Colin the Dragon

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School's 'bout to restart in 6 hours cause I don't sleep!

We sit down at the prefect compartment. It's Wendy's turn right now, Kenny next, then me and Kyle last because as the logical one, he has to check this all after everything. That's the only way I could see this being this way.

"Do you miss Colin?" Kyle asks.

"Whose-?" Kenny starts.

"Colin? Absolutely! He's my little baby and I swear, if it was allowed, he'd so be here with me," I say.

Kyle whispers something to Kenny, apparently something about Colin as Kenny looks amazed before saying,

"Why didn't you tell me you had a fucking dragon?"

I laugh.

"I got Colin through the care for magical creatures Professor, she showed him to me on his weakest and I started taking some time with him when I wasn't with you others. He was abandoned after he hatched... because him mum didn't like him not being as strong as the others were. After taking care of him until the Christmas break, I got him as my own, that being Christmas break last year. He was strong enough that if I just gave him something to eat for that period of his existence, I could leave him alone for a while. Slowly that while became months without distress. He's happy to see me no matter," I say.

Kenny laughs.

"Still. A goddamn dragon!" He says.

"I was always a cool kid, I had to have the coolest pet as well," I say.

Kenny rolls his eyes.

"I think you need credit. Dragons are hard to take care of, Stan. Yet you can make the handling look easy," Kyle says.

I laugh.

"Colin did like you, don't worry. I wouldn't have let him near you if I thought there was a slight chance of you hurting my baby, even on accident. He recognises that. He's learned to read my emotions," I say.

Kyle chuckles.

"Has it learned how in love with Kyle you are yet?" Kenny asks.

Kyle blushes slightly, looking off.

"Come on, that's not exactly fair," I say.

"So Colin hasn't?" Kenny asks.

"I think he has," I say, shrugging.

Kyle straightens up slightly.

"Aw. If you're his momma is Kyle his dad-no back up reverse, that should never be said," Kenny says.

I laugh.

"I'm not looking for a family for my little Colin, Wendy is his second momma already by just the way it works," I say.

"Has she seen Colin?" Kenny asks.

"I think only Kyle actually has. I don't talk about him openly because I feel like that's a little risky. So yeah haven't mentioned at all," I say.

"Is she not going to find it weird she is going to have to adopt Colin?" Kyle asks.

"I don't think she has to. But Colin is nice, anyone should be glad to adopt his cute little face," I say.

"I'd adopt him. He is still a little scary to me but hey, might turn out just fine," Kyle says.

"He'd surely love it. You'll be a good dad someday," I say.

Kyle blushes.

"Don't know about that," he says.

"You would! You're kind, you're nice, you have a bit of dad humour already and you're really mature," I say.

Kenny sighs and gets up.

"Sorry to do this but I can't take it," he says.

He pushes me towards Kyle and before I can react, we are in this weird position where Kyle is against the wall and I'm kinda pinning him but not really because his hands are in a weird way pinning mine to pin him, it's hard to even say what the hell this position is.

"I...sorry," I say.

"If you don't A, stop flirting or B finally kiss, I will lose my shit," Kenny says.

Kyle looks at him with the most murderous look I have ever seen.

"Come on, you both like each other and Wendy kissed you already. Ain't nothing wrong with this anymore," Kenny says.

Kyle sighs.

"I'm just-I'm going to say it but it's not because of that fucking smirk. I fucking see it, perv," Kyle says.

Kenny laugh.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I do like guys," Kyle says.

"Okay," i say.

"And I kinda... um... like you? I always said I wouldn't do anything because Wendy is with you," Kyle says.

"You can do whatever," Wendy says.

"Oh shit, you came in at the worst fucking time!" Kenny says.

Kyle kisses me. It's not some stereotypical fireworks, I've kissed before, I'm fucking dating. But it's still nice, surprisingly nice.

"I'm sorry," Kyle says.

He lets both of my hands go.

"I... I never thought you," I say.

"You never thought? Stan! How stupid are you when it comes to fucking feelings?" Wendy asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I...I think I like you too? I'm honestly confused. A lot more confused than I thought I would be," i say.

Kyle sighs.

"I didn't mean to confuse you. We can pretend it never happened," he says.

"No, I liked it, I did... it's just... a bit weird to me. It's like... the first thing I learned in my damn life. It isn't friends that kiss each other," I say.

Kyle nods.

"It's all fine. Hey, you yourself talked about polyamory," he says.

I laugh.

"So wanna let me go now?" Kyle asks.

I nod and let him go. He sits back down and Wendy sits across from us.

"Wendy. I don't think I ever mentioned Colin," I say.

"I believe you didn't. Who is he?" Wendy asks.

"Colin is a dragon, a mini dragon that has like dna with a lizard and somehow got it's size," I say.

"What is this Colin to you? Have you heard of it somewhere?" Wendy asks.

"He's my little boy," I say.

Wendy chokes a little.

"You have a dragon?" She asks.

I nod.

"Holy shit!" She says.

Kyle chuckles.

"I've seen it," he confirms.

"That's... oh wow," Wendy says.

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