Chapter 28

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"I didn't sign up for this, Aya. At 19, I can't be a father. But, I have goals and dreams. Sorry, but let's end us here, now." Marc's painful words five years ago flashed back at me. 


Mama Jane, please tell them I want my baby. They have to save my baby! Please!

What is happening? Please help my baby! No!!!

It can't be. I need my baby. I want my baby. Please!

Mama Jane, my baby, is gone. I feel like I'm dying again. The pain is killing me!


"I don't need your money! We need you. Our baby needs a father, Cid!" It is your choice! The moment I leave this place, I am not backing down! I will make sure that you will regret the moment you said no to me! I hate this pregnancy anyway! What about "Waldon Heir Abandonment led to Death of Baby for a headline on tomorrow's news?" threatened Courtney.

"You don't have to hurt an innocent child. Cid will take responsibility, Courtney!"

I can't let an innocent child suffer. What I wasn't able to do for myself and Angel, then I will make sure not to happen again. Even if this will mean letting go of Cid. He will understand in time that the baby needs him and that Courtney needs her child's father. I have been there. I wouldn't wish anyone to get through the same pains and deaths I have been through. 

I didn't realize that I had been walking in the streets of New York in tears and unexplainable sadness again. When I saw the countless people in Times Square, I stopped and felt tired. I sat in one step where people from different parts of the world gathered. I wonder who among these people has the same problem as me? Maybe some people here have worst issues than me.

Aya, you are stronger. You are braver, and you will get through this. 

I stood up and started walking towards the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Five minutes after I arrived at the terminal, I sat on the Greyhound bus bound for Worcester. The 2 PM bus was the earliest I got. I need to sleep to rest my mind. I turned off my phone without checking it and placed it inside my bag. Sleep Aya, you need a rested mind once you are back in Worcester. Maybe the God of sleep (whoever that is) took pity on me, and I dozed off once I closed my eyes.



I rushed to the Port Authority Bus Terminal as soon as Rick got the confirmation; the tracking got Aya's phone inside the terminal. I looked around the parking area for the Worcester-bound buses. But after an hour of continuous walking and running, I still didn't find her. My body slumped on the cemented floor of the terminal, not minding the surrounding people. Cid, you are an enormous failure! My head was pounding. I covered my face with my hands as I felt the tears falling. I quietly let tears fall on my cheeks with my head bowed down—a hand touching my arm. When I looked up, I saw Rick sitting beside me.

"I fucked up Rick! I hurt her! All my wrongdoings in the past came back at me!"

"Let us go back to the hotel. I checked with Greyhound; Aya rode the 2 PM bus to Worcester Cid."

"Let us take the jet so we'll be in the station by the time she arrives, Rick."

"No Cid, the jet can't leave until 9 PM tonight. So rest for a few hours in the hotel so you can talk to Aya tomorrow. I already called Jane and asked her to pick up Aya at the station."

"Are you sure she is safe on the bus, Rick?"

"Yes, Cid. Don't worry too much, okay? Let us go."

Rick guided me. We walked towards the ride, waiting for us outside the station. I felt numb and floated the entire ride back to the hotel. I see Aya, My Aya, everywhere in the suite. Rick didn't leave me. He insisted I sleep before our flight later—exhaustion from walking, running and crying made my mind drift to sleep. 



After over five hours of travel, the bus arrived at the Union Station. It surprised me to see Mama Jane waiting for me inside the terminal. Saying nothing to each other, we hugged like we hadn't caught each other for years. 

"Oh, Aya! say nothing. Let us go home now!"

When we immediately reached the apartment, Mama Jane sat on the couch and asked me to lie down with my head on the pillow on her lap. 

"You can now cry it all out, my daughter. Mama Jane is here. Anytime you feel like talking, I am ready to listen. I am always here for you."

With that said, I burst into uncontrollable sobbing and crying. It took me 2 hours of calling before it reached a point where no more tears were coming from my eyes. Then, finally, Mama Jane noticed it and cracked a joke.

"I guess no more tears left to cry now, Aya! So why don't we eat and then cry again after, huh!?"

"Thanks, Mama Jane! What will I do without you?"

We ate and afterward went back to the couch, and I told her everything that happened in New York. 

"How do you feel now? Now that your mind is clear, what do you plan to do?"

"Remember when you told me that time might come that Cid may turn out not to be the one. That it shouldn't matter as long as I love him with all the time I have, however short that is? And that I should let go of him if needed? Remember that Mama Jane?"

"Yeah, I remember Aya."

"Don't you think this is that time? Letting go?" I asked.

"Don't you want to give yourself and Cid time to talk? Understandably, you left him there. The situation hurt you. But don't forget that Courtney is Cid's past. Cid is not Marc. He wouldn't abandon the child. He's just being rational. If I were him, I will do the same. Don't you trust him? If he says he isn't the father, it can be true, you know?"

"A part of me is saying not to let go. But another part is telling me I shouldn't be selfish and understand the situation of Courtney since I've been there."

"Your thoughts are valid. But you should also consider yours and Cid's feelings."

"It's hard Mama Jane! This situation sucks! I love him so much that it hurts!"

"I know, Aya! If only I could bear at least half of the pain you are feeling right now."

"Oh, Mama Jane! Thank you so much! For always being there for me!"

"Tonight, pray harder for guidance and understanding. Also, Aya, sometimes fighting for someone you love and not giving up on what you have is not being selfish. You can also call it LOVE, REAL LOVE. And not everyone can have that love."

I was at a loss for words. Mama Jane's words echo in my ears like sharp pins penetrating my heart. I need to pray harder tonight. Please help me, God!

"Mama Jane, can I sleep over in your room tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"Sure Aya, let's sleep now. I'm sure someone will knock on our doors soon tomorrow!"


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