Off the train

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"Hey, Stan," Kyle says.

"Yeah dude?" I ask.

"See you in July. I'll send you more details by owl," Kyle says.

I nod and leave the compartment. Wendy's waiting just outside.

"You take forever," she says.

I laugh, putting a hand around her.

"But you love me anyway," I say.

"You sound fucking drunk," Wendy says.

I shake my head.

"I haven't been since I was 10," I say.

"That's... less time than I had hoped," Wendy says.

I roll my eyes.

"Are we going to go?" I ask her.

"Yeah yeah," she says.

Both of us get off of the train to the busy platform.

"Mum! Dad!" She says.

She hugs them both. I slowly wave from the behind.

"This is Stan!" She says.

She drags me towards them.

"Hello Stan," the woman says.

She doesn't look sick other than having a jacket on, though clearly not because it's cold as the summer is actually fairly warm this year.

"Hello ma'am," I say.

Wendy's father takes my hand.

"I've heard a lot about you, Stan," he says.

"Oh? What have you heard then?" I ask.

"You're really kind to my daughter... most of my wife's family has given up on any Slytherins, excluding her dad and my mother, Wendy's really never been that close to anyone, so it's really nice to hear that you have been so kind to my girl," he says.

That... doesn't sound like Wendy.

"Wendy has lots of friends. Kyle, Kenny, Lizzy, Patty, Heidi, Bebe, just to name a couple of them," I say.

"She hasn't really talked about anyone quite as much as she does about you, she must have been surprised that you keep seeking her out," he says.

"I'm a Hufflepuff, that's exactly what I'm supposed to do," I say.

Wendy laughs.

"Don't worry about my dad, he'll forever say that. He was really worried that in wouldn't have friends, we were ready to force Token to take me into his friend group just in case I wouldn't find anyone," Wendy says.

"You didn't have to do that because I couldn't resist being friends with you and your cute little face," I say.

"I'm taller than you you little fuck," Wendy says.

"Language, Wendy," Wendy's dad says.

Wendy sighs.

"Yes dad," She says.

"Can't believe you curse! Who the fuck taught you?" He asks.

"Is he fucking serious?" I ask Wendy quietly.

"I'm afraid that the answer is yes," Wendy says.

"We should go. I don't think I can take standing around any longer," Wendy's mum says, smiling at Wendy's dad.

"Oh yes. Of course, honey," Wendy's dad says.

We all leave the platform nine and three quarters to go to the parking lot.

"This will take a while," Wendy's dad says.

"Oh you just wait," Wendy says.

"Sorry Stan, we have to start by car until getting to a place with a connection to the floo network," Wendy's dad says.

"Floo network? What's that?" I ask.

"You've never used it?" Wendy's mum asks.

I nod.

"Oh dear," Wendy says.

"What?" I ask.

"Just, when we go, please say what we tell you to say as clearly as you can. We don't want another one ending up in the middle of a muggle town," Wendy says.

"Where the fuck do you live?" I ask.

"Antrim, close to the lake," Wendy says.

"You don't sound Irish!" I say.

Wendy laugh.

"Come on, both Kenny and I are from Ireland. He's from the Republic, I'm from North, I'm from the Uk, he isn't," Wendy says.

"I knew he was from there. He's from Wicklow. I just honestly didn't hear it in you," I say.

"We are in England a lot, seeing as her hospital is there. We apparate there nearly everyday and we lived in Brighton for most of my life so that's my accent. I'm not Irish," Wendy says.

"BRIGHTON!" I say, happily.

"You from around there?" Wendy asks.

"I live in Brighton, we've been thinking about London though. But yeah, so far, Brighton is REALLY nice," I say.

"Kyle's from London, isn't he?" Wendy asks.

"Well he lives there. He's from Manchester originally," I say.

"Manchester is awesome," Wendy says.

"It is. Shame he's in London now," I say.

"Yeah, such a shame," Wendy says.

"But yeah. Leo's from Scotland," I say.

"Okay, He doesn't sound Scottish at all," Wendy says.

"Yeah but he is. Glasgow is actually his birth place but he went to Edinburgh really young since his family lived there," I say.

"I mean, I'm trying to think of something surprisingly...," Wendy says.

"I can find one from the top of my head, Tweek is also from Northern Ireland," I say.

"Yeah, Tyrone, we've talked about it. Oooh. Craig's Welsh," She says.

"Cardiff, yes, I, in fact, know that," I say.

"Oh fu-nny thing," Wendy says.

I laugh.

"Nice save!" I say.

"Thanks Stan," she says.

There is a moment of some awkward silence.

"I spy with my own eye something that's... red," I say.

"Is it outside the car?" Wendy asks.

"Nope," I say.

She looks around.

"Is it my mum's jacket?" She asks.

"No," I say.

She looks around the car. I can't help almost laughing multiple times.

"Is it my shirt?" She asks.

"Yup," I say.

After a moment of silence, she laughs.

"I spy with my own eye something that's... blue," she says.

"Is it outside the car?" I ask.

"No," she says.

I start looking around.

"Is it jeans?" I ask.

She laughs.

"Nope," She says.

"Is it... oh you don't have blue here... um. I don't know, give me a hint," I say.

"I can see it, you can't, only based on the placing of it," she says.

"It is behind you?" I ask.

"From your angle? But it's no anyway. It's on your face," she says.

"On my face?" I ask.

There is a moment where I try to figure it out.

"Is it my eye?" I ask.

"You got it," she says.

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