About to fight.

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What did the world do to deserve Lin-Manuel Miranda? He's a cinnamon bun and he's the best goddamn role model.

"So we're going to war?" Kyle asks, looking at me.

"Yeah.... yeah we are," I say.

This all came from the common room talk when Heidi said she's be approached by Cartman about joining into their huge wave of people.

Flashback because I'm sure all of y'all want this over with by now.

"He came up to me and said they're attacking Hogwarts with more people in the matter of months. They want my help! Wendy, I might take part to stay as a spy. Nothing else, I promise," Heidi says, explaining as quickly as she can.

"Fine. I need to tell Ky and the others, you tell the teachers," I say.

Flashback over because goddamnit my story has 60 chapters and that's double my longest before and I'm still half way though What was supposed to happen so I'm cutting off shit like crazy.

Kyle sighs and looks at me.

"Let's go then," he says.

He helps me up and we start going to the Black lake in almost eery silence. I sigh as Kenny and Stan come into view.

"So what you're saying is, it's possible that Kevin would like to help in case of war?" Stan asks.

Kenny nods.

"I've send him owls to not be scared of a patronus message in case it's a hurried situation. So yes. He's ready to take muggleborns just in case," Kenny says.

"No way! I'm going to fight!" Stan says.

"I... I'm just proposing the option," Kenny says.

"If I die in battle, fine.... but I'm never going to run with my tail between my legs," Stan says.

Oh God. If this was a book, that'd be foreshadowing.

"I didn't mean it that way. You can stay, absolutely, you're strong. But in case of other people like..... I don't know, Meagan and those people. Tweek? Clyde? Nichole? Kal? They all might need to hide," Kenny says.

"I'm fighting," Clyde says.

They both look behind them.

"Wouldn't Tweek, Nichole, Token and Craig miss you if you died?" Kenny asks.

"Exactly why I'm not going to," Clyde says.

And now I know why he's a Gryffindor.

"Come on, babe," Craig says.

He drags Clyde away.

"It doesn't matter. We are either all going to die fighting, survive or be half of what we were," Stan says.

How did he get so poetic?

"Because anyone capable running away won't forgive themselves," Stan says.

"I just don't want you dead," Kenny says.

Stan kisses him, which is literally putting us full circle.

"Don't worry about me. I'll survive," he says.

Oh God the bad feeling isn't going away.

"You two can stop being hidden, I see you both," Stan says.

We both walk forwards.

"Everyone! Retreat!"

It isn't even an attack.



We look at the people arguing. Surprised to find two professors.

"Why should we retreat in threat? That would be simply stupid of us! They'd get Hogwarts!"

"We should retreat and let them try taking the castle!"

The argument continues on for a while. It's annoying really.

~Time shall Skip to the Christmas of their next year because seriously need this to end so people don't have to read as much.~

"You're not going there!"

"Yes I fucking am," I say.

I move my wand, muttering the body binding spell under my breath before getting out. The common room only has Patty and Lizzy anymore. Both of them grab me and start bringing me up. When I have gotten up from the dungeons, the yelling catches my ears.

"They're coming!"

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

"Thank God!" Bebe yells.

She drags me to the front of the castle, wand up with one hand.

"Wendy! Oh thank God!" Stan yells.

He immediately hugs me.

"What? Why is everyone so glad?" I ask.

"They're cutting down on blood traitors, said they killed a few just this morning while the were asleep, apparently you were supposed to be one. We thought the worst," Kyle says.

"Wait what? Why would they want to kill me then?" I ask.

"You're on our side," Stan says.

The people up on the hill aren't exactly impossible to see, wearing yellow ropes and bright purple masks. They look mainly ridiculous but to be honest, kind of terrifying all the same.

"Time to battle then," Kenny states.

I nod and look around me. The people are all ready.

"Let's go," Kyle says.

The lack of green almost angers me and from the proud look on Stan's face, the fact yellow is all around on our side brings him a sort of pride. However, Gryffindors are also lacking and Ravenclaws are clearly in protecting for knowing so many spells.

"Okay!" Stan yells.

Kyle smiles and goes to his place next to the Ravenclaws.

"We are going to do something incredibly stupid," Stan says.

Kenny looks at him with a 'what' look.

"Which one's of you know an invisibility spell?" Stan asks.

Hands amongst Ravenclaws go high into the air with quite a few Hufflepuff's.

"Okay. We need attackers invisible or more see through if you want to be all up on the business shit," Stan says.

All around, people go out of sight, Kyle takes Kenny first.

"You know what to do, right?" He asks.

"Yeah," Kenny says after a moment. The only idea I could think of is that Kenny nodded at first.

"Okay then," Stan says.

I don't know when Stan became the leader but okay.

"Hey! Everyone is going to go in pairs, look after each other's backs and if one dies, do not stay mourning until it's done," Stan says.

I nod.

"Last one of you, invisible," Stan says.

"How are we going to see our pairs then?" A Ravenclaw asks.

"Oh fuck off, we need to do this shit without questions. Hold hands or something," Karen says.

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