Raw & The Five Day Break For Me & Kendall With A Surprise.

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When I landed in Cincinnati, I immediately called Kendall,

Kendall: 'Hey baby. You arrived safely I trust?'

I couldn't help but grin,
Daniel: I did, yes. I'm getting a rental car and heading to the hotel for the night, then I'll be doing radio interviews about my match tomorrow night against MacIntyre. Then after my match I'll be on my way back to you.

Kendall: 'I look forward to it baby. Well I better let you go and get some sleep. Talk to you tomorrow, baby.'

Daniel: Talk to you tomorrow babe. I love you.

Kendall: 'Love you more.'

We blew kisses to each other before I hung up and got a rental car and headed to the hotel for the night. When I checked in I headed to my room and got ready for bed and called one of my ranch hands. He told me not everyone would be able to help me and Kendall with branding and I told him she probably wouldn't participate and he completely understood.

After I got off the phone with him I decided to go to sleep. I put my phone on the charger as I turned off the lights and slid into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to a FaceTime call from Kendall, I rubbed my eyes and answered,
Daniel: Hey babe. What's going on?

She smiled,
Kendall: Did I wake you baby?

Daniel: No, I was planning on going on a quick morning run.

Kendall: I wish I could be with you tonight. She frowned.

Daniel: I know babe. But you need to attend the Met Gala tonight. And your gonna kill it.

She smiled,
Kendall: Aww. Baby. I so can't wait for our four day break.

I smirked,
Daniel: Neither can I. In fact I called my head ranch hand. Everything is ready.

Kendall: That's great baby. I'll be watching your match tonight.

Daniel: Well at least I can entertain my girl tonight.

She chuckled as Paul came in,
Paul: Good morn...ohh, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt.

Daniel: It's okay Paul, you taking care of my girl?

He smiled,
Paul: Of course, you entrusted me with her career. She's also told me that you two are getting away for a few days and it looks like it's going to be your last break for a while.

Daniel: That's right. So we're going to make the best of it. Aren't we babe?

Kendall: Yes, we are. She smiled.
Kendall: Well, I better get some breakfast then start getting ready for the Met Gala.

Daniel: Alright babe. Love you.

Kendall: Love you more baby. We blew kisses to each other before hanging up. I went out for a ten block run before returning to the hotel and getting some breakfast before taking a shower, changing into some clean casuals and heading to radio stations for the interviews to promote the match between me and Drew tonight on Raw.

I returned to the hotel after the last radio interview ended. Kylie called me while I was repacking my arena bag.

Daniel: Hey, Kylie.

Kylie: 'Hey, Danny. Kendall wanted me to check on you, I personally think she's nervous for you.'

Daniel: Well Kylie. She has nothing to worry about. But it's understandable. She'll always worry about me. I'd be concerned if she wasn't. I smiled.

Kylie: 'Well I'll make sure you get some pictures of the Gala.'

Daniel: Alright. Thanks Kylie and make sure my girl doesn't worry too much about me. I grinned.

Kylie: 'I'll try. Talk to you later.'

I grinned,
Daniel: Talk to you later. I hung up and grabbed my arena bag and the Universal Championship and headed to the arena for Raw.

The moment I arrived, I went to my locker room and got changed into my entrance and in ring attire, grabbed the title heading to catering and spoke to Becky, Seth, AJ, and Charly.

Pretty soon Raw was on the air and it was going well so far, the matches were real intense and soon it was the main event, me vs Drew MacIntyre. I headed to the gorilla and Drew was already in the ring and when my music hit I headed out to the ring.

When the bell rang Drew and I collided like a couple of bulls. Exchanging blows for the first few minutes of the match.

25 minutes into the match, Drew and I were nearly worn to whispers, I set him up for the Branding Iron and went for the cover and he kicked out at 2½. I rolled to the ropes and set up for The Last Roundup when he got to his knees I performed The Last Roundup and went for the cover and won. The ref handed me the Universal Championship and I raised it high above my head, then helped Drew to his feet and shook his hand before leaving the ring and headed to the back and the trainer's office. When the trainer didn't find anything wrong. I headed to the hotel to pack my bags and I went to the front desk, turned in my keycard and left for the airport.

2 hours later...
I landed in JFK Airport and was greeted by Kourtney.

Daniel: You didn't have to meet me. I could've hailed a cab or rented a car.

She smiled,
Kourtney: I know. But Kim, Khloe and Kylie and I thought that we would watch the airport and make sure we were able to get you.

Daniel: Well thank you anyway. I loaded my bags into the trunk and we headed to the Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown.

When I arrived at the hotel, I grabbed my bags and with Kourtney's assistance got a keycard to Kendall's room, then we headed to the family's rented out floor,
Daniel: See you in the morning Kourt.

Kourtney: See you in the morning. She smiled as I slid into Kendall's room and put my bags quietly on the floor and stripped to my boxers as I crept into her room and slid into bed next to her.

She smiled in her sleep,
Kendall: Hey. Saw your match. It was brutal. But I'm glad your okay.

Daniel: Mmm, I'm glad too. I smirked as Kendall giggled.

Kendall: Remind me to smack you when we wake up.

Daniel: I won't. I chuckled. I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist. Then fell asleep holding my girl close.

A few hours later...
I woke up to Kendall bringing in a tray of breakfast as I sat up,
Daniel: Babe. You didn't have to bring it in to me, I would've come out to the dining room.

Kendall: I know, but I thought you were still worn out from your match last night that you would want breakfast in bed.

I grinned,
Daniel: I owe you breakfast in bed on our four day break. She slid the tray on my lap.

She kissed me as I was about to eat the food in front of me,
Kendall: No you don't.

Daniel: No arguments. I'll make sure you get breakfast in bed the next three days.

She smiled,
Kendall: I can't change your mind, can I?
I shook my head.
Kendall: I love you, baby.

Daniel: Love you more, babe. I ate the breakfast on the tray and Kendall showed me pics of her,Kylie, Kim, Kourtney and Khloe. Wearing unique dresses.

When I finished eating breakfast I slid out of bed and decided to wash the tray, and dishes and utensils, dried them and put them away before joining the family in the parlor of the suite that connected the rooms. And sat next to Kendall.

Kendall: We just saw the highlights of your match last night and you two beat the hell out of each other. But you came away with the win and next Sunday. I know you'll beat AJ and Seth.

Daniel: Thanks, babe. I smiled.

Kylie: So what's the plan for you guys on this break. She asked.

Daniel: Well, we're going to go to my place in Eagle, then we're going to gather up the cows and calves, feed them in the feeders, separate them the next day and start branding them. I have about eighty head. So it shouldn't take too long. Then when we're done, we'll let the calves go back with their mothers and we'll ride horses and maybe camp out under the stars Friday night. But next Monday I'm scheduled to be in London, England so maybe Kendall would like to come with me to London that way we can go from London to Nice, France.

Kendall: That's a great idea baby. She slid into my lap and laid against me as I rubbed her back.

Daniel: Before we go to my place, we need to countrify you when we arrive in Boise. By stopping by a western wear store and get you a couple of nice pairs of jeans, an undershirt, comfortable boots, hat, jacket and a couple of shirts. The jeans are for you to wear before and during chores. So the jeans are going to be cruddy's as my grandpa used to call jeans used for chores. Along with shirts and boots. But if you do alter the jeans. I ask you to hold off until after branding. Trust me, you do not want to have any exposed skin around the calves or the branding iron.

Kourtney: I heard about that.

Daniel: I can definitely tell you from experience, calves kick like crazy and they somehow know where to kick you to get free. Thank God for the new branding chutes. They include calf tables. Makes branding a little easier.

After another hour us and the family discussed what the plans were when Kendall and I would arrive at Cannes.
When the discussion was over. Kris approached me,
Kris: I know you'll take good care of Kendall. And I should my decision as to whether or not to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I grinned,
Daniel: Sounds good. See you next Tuesday.

She smiled as Kendall and I got ready to head to JFK Airport and caught our flight to Boise. I kissed her hand when we sat down.

She blushed as she rested her head on my shoulder,
Kendall: I think I should at least try branding at least once.

I grinned,
Daniel: I'll see to it that you get a chance.

She grinned as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I looked over the next couple weeks schedule for me, then fell asleep myself holding her close to me.

When we were woken up by the flight attendant we had arrived in Boise. We grabbed our bags from the overhead bin and from baggage claim. Then left the airport only to be greeted by my head hand.

HH: Well it's about time you got here. He joked.
HH: And you've got to be Kendall Jenner.

She smiled,
Kendall: Yes I am.

I grinned,
Daniel: Kendall meet my head ranch hand, Connor Williams. He's a bit of a ham but you'll learn to hate him. I joked.

Connor: That hurt boss. He chuckled as he helped us put our bags in the back of the pickup. When we got into the pickup, Connor sat behind Kendall who was in the passenger seat as I was in the driver's seat and we headed to a local western wear store.

Daniel: Connor, we have any small heifer calves to brand this year?

He thought for a moment,
Connor: I think so. It's from the charolais.

I grinned;
Daniel: is it good sized?

Connor: Yeah it's a great size for a small calf. Is Kendall going to try her hand at branding?

She smiled,
Kendall: Yeah. We just need to get me some country gear.

Connor: Off to Boot Barn. That's probably where we'll be able to find what we need.

Daniel: Agreed. We went to the boot barn and we went through a list. Hat, shirts, jeans, belts, boots, and a jacket.

Once we had everything Kendall needed for the week. We headed to my place.

We arrived an hour later and unloaded everything into the house. And once everything was put into the living room. Connor went out and started evening chores.

I helped Kendall settle in the master bedroom and bathroom. Then we went into the kitchen and cooked dinner.
We talked about tomorrow and what was the schedule for the next few days.

Daniel: I was thinking we can separate the calves tomorrow morning then if we were done by the afternoon we should be able to start branding.

She grinned,
Kendall: I'm really looking forward to it. And after brandings done we can just ride horses, check fences, and maybe go for a few walks.

Daniel: That's right, babe. I kissed her cheek as I was cooking pasta puttanesca as she was making a mixed green salad.
Daniel: What would you like to learn this trip?

She thought for a second,
Kendall: The Inner workings of branding cattle, maybe the next trip you can teach me how to put up a fence or repair one.

I couldn't help but grin,
Daniel: One step at a time. That's doable.

When dinner was ready, Connor came into the house but stayed in the mudroom. Then gave me an update on what was going to be done first thing tomorrow morning and what I may need to attend to as well. He took his leave for the day.

Kendall: He's sweet. Just like you. She kissed me as I smiled as we set the table.
We sat down and started eating the dinner we prepared.
Kendall: I'm so excited baby. Can't wait for tomorrow.

I grinned,
Daniel: I can tell. You haven't stopped smiling since we got here.

After dinner, we washed, dried and put the dishes away, then sat down in the living room and just started reading from a pile of books on the coffee table or I was reading aloud and Kendall listened with a smile as she closed her eyes. When the clock read ten o'clock, we headed to bed. I set my alarm for 7 a.m. as Kendall got changed into some shorts and a tank top. I just stripped to my boxers. I slid into bed and Kendall smiled as she kissed me and laid her head on my shoulder.

Early the next morning I woke up to Kendall, still asleep. So I got up and out of bed, turned off my alarm, got my jeans on and headed to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for Kendall. I made my cheesy omelet, scrambled eggs, buttered toast and turkey bacon. With orange juice along with it.
Once everything was on a tray I took it to the bedroom where Kendall was moving around as she was waking up.
She looked around and saw me standing in the doorway smiling with the tray in my hands.
Kendall: Oh baby. She smiled.

Daniel: I told you I would give you breakfast  in bed. I walked up to her as she sat up and I put the tray in her lap.
Daniel: Enjoy babe. She grinned as she started eating. I on the other hand went into the kitchen and ate the breakfast I prepared for myself.

Close to ten minutes later..
Connor came in: Hey, how's your morning going?

Daniel: Real good. I smiled.

She came in with the empty tray,
Kendall: That was amazing baby. Hey Connor.

Connor: There's the lady of the house. Kendall grinned and giggled.

I chuckled,
Daniel: Okay Connor, what's the status on today's task?

Connor: The boys are getting the calf table ready and making sure the temporary alleyway to the calf table is secure and there's no way for a calf to back out or try to push their way out of the temporary alleyway.

Kendall: Does that happen alot?

Daniel: Not usually. Although there have been a few brazen ones try.

Connor and Kendall chuckled as did I when Connor got a text.
Connor: The chute is ready. I better go help with morning chores.

Daniel: Kendall and I will be out promptly after we get showered and dressed into our chore clothes.

Connor: Alright, see you out there. He left and headed to the corrals to help with morning chores.
While Kendall and myself went to the master bathroom and took a shower together and had an impromptu hour round in the shower.

After we dried off and got our chore clothes on, we headed out to the corrals in my Trail Boss pickup.

For the next hour and a half, we gathered the herd and separated the calves from the cows and there was about 100 head so there was a good number this year. Connor and I instructed Kendall on how much antibiotics to give the calf, where to make the injection and where exactly to put the new ear tag after it's branded. The other boys were happy that I had found a girl of my own. And the fact she was a world class model surprised them.
When we started branding, Kendall made a couple mistakes but she was soon got the hang of it. Pretty soon we got to the one we reserved for her, I took over the ear tagging and Connor took over the antibiotic injection. For her first time, she looked like she had done it for years. But I noticed her stumbling a bit and I told her to drink some water when she needed to as the heat from the branding iron and the sun was a dangerous mix. And she got so absorbed into branding that she didn't take my suggestion. Tony King who was an EMT and today was his day off from the Eagle Police Department. He leapt off the fence when I caught Kendall as she fainted.

Tony: She's burning up.

Daniel: Get my pickup. He rushed over to it and backed it up so we could get Kendall in the backseat as I took out my handkerchief and doused in cold water. Connor wanted to come with but I told him to get the rest of the calves done and Tony drove as he called ahead and asked for a straight line to Saint Alphonsus Eagle Health Plaza Emergency Department in Eagle. As he drove like crazy to get there. I made sure Kendall drank a little bit of water and kept her talking as we arrived at Saint Alphonsus. Nurses and doctors came out and helped me and helped me and Tony get Kendall out of the back of the pickup. I went with Kendall to one of the rooms as the doctors and nurses worked endlessly to stabilize her and bring her temperature down.

It took about an hour to stabilize her and her body temperature. I sat at her beside. Tony came in and asked if we needed anything, I told him to go back to the ranch and help finish branding. He told me that he'd check in after the branding was done. I thanked him for his help. He told me that if I needed anything let him know. I simply nodded as he left.

About an hour or two later...
I was asleep in the chair before Kendall woke up and looked to me and smiled.
Kendall: Hey. Wake up sleepy head. She chuckled.

I started to stir awake as I yawned and stretched, then opened my eyes and saw Kendall smiling at me.
Daniel: Babe. Your awake. You feeling better?

She giggled,
Kendall: Of course baby. I stood up and sat on the bed.

Daniel: I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about you while the hospital staff worked to stabilize you and get your body temperature down.

She put her right hand on my left,
Kendall: I know you were baby. She carefully leaned forward and kissed me.

Then Doctor Nathaniel J. Mallard  came in the room,
Nathaniel: Hello. I'm Dr Mallard. Your vitals have improved ,but as a precaution, we're going to keep you overnight for observation. 

Kendall: Okay Doc.

Nathaniel: She should be good to go home tomorrow.

I nodded,
Daniel: Thanks Doc.

He left the room and me and Kendall alone as my phone rang.
Daniel: There's Kylie.

Kendall: She probably couldn't get ahold of me. Answer it baby.

I hesitantly answered,
Daniel: Hey, Kylie. Yeah,  she's here. Hold the wire. She wants to talk to you. I handed the phone and she grinned as she put it to her ear.

Kendall: Hey sis. I'm fine, thanks to Daniel and a friend. I collapsed during branding this morning and Daniel and Tony King. I'm fine now, I just hope Daniel doesn't get in trouble with mom. Okay see you in a few hours.

Daniel: That doesn't sound good.

She grinned as she kissed me,
Kendall: It's going to be alright, baby. 

I held her hand, lifted it up and kissed it,
Daniel: Your right, babe. She yawned as I sat back in the chair beside her bed.
Daniel: I'll welcome your family when they arrive.  She grinned as she fell asleep.

I watched over her, thinking about doing something that I knew she'd possibly reject right away. And I definitely thought long and hard about it.

A couple hours later...
Connor came to visit, and he wasn't alone, Kylie, Kris, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney also came into the emergency medical plaza with Tony bringing up the rear. I walked out of Kendall's room and met them in the emergency room waiting area.

Connor: How's the cowgirl?

Daniel: She's fine. Stable and is sleeping although she wants to go home, come hell or high water.
When I saw Kris approach me, I expected to be slapped, but she hugged me instead which confused me,
Daniel: Aren't you gonna slap me,put me in a choke hold, blind me with pepper spray?

Kris giggled,
Kris: No. You and Mr King saved Kendall's life by getting her to an emergency room.

Tony came up,
Tony: I'm glad I could help.

Kim: You look like somethings weighing on your mind, Daniel.

Everyone looked at me,
Daniel: I maybe planning on asking Kendall a very important question. One that requires the blessing of a parent.

Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kim even Kris knew what I was alluding to,
Kris: You want to ask Kendall to marry you?

I nodded,
Daniel: Not right now. I was thinking a couple days after she gets back to my place.

Kris smiled:  I think you'd make a great addition to our family. And I may not like what you do for a living, and we may not agree with each other from time to time. But you have proven yourself to me and Kendall's sisters. You have our blessing Daniel.

I grinned,
Daniel: Thank you, ladies. Tony, Connor. You can go to your homes if you wish.

Connor grinned,
Connor: Well if anyone wants a ride to Daniel's ranch, speak now. Because tomorrow I'll be busy. When nobody spoke up,he headed to his home. Leaving me with the Kardashian and Jenner sisters and mother.

I watched from the doorway as Kendall slept. I carefully monitored her vitals. Kylie tapped my shoulder and handed me a cup of coffee when I looked at her.
Daniel: Oh thanks.

Kylie: I think she will like being married to you and vice versa.

I smiled,
Daniel: Thanks, Kylie. I got a feeling after I propose. She'll give me some good news as well.

Kylie: She might. But until then. Let's just stay positive and awake with caffeine. She smiled.

Daniel: Ha, thank you for the funny comment. I grinned.

Kylie: My sister will have been the very first to find an actual man that won't hurt her or break her heart and cheat on her. And I'm kinda jealous of her.

Daniel: Everything okay with you and Travis?

Kylie: I don't really want to talk about it. She looked down.

I didn't press the issue,
Daniel: Okay, whenever you do want to talk about anything. Just give me a call. I won't judge, I will just listen. And possibly give advice if I can. Same goes for the rest of your sisters.

She hugged me tightly,
Kylie: Thank you.

Daniel: No problem. I hugged her back.
Daniel: Your family. Well you will be one day.

She giggled,
Kylie: Jerk.

Daniel: Punk. She giggled a little more.

The next day, we brought Kendall back to my home and I haven't seen the level of concern as my ranch hands came in after lunch and asked if she was okay since her collapse. But I understood. The boys were really concerned for their bosses girl. Kylie, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Kris stayed at my place. But I planned a special Saturday afternoon ride for me and Kendall.

We packed a picnic basket and we went out to the stables and we picked my chestnut mare which I named Jackie. I saddled her and Kendall grinned as I got on first and helped her on the saddle behind me.

Daniel: Okay, Jackie. Let's go. We rode to a nice quiet spot and she got off first and untied the basket and started setting the blanket down and the food out. I got off the saddle and Jackie nudged me.
Daniel: You never let me forget about your price do you?  She shook her head. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled an apple and she ate it out of my hand as I let her wander around as I joined Kendall on the blanket.

Kendall: I didn't know I was dating the horse whisperer. She joked.

Daniel: I always got along better with horses than cattle.

Kendall: It shows. Me and Kendall enjoyed the picnic and talked about our schedules for the coming months. When we finished our picnic, I reached into my inner jacket pocket.

Daniel: Babe? I've been up and down about this for a while now. And I  want to ask you a very important question.

She smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder,
Kendall: What's that baby?

I pulled a white ring box and opened it to expose a blue topaz diamond cocktail engagement ring. She clasped her hand over her mouth.
Daniel: Kendall Nicole Jenner, will you marry me?

She smiled as she started to tear up,
Kendall: Oh my god, yes, yes, yes of course I will. She smiled wider as I put the ring on her finger. She kissed me repeatedly. Even after the basket was packed and Jackie nudged her and nodded her head as if to say congratulations.

We rode to the stables and Kendall stroked the bridge of Jackie's nose as I unsaddled her and once I took the bridle off. Kendall led her to her stable. Jackie nudged her neck making Kendall giggle. When we got into the house, she squealed as she showed off her new engagement ring.

Saturday night, we had a big dinner in celebration of me and Kendall's engagement. Although it wasn't an official engagement party. Which we didn't mind. And when we went to the bedroom after dinner, Kendall and I had the most intense three hour round before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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