Chapter 11

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I arrived here in Worcester, Massachusetts, last night. On my way to W Supermarket, I'm rushing to arrive before lunch break. Good thing Rick could make up a reason for the HR officer to accept me again as a trainee without questions asked. My dad agreed for me to stay here for another week. 

I was pulling over to the employees' parking lot five minutes after the lunch break. As I got out of my car, I saw a guy guiding Aya toward a vehicle. He opened the passenger side for her. She smiled at him and said thank you as she entered the car. 

My Aya, I wasn't expecting that. 

I felt a sudden pain in my chest—a deep, piercing sensation. I felt like punching the guy, but they had already left. 

Am I too late? Who is that guy?

Confusion and anger left me speechless. I keep pacing in front of my car. I didn't realize someone was coming in the car next to where I parked mine.

"Hey, Cid, right?" Jane asked.

"Hi! Yeah, Cid. Jane?"

"Yeah. How are you, Cid? Long time. What happened to you?" 

"My father got sick. So I just came back."

"Oh, sorry to hear. Is your dad better now? I hope he is. What are you doing here?"

"Yes, he is doing better now. I'm back from my training. I saw Aya leaving..."

"I'm glad you are back. Aya is having lunch with Dylan; he is a manager here. You haven't met him. He just came back from his week-long vacation."

"Um, are they going out? I meant, are he and Aya together?"

"Why are you asking? Have you had lunch? Do you want to have quick snacks in the cafeteria with me?"

"Sure. I would love to."

I joined Jane in walking to the cafeteria. I have questions I need answers to. And maybe Jane can give me the answers.



Dylan and I just came back from our lunch. Jane was waiting for me in the locker. 

"How was lunch, Aya?" 

"It was okay. Dylan was nice, but..."

"But what? What did you tell him?"

"I told him I appreciate him liking me, but I don't have time for that in my life."

"It is okay to be honest if you don't like Dylan, but don't deny or lie about what you are feeling in your heart." Jane left with a smirking face.

What is with her smirk? 

I put on my apron and walked back to the garden. Just in time, I still have five minutes before my afternoon shift starts. Since no customers were around, I started fixing the flowers on display. Suddenly I heard the whistling again. 

"Seriously!" I yelled and looked around. 

"Dylan, I don't have time for your creepiness!"

The whistling became louder and nearer. Finally, I trudged through the entry door. I have decided that if the whistling does not stop soon, I will run to the supermarket area. But before I could make my first step to the door, I heard my name.

"Aya, My Aya!"

I turned around and saw Cid standing at the center of the garden. I can't explain what I am feeling at the moment.

"Hey! You are back?!"

"Yeah, I'm back, My Aya!"

I froze in the spot where I was standing, but Cid kept on walking toward me. I can feel my heart beating so hard and loud. Nothing I have ever experienced before. Not even with Marc, not with any male species.

Cid stopped when we were just an inch apart from each other. He is smiling at me. His eyes are gazing deeply. 

"How are you, My Aya?" 

It brought shivers in my body when he touched my face. But I didn't stop him or avoid his touch. I just looked into his eyes. 

I stuttered. "Um... I'm um, okay, I think."

"You don't know how much I miss you, My Aya!"

"What do you mean, Cid?"

He slowly lifted my chin and was about to reach my lips with his.

"Excuse me, Cid Williams, right?" I heard Dylan's voice from behind.

"Ah, yes. I am Cid." 

I walked towards my station and watched Cid and Dylan from afar. After a few minutes of talking, Dylan walked towards the supermarket area with Cid following from behind.

What just happened, Aya? 

Focus flew away since Cid left my station. I kept walking back and forth between the arranging table and the register. I hoped Cid would come back to the garden. 

Is he back or what? 

I tried to calm myself. Even if Cid is back or not, it is not my business. My afternoon shift ended, and no Cid came back. I regretted not asking him the questions I had in my mind. These are the questions in my mind since he left over two weeks ago. I guess there is no way for me to ask since he left again. He left without saying goodbye for the second time. 

I felt restless and empty as I walk to the locker area. Jane isn't around. It took me by surprise. It's the first time that she is not waiting for me. Has she left? Standing in front of my locker, I saw a post-it note telling me she had already gone ahead.

Well, that is a first! Wondering where Jane went, I rushed to take my things from my locker. I have to hurry so I won't miss the next bus. 

On my way to the exit, I saw Dylan. 

"Are you leaving, Aya? Where is Jane?"

"She went ahead; she needs to be somewhere."

"You want me to drop you off? I'm on the same route, anyway."

"No, Dylan, I'm okay. But thanks anyway!"

"I insist, Aya! Let us go!"

Dylan wouldn't accept no. So we walked towards his car in the parking lot. But as we were about to cross the parking lot, a black car stopped in front of us. Cid came out from the driver's side. 

"Dylan, right? If you don't mind, I will be the one to bring Aya home. I already talked to Jane about it."

"Well, we should ask Aya about that, Cid?"

"Aya, please," said Cid.

"It is okay, Dylan. I will go with Cid. Thanks anyway. See you tomorrow!"

"Okay then. See you, Aya! I will go ahead, Cid."

"Thanks, Dylan. See you around."

Cid opened the car door for me and went to the driver's side after I had taken my seat. I am clueless about what just happened. I am confused about myself not saying no to Cid. 


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