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That feeling scares and excites Hung at the same time. Hung wants to abandon it, but he also wants to dive into it, forever. It is so quiet that Hung can hear his own heartbeats. What are they trying to tell him?

The heat from both inside and outside makes Hung's mind dull. He needs to be able to think straight. Hung then backs off, trying not to look into K's eyes.

- Can you go refill the stock? I'm a bit tired, I need some more rest.

- Are you still mad at me, Hanbin?

- No, I am not. I just want some alone time.

Hung talks to K in a sad voice, which makes K even more worried. But K turns his back to head out, not daring to ask for more questions.

Hung curls up next to the wall, delving into his thoughts. Has Hung loved someone? No. Is he sure of his feelings right now? No. Is he worried that K will be heartbroken when he disappears? Yes. So does Hung want to go back to his life in 2018? Yes. Those 4 short questions let Hung know that whatever between Hung and K now must be stopped. Before it's too late.

But why does his heart hurt that much? Does he want K to be happy? Yes. Does he want himself to be happy? Yes. So does he feel happy around K? He's not sure. But he is determined to find out the answer. To all the strange feelings he has recently.

It has taken a while but K isn't back yet. K had to suffer from Hung's unreasoned madness for the whole yesterday, and now, he got rejected, in such a bad taste, he must be really sad right now. Hung walks out, planning to go to the nearby market. He must be looking for K. But Hung quickly stops when seeing K right at the front of the house, sitting quietly with a gloomy look.

- K. Why don't you come in?

- I think Hanbin doesn't want to see me.

- It's not true.

- I'm sorry.

- It's not your fault.

- I've kept asking what happiness is. Until the day you showed up, you told me you are happiness. I'm sorry, Hanbin, since then, I always thought you are my God-sent source of joy.

- I'm happy too.

Those words magically found their way out of Hung's lips, before his mind could take control. K looks up, his eyes are sparkling like sunlight reflected in dewdrops. Was K crying?

- Are you still mad at me?

- No, no more.

- So don't use the pillows anymore. I overheard today that it could cause allergies. The Chinese put something in it, and it's recommended not to be used for long.

Hung laughs. This man is cute and cheeky, how can Hung handle his loveliness? Hung sits down, grabs a small rock, drawing something on the ground.

- My family is waiting for me somewhere. I'm not sure if I can stay here with you for long. I'm afraid, if one day I vanish, K will be even more lonely, won't you?

- So don't disappear!

K looks at Hung with a pleading face. Hung is overwhelmed with thoughts. He wants to cherish this loving moment. But he's also scared of the sorrow that comes afterward, for both K and himself. When we don't know where we are tomorrow, we refrain from being committed.

- K, can you let me think about it?

K leaves, silently. Maybe he was expecting too much, but in the end, it might have been just false expectations. Maybe Hanbin doesn't like him as he thought. Hung sadly watches K walk in. He follows K, and quickly shuts down the door.

- Hanbin, you are right. My family is waiting for me too. I was wrong to do what I feel like without considering your feelings. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.

It hurts. It truly hurts. It's how we feel when being rejected? And Hung has done it to K? But what can Hung do otherwise? When he has way too many things to lose in the 21st century. Hung was about to come in, giving K a back hug. But maybe it's too late. Maybe K doesn't want it anymore.

K still smiles with Hung as usual, a lot. But Hung can sense the barrier between them reappear. Now Hung comes to realize why he was mad yesterday. That smile of K, Hung had to work hard to see it. But why did he give it easily to those customers, who just met him for a couple of minutes?

A group of Japanese girls comes to their stall. Japanese women are always known as great lovers. In Vietnam, there is actually a saying that the dream of any man is to eat Chinese food, have a Western house, and get married to a Japanese girl. K joins the group, they share laugh, they seem to be close. After the group left, Hung curiously asks:

- Are they your friends?

- Yeah, my old ones. Ah, I will need to see some friends this evening, please don't wait for me.

"Which friends? For what? When will you get home? Are you meeting the girls today again?" Hung refrains himself from asking those questions. Now Hung knows why people want a label. So they have the right to be jealous. But now, given Hung's situation, he can only reply:

- Yeah ok, I will leave the door unlocked.

K helps Hung push the trolley to the door before leaving. Hung is left alone, twice today. But he didn't ask for it this time. His feelings have changed. He now imagines what would it turn out if he had let the kiss happen. His cheeks are blushing. There is no AC, no fan, only an oil lamp, and a person with a mind as dark as the outside. Hung needs some fresh breeze, he can't bear the heat anymore.

Hoai river turns into a galaxy of stars with hundreds of floating lanterns tonight. The big full moon reflects on the water, creating such an incredibly beautiful scene. Hung wanders along the riverbank, breathes in the night mist to reduce the discomfort. Suddenly, Hung sees someone like K sitting at the edge of the river.

Who else can be that tall?

Hung comes closer, places his hand on K's shoulder. K immediately looks up.

- Why are you sitting here?

- Hanbin, what should I do now?

Hung sits down, next to K, asking worriedly.

- What happened? Tell me, please!

- I wanted to see how you would react, so I hung out tonight with friends. But now I've realized that I can only get that strange feeling around you. Whenever you smile, my heart beats fast. Or when you are mad, it's like needles poking my chest. And now, whenever I see someone, my mind immediately reminds me that my Hanbin is prettier, my Hanbin is truly the most beautiful...

Hung understands those feelings well, he experiences them all himself. Hung opens his hands, giving K a sincere hug. This, this feeling, the sensation when we are close to the person we love. Hoai river, is it true, that emotions are like your flow? The more they are constrained, the more explosive they will get?

But if Hung's love is considered as a gentle river, K's is truly the untamed one. Hung can feel K's breath near his ear, K is moving slowly backward and eventually puts on Hung's lips his first kiss. Their first kiss...

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