Alley full of shops?

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"How are we going to get everything?" I ask.

"More of a question of how are you going to have money for everything," Bebe says.

"You calling me poor?" I ask.

"Yes," She says.

"Okay fine, I am," I say.

She nods. I look around.

"Can't believe these are wizarding shops. Like, if you are a wizard, why not make something where the whole alley wasn't basically school supplies. Alley full of shops? Why? When you could clearly use the space a bit more effectively," I say.

Token shrugs. Suddenly there is a dramatic pair of two boys. One of which is avoiding eye contact and walking in a posture of 'Please don't kill me.'

"Stan. Why are you walking like you're trying to avoid getting yourself into a bit of trouble with Avada Kevada. I mean, hell, I'm the only one allowed to kill you," The red head says.

"Avada Kevada? What's that?" Stan asks.

"I keep forgetting you didn't learn anything about Britain before you moved here with your mother. Dude, it's the killing curse. Effective. It's, if you learn it, as quick as a snap of your fingers," Red head says.

For dramatic effect, he snaps his fingers.

"Thanks, I guess," Stan says.

There is a moment of silence before he speaks up.

"Hey. What's a mudblood?" He asks.

The red head straightens his back.

"Who called you that and where are they? Someone has a clear death wish," The red head says.

"I don't think they meant anything, it wasn't really insulting, sounded more like an instinct. You know, one of those things where you do stuff without thinking because you're so use to it? Plus, the kid was maybe nine, do you really think a nine years old could actually insult someone out of actual feeling of hatred," Stan says, reasonably.

"You don't know what he said!" The read head says.

"I'm accustomed enough with Faggot to know it's nothing bad, she was just in a hurry," Stan says.

"But you're not even what they are saying you are!" the read head says.

"Nor am I gay," Stan says.

He smiles.

"Kyle, let it go. I just wanted to know what it was," Stan says.

Kyle nods.

"I... I guess. Sorry, my temper has been inbred to shit," he says.

"I do not need to know how much your ancestors liked fucking each other!" Stan says.

"They didn't necessary like it, it was their way to 'Keep the blood pure'. But hey, at least my mother is less inbred than father, so, lucky me. At least they are cousins... 6 times removed. Rather than just straight up cousins," Kyle says.

They go along and I run up to Bebe and Token.

"What's a mudblood?" I ask.

Bebe drops half the books she was carrying.

"Who said it? I will need a polite conversation," Bebe says.

"No no, a couple of kids were talking about it but I never did get the answer. What is it?" I ask.

"It's a nasty way to talk about someone whose parents aren't magical," Token says.

"So I'm a mudblood?" I ask.

"That word," Bebe says, very threateningly.

"Will not come out of your mouth ever again," she states.

"And no. Your mother is a Squib... oh, sorry, you probably don't know what that is. A non-magical person with two magical parents," Token says.

"Squib? Or squid?" I ask.

"Unless you have some weird as shit genes in you, Squib," Bebe says.

"But Squibs and muggles... you know... the non-magical people, also called Muggles. Anyway, Muggles and Squibs don't make magical kids," Token says.

"But doesn't a double negative make a positive? In forming sentences at least. He doesn't not take the garbage out, meaning he did in fact take the garbage out," I say.

Token sighs.

"Not everything works like that. Let's think about um... magic as a gene and being a muggle as a gene. It's either or and if both of your parents have the magic gene, you're more like to have it," Token says.

"Ooh. So it's a gene?" I ask.

"Is it too late to go back on him?" Bebe asks.

"Yes," Token simply states.

He gives me books.

"They're second hand. We got them for you while you were listening on the two strangers!" Bebe says.

"I- I'll get money," I say.

"Don't feel any need to," Token says.

He smiles at me, kindly as always.

"If I buy you your second hand robes, do I get away with not giving you a Christmas present?" Bebe asks.

I nod.

"Absolutely," I say.

"It's a deal. Let's get the wands and then get this over with," she says.

I nod, keeping a smile up.

"Thanks," I tell Bebe, after a while of silence.

"Oh don't thank me! I would be scared to death if you ended up with an old unicorn hair. You better get the wand new or if not, avoid using unicorn hair, that shit is loyal," Bebe says.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh sorry, Bebe totally forgot to explain this shit. So, every core has different feelings about being passed down and works differently, has morals. If someone were to like let's say dark arts, a pure wood or core would not be the one to choose that person," Token says.

"Dark arts sounds fucking awesome," I say.

"It's really powerful and really terrible magic. Deadly, dare I say. The killing curse is one, the torturing curse is one and the mind control curse is one," Bebe says.

"Explain again why aren't good people using it to get information out?" I ask.

"Which one? Because when you're dead, you're dead," Token says.

Unless you're like me.

"I didn't mean that," I say.

"Look, no matter how good you are in heart, never go around to read about that shit. Dark spells have that dark part for a very fucking good reason," Bebe says.

"They are a one way ticket to prison," Token admits.

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