incident too
But you were sleeping

I wish i was awake
But i know you would be hesitant to do it in that situation

As katha covered themselves with the duvet, viaan extended his arm as a pillow for katha
As he saw her being hesitant, he withdrew it

Katha held his arm in her hand which made him smile
He knew that as katha will become comfortable, these gestures will soon become their everyday habit
Till then, he was happy to live the moment


Few days later-

Once neerja ji returned, the families met at katha's home& KaViaan declared their decision

Neerja ji knew that if KaViaan have suddenly changed the plan& decided to have a simple wedding, then their must be some reason behind it
She also knew that katha always wanted a simple wedding so she had no issues with the change in plan

Aarav didnt fuss either bcz he was happy that he was attending his parent's wedding, wheather it happens with all the functions or not
And after some persuasion, grewals agreed too

But their were 2people in the room who were highly affected by this decision of KaViaan
Yes, they were teji& maya
The color from their faces had vanished as they didnt have much time left

But they had to keep quiet& pretend to be happy bcz majority of the family& friends were ok with the change& they didnt have any strong reason to refuse

Due to this, they returned home earlier than viaan& maya started to think of a plan which gets executed within whatever time frame was left

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