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As the last owl lands, I laugh and start opening them.

'Hey Wends. So, I wanted to congratulate you on being a prefect. Yeah so congratulations. You asked me for my results? To put it simply, I failed one darn class, Divination (I don't care for that at all, like, that doesn't help me become a healer. If it does, fuck it, next career) and got O's and E's in the others. That sounds so celebratory... I swear I'm not feeling like I'm smart or anything! It just happens... sometimes. Also. I will be seeing you around, fellow prefect. Because Hell to the Yeah, I'm a prefect as well! Kyle.'

So he did well? Nice to know that!

'Hello Wens! So... I'm certain you are bursting to hear my results. I erm... five o's. Care for magical creatures, herbilogy, Defence against the dark arts, charms and... transfigurations? You might see where I'm going with that question mark. There is an invite to tutoring here but also... O? So yeah. I failed (spectacularly) Divination and oh you must know me, history of magic and astronomy. But what surprises me is that... your boyfriend is gonna surprise you with this one... E in potions (Okay, the thing they expected would have been low but... E?). Rest of the classes were also a pretty line of E's... so yeah, not terrible. But compared to you I eh... I failed more classes. But hey, I had shit going on last year. It's all fine. And also. Guess what I got? A prefect thingy! You got one too though. Hey. Is it a stupid thought to maybe suspect that the time the dark kings followers and we went to defend the castle and students has something to do with this shit? Did Kyle and Kenny get them? Anyway, gotta go. Since my family lives in *you know the thing Kyle has decided to protect* I'm a helper here, kinda. So I have to go help people set up the table... Yey. Talk to you! Stan.'

I smile and take the last letter I got, Kenny.

'Hello from the only friend you haven't kissed yet (which, my feelings are hurt! Kiss me goddamnit)'

I have to take a break just to laugh at that before continuing.

'Anyway, all our drama aside! I'm going to announce that I am a prefect too! Yes, i know you just fell in love with me again!'

"Goddamnit Kenny," I say, chuckling slightly.

'Don't worry, you don't have to announce our love. I know of it already! Missed your chance man, I'm with Lola right now! Should have kissed me sooner! But yeah, continuing. Congrats on doing so well! I have a surprise for you in my results... first of all, O with a special mention (ain't nobody else getting this treatment) in potions and astronomy! Woohoo! O's in defence against the dark arts and Divination (I'm hearing most people fail Divination? What?) and a beautiful E in charms. I failed herbology, transfigurations and care for magical creatures. But I think that's fine. Stan is the expert in 2 and while failing transfigurations stings, eh, I should've expected it after my complete fail under pressure. I'm seeing yours and you did better. Congratulations. Did you do better than Kyle? I swear, that would sting a lot, he's been studying constantly since I met him. K M.'

So, thinking objectively, the line in grades would go Kyle, me and then Stan and Ken at about the same. Although all of us have pretty try hard results.

~Time skip because I couldn't think of anything.~

All four of us get off the train, going towards a carriage together. I swear, we might look like the most awesome people ever to an outsider.

"So," Kyle says ones we're in the compartment.

"So," I say back to him.

He laughs and leans back.

"How's the muggle safety house?" Kyle asks.

Stan laughs.

"It's really nice. I can't wait until I'm seventeen and can help more. Right now, I have to do everything by hand," he says.

Kenny and Kyle look at each other.

"I completely forgot Kenny is the oldest," i say.

"Half a year and I can do magic freely!" Kenny yells.

"Guess what? May. This year has Apparition classes and your man is born about two weeks before the test time says you can't do it this year. Which means I can Apparite, if I take it. Feels good to be old," Kyle says.

He bursts out laughing mid sounding like an asshole.

"I don't mean to be an asshole. I did that as a joke," he says.

I nod.

"But still damn awesome if you don't fail it," Stan says.

"Kyle Broflovski? Failing an useful class?" I ask.

"We get it, you're in love with him," Stan says.

If he wasn't my boyfriend, that wouldn't be weird at all but since he is.... eh. It still sounds weird.

"You two love each other too. Do I come around and make a mockery out of that fact?" Kyle asks.

Kenny looks surprisingly secluded. Oh shit. Even if what he wrote in the letter was a joke... he must feel a little out of place.

"How are things with your girlfriend?" I ask him.

"Lola? I erm... fine? I think," Kenny says.

"Lola is a nice girl," Stan says.

"She is. Kinda like Meagan," Kenny says.

"When did you have time to date Meagan?" Kyle asks.

"We were a short thing in fourth year. A little after Jessie," Kenny says.

He realises something immediately.

"I don't mean it as anything disrespectful. I'm just looking for the one and go into relationships in case that person is it," Kenny says.

"Is Lola 'it'?" Kyle asks.

"Not really, I'd rather Jenny and her started dating, they're way better together," Kenny says.

I nod along.

"Kinda like Heidi and Lizzy. I was with Heidi, you with Lizzy and then they got together. Not saying we did it, just saying I'm kinda hoping that Jenny and Lola realise they're made for each other," Kenny says.

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