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{I Don't own BNHA}

{Villain Au}

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Long before the era of the strange abilities called quirks their was a story the worlds most greatest evil, an evil that was so powerful that they had someone watch over it, kept in the safety of a locket that had been charmed in such way only those purest of heart or blessed by the one who created it could open it.

The locket had been watched over those whom were deemed worthy, but with the rise of quirks the keeper of the worlds most greatest evil the Seven Sins, had found it a bit more troublesome in keeping the locket from falling in the wrong hands, for crime rates had risen and apparently with the rise of villains and heroes the most greatest threat to humanity was forgotten and turned into nothing but a Story parents told their children, a simple myth.

The current Keeper had found it quite an annoyance when finding these humans be so ignorant all because of the powers they had been gifted by some sheer force, though the current keeper was someone who enjoyed to keep to themselves and speak with their inner demons.

Their appearance wasn't found strange in this new world for many would assume it was an affect of their so called quirk, and many seemed to think the current keeper was either Fourteen or Fifteen but that was not the truth, they were far older for those that had been blessed to become keepers do not age and the newer one was near Eighty years old now, eighty years of keeping this locket away from the hands of prying humans that were beckoned by it's call, the call of the seven sins held within it.

Though being a fairly new keeper it was their duty to find the next keeper, the one they deemed worthy enough to be blessed to watch the cursed locket, but they have been having trouble with finding the next one to watch the locket for not many humans now a days were trust worthy enough.

But even with their age they seemed to have forgotten a simple rule, and that was not to lower your guard, for as they had gotten home that day they had found their apartment door wide open, and they felt panic arise as they entered they noticed the mess their apartment had become, but that is not what they cared for, they had made their way past that and towards their bedroom.

Their eyes widened staring at the broken lock and opened wooden box on the ground, they dropped to the ground, they were in shock, this could not have been happening, they had been able to keep the locket safe for many years, they had been able to hide it using a simple old box that no one would gaze at but someone had found that box, someone had broken inside and someone had stolen something that was far more dangerous to the villains now a days.

Someone that the current keeper would have to find before it had fallen into the wrong hands, for there was one other besides the blessed and pure of heart whom could open the locket, the children of the blessed were able to open them and the children of a banished blessed one could open it as well.

The keeper just hoped they could find the locket before the Curse of the sins is unleashed again.

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{What did you guys think?} 

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