27 | Suit & Tie

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*Just pretend that in the backseat of the above GIF is Lyra and Stefan*

D A R K O ' S P.O.V

Friday Evening, February 15th, 2014.

After looking at myself in the mirror for way longer than I should have, a soft knock on my bedroom door earned my attention. Fixing my tie for the millionth time, I shouted "come in!" before turning around.

Stefan walked in, silver and black suit on, grinning widely. He did a twirl before posing awkwardly in front of me.

"On a scale of one to ten, how great do I look?"

I smirked. "If I say ten, will you say the same for me?"

"Of course. Are you ready?"

I turned to face the mirror again. While physically I'm ready, I'm definitely not mentally prepared for the evening. I don't know how I'm going to handle seeing Taylor perform tonight. On one hand, it's going to be magical seeing him do what he loves, but on the other, I'm going to be miserable the entire night knowing I'm not going to be able to stand near him without Bella or Nicole threatening me.

Can't she find some other dude? Or, since she and Nicole are so close, date her instead? They're already a match made in hell, so why not take it up another notch?

"Dude," Stefan said as he walked closer, checking his watch. "Snap out of it, we've gotta go soon. Meet me downstairs when you're ready."

"Wait," I said, making him pause at the door. "How are you feeling? Are you ready for tonight?"

Understanding my implication, he turned around and softly shut the door. "No. I'm not ready to break up with Lyra. I don't think I ever will be."

I frowned. "You gotta make a choice then, bro. Rebel, or comply."

He nodded, pausing for a moment. He left the room shortly after, shutting the door lightly. I took one last look at me in my suit, before walking out.


"Both of your suits look lovely on you two," Mum said as we stood in front of the front door. She brushed off a few specs of stray lint that gathered on Stefan's shoulder. Dad smiled proudly at my suit, while barely cracking a smile at Stefan's.

"Not the... traditional suit like we planned, Stefan," Dad said disapprovingly. "You should have worn the same thing as Darko - he looks very dapper."

"Maybe I wanted to try something different," Stefan declared. "Not everything has to be traditional."

Dad's eyes widened. "I hope you're only talking about your attire here, young man."

Stefan sighed. Knowing that he'd be forced to stay home if he bickered any more, he relented. "I am. I'm sorry if I implied anything else."

Dad smiled. "Then you know what to do before the night ends. Make the right choice."

After an awkward pause, Stefan and I said our goodbyes and climbed into his car. He turned on the ignition and reversed out of the driveway when I began speaking again.

"So, what are you going to do?"

He scoffed, before turning to me. "Have you ever heard the phrase, 'love has no barriers'?"

I nodded. He turned to face the road, a grin on his face.

"I love Lyra. There's no way I'm letting Dad get between us. I'm rebelling. Besides, what's he going to do if he catches me? I'm an adult - I can make my own choices."

Smiling warmly, I clapped his shoulder. "Well, you made the right choice, bro."

He shook his head, still smiling widely. "I swear you're a bad influence on me. I'm glad."

We shared a laugh before popping on the radio. Apart from our very manly duets to Selena Gomez songs and whatever else came on, the car ride was silent. He turned it off when we arrived at Lyra's house.

"Let's go get our girls."

I sneered. "I don't want mine, can you take her from me?"

Stefan laughed. "I'm good, bro."

He knocked on the door. A few moments later, Lyra stepped out, a beautiful black sequin dress clinging to her petite frame. It glistened as her porch light shone on it. She beamed before wrapping her arms around Stefan, of whom picked her up and spun her around.

"Oh my god Stefan! You look so hot!" She said between squeals. He laughed before setting her down, kissing her tenderly.

"Only for you, babe," he said, flashing a smile. Their embrace was interrupted when Nicole stepped out of the house, shyly smiling at us.

If she didn't break into my car and get on my bad side permanently, I wouldn't have minded taking her to the dance. Unfortunately, she did, so the only thing I was thinking as she made eye contact with me was to pick her up and throw her in Lyra's dumpster.

"Hey everyone!" she said before doing a small twirl, "and hey, Darko."

She walked over to me and scanned me, her eyes trailing over my suit. Breaking a sweat, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as Nicole scarily inspected every corner of me.

"Uh," Lyra began to speak after noticing me begin to panic, "where's that bag I lent you?"

Nicole tore her attention away from me, before her eyes widened in realisation. "Oh! I left it inside. Be right back."

She zoomed back into Lyra's house. Seizing the opportunity, Lyra looked between Stefan and I.

"I'm assuming you two have talked?" She said, her tone serious. We nodded. Her expression changed instantaneously - her whole being becoming animated. She ran straight to me and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"We need to talk, Darko," she said. She pulled back and locked eyes with me.

"Not now, obviously. Owen's informed me of Nicole's involvement, and there's no doubt that she'd out you out of spite if we talked about Taylor in front of her. God, I miss you so much, it's like we haven't talked since my party a few weeks ago."

I smiled. "Yeah, thank you. A lot's happened since then. We'll catch up soon. I missed you too."

We hugged again. Stefan let out a dramatic cough.

"Um, she's my girlfriend, Darko."

We all shared a laugh. A few moments later, Nicole reappeared, her borrowed bag in tow.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go."

Before we could get into the car, however, Lyra's mother stepped out of the house, a camera in her hands. "Wait! I want photos of Stefan and Lyra!"

We laughed. Stefan and Lyra posed for photos, while Nicole and I stood awkwardly, waiting for them. After a few painful moments, she leaned in and began to whisper.

"Just a warning. If you do anything tonight regarding Taylor, Bella will not hesitate to call your parents and let them know. Watch yourself."

I turned to face her, my face warping with anger at her threat. All she did was smile innocently, before letting herself into Stefan's car. Glowering, I gritted my teeth as Lyra's mum finished taking photos.

"I'll get these printed tomorrow morning," she said, her smile wide. "You two are so adorable - I hope things go well tonight."

They turned to each other. "I hope so too," Stefan said, grinning from ear to ear.

They said their goodbyes before climbing into the car. I drove while Nicole sat in the front seat. Stefan and Lyra sat in the back, alternating between whispering sweet nothings between themselves, kissing and giggling. I smiled contently, listening to my brother and friend being so happy.

Nicole kept trying to talk to me. As much as I didn't want to get on her bad side, I couldn't help being rude. Apparently, giving her one worded answers and grunts in response to her words wasn't enough, because she wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Finally, we arrived at the school. We made our way to the gymnasium, where the dance was being held. Stefan and Lyra linked arms as they walked through the doors. I stiffly walked next to Nicole as we entered.

The place was set up beautifully.

We arrived ten minutes late, so the event had already begun. A few musicians from Taylor's class were performing some love songs on a makeshift stage. In front of the stage was a large dance-floor, complete with spotlights and a Disco-ball. Around the dance-floor and spread to the back of the gym were tables draped with white cloths, kept down by heart-shaped paperweights and vases full of roses. A large buffet had been set up on the edge of the room, near the exit.

This is all amazing, given the small budget the school allowed for this event. The school council had outdone themselves.

Nicole branched off from our group, much to my relief. Her excuse was to go to the bathroom, but she's full of shit (no pun intended). She most likely broke off to go update Bella.

Stefan and Lyra walked to their table, the former plucking a rose from the vase, offering the flower. She took it from him, gingerly smelling it, before grinning and pulling him in for a kiss.

God, they're so cute together. I'm so happy that they're happy.

I was about to go join them when I saw Taylor. Standing near the stage, he stood confidently, his hair neatly combed back, contact lenses in (I assumed so, he wasn't wearing his glasses) and his face was freshly shaved. I can't describe how amazing he looked in his suit. It fitted his frame so perfectly, amplifying his thin but fit build.

My favourite good sir.

Scanning around quickly, I couldn't find Bella or Nicole anywhere. Making the most of the opportunity, I began walking towards him.

Miss Lauriana beat me to him, though. Before I could come within speaking distance, she ushered him to the musician's table, where the other kids in his class sat if they were performing. Dejected, I began walking toward where Lyra and Stefan were, when a familiar voice called me.

"Hey, Darko! Wait up!"

I spun around, smiling at Owen. He was running toward me, earning him some puzzled looks from other classmates. I admired his white suit as he caught his breath.

"I need to give you this," Owen said, panting. He reached into his pocket before fishing out a condom.

Wait, what?

"Uhm," I began, furrowing my brows. "Hotman, why the hell would I need this?"

Finally catching his breath, he sat up, composed and relaxed. He smirked at me before slipping it into my jacket pocket.

"Just in case things go well tonight." He said, winking.

Before I could protest, he scuttled off, joining Taylor at the Musician's table. Still confused, I frowned when I saw Bella sit next to him - he smiled when he noticed her. Her red dress stood out among the sea of black and white suits.

She really is the devil.

I sat down next to Stefan. Adjusting the cutlery at my seat, I grabbed the set-list for tonight.

Of course Taylor is performing last. I was secretly planning on sticking around just to hear him then leave, but now that's out of the question. I have to endure a long, painful night of romance.

Yay me.


A/N: Three more chapterrrsssss ;)

I wonder why Owen gave him that. Oh well. I guess you all will see.

Oh also! (nearly forgot about this haha) I dedicate this chapter to whatdreamsrmadeof . I still remember that shout out you gave me nearly two months ago (I'm still hella grateful). You've been one of my longest and most dedicated fans of the book, brightening my day with your votes and humorous comments, and I sincerely cannot thank you enough for that. You're one of the people that's kept me motivated to finish this book. Keep being amazing <3

Plenty more dedications are coming up! :D

QOTC: Keeping with the theme of romance, I wanna ask something related to it. Have you ever told the person you like that you like them? How did it turn out?

AOTC: yeah. Lets just say, never fall for straight guys. Never ends well, no matter what you make yourself believe. :'D

Much love, Tyler <3

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