Snow, out of all things!

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I walk down the steps, until a sudden noise stops me.

"What was that?" I ask, stopping.

"Kenny, you're probably just being overly anxious!" Bebe says.

"No! I'm sure...," I say.

"We have a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw to get to," Bebe says.

"Dude, Not now. Didn't you hear it?" I ask.

"Kenny, hearing things is never a good idea," Bebe says.

The noise comes again, both of us look at each other.

"What the fuck?" She asks.

"So you heard it too?" I ask.

"If you're messing with me, I will not hesitate to murder you and your family," Bebe says.

"I'm serious," I say.

The third time I turn left and walk towards the noise.

"Are you insane?" Bebe asks.

"No... well, sort of," I say.

I open the door and come out to the outside.

"Listen!" I yell.

Bebe takes a deep breath.

"It's coming from the left," Bebe says.

I run out to it, only to be faced with a wall.

"Well I guess-," she starts.

I look at her.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Didn't diagon alley have a wall thing?" I ask.

"How the Hell do you expect to know how to open it?" Bebe asks.

I look at the stones of the wall. There are engraved pictures on it, could not be from the last one hundred years, that much I know.

"Um... Kenny. We have bigger problems than some damn wall," Bebe says.

"What?" I ask.

The noise comes again, I look left to see 3 huge eggs.

"THOSE ARE DRAGON EGGS!" Bebe screams.

"So the mama dragon is going to be here?" I ask.

"Yes and I'm pretty sure the mama is not going to be happy," Bebe says.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

She grabs my arm and makes a run for it.

"Token!" She screams.

She hugs him close.

"There-there are dragon eggs here," she says.

"Are you okay? Bebe, dragons have been illegal for-," Token says.

"Yeah yeah, 130 next year but I swear, I did hear that thing," Bebe says.

Token laughs.

"You must be kidding me," he says.

"We so are not!" I say.

At the sight of Kyle, I speed up to him.

"Do you know about dragons?" I ask.

He looks surprised.

"They got banned when a Hebridean Black attacked and killed a huge amount of Muggles that lived in, i think Edinburgh. However, The Philippines were the first to restrict dragons and are still the most effective in dragon control," Kyle says.

"Could Hogwarts have a dragon on it's grounds?" I ask.

"I mean... technically it would be possible to have a Hebridean Black here, seeing as we are close to it's native area. But I'm certain the professors would warn us," Kyle says.

"Do all dragons lay eggs?" I ask.

"Yes. However the amount of protective instinct may vary, Hungarian Horntail is known as the most protective one, well, Antipodean Opaleye is a very protective one as well. Antipodean Opaleye was actually the one to cause the complete ban in Australia after it's very beautiful idea to cause one of the, if not the worst, wild fires to be seen. It's native to New Zealand however. It has gone around Oceania and caused quite the bit of trouble," Kyle says.

"What else?" I ask.

"Then there is the Swedish Short-Snout, which the one type that causes chaos in both Finland and Sweden. It has been given credit for bad fires all around Scandinavia," Kyle says.

"Nerd," I tell him.

"Hey, you asked! I was just kind enough to answer," Kyle says.

Stan runs and jumps, taking a hold of Kyle's shoulders.

"Congratulations dude, your house won," he says.

"Oh?" Kyle asks.

"Although the Gryffindors can't aim for shit," he says.

"Oh you could do better?" Kyle asks.

"I'm pretty sure I could do better than at least one of them. 180-150 to Ravenclaw," Stan says.

"Wait did they catch the Snitch?" Kyle asks.

"Yes, but you made 18 goals. So, I mean, seems like a fair deal," Stan says.

"Gryffindors haven't caught a Snitch in ages!" Kyle says.

"Dude. Is this what I think it is?" Stan asks.

He has his hand ahead of him. A snowflake falls on it.

"Each other is different. Right?" He asks.

I nod.

"You seemed like you had something else to tell me. Other than the fact my house won," Kyle says.

"What? Oh yeah. Sorry. I am too hyper to actually focus. Um... yeah. I got to set up a football game for February, if I get 10 people or up to play," Stan says.

I smile.

"Football? Again? Hell yeah! I used to be really fucking good," I say.

Kyle looks between us before letting out a sigh.

"Fine. For you. I don't like doing things I'm not good at but fuck it," Kyle says.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" I ask, suddenly remembering what I wanted to ask.

"Yes, I am going home for Hanukkah," Kyle says.

Stan shakes his head.

"No, it's nothing special. The more I get to avoid my sister the better," he says.

He looks at me.

"You?" He asks.

"I'm going home. Mainly because I wanna see Karen and Kevin again," I say.

"It's Token's turn to host their Christmas party or whatever. If my family does go this year, I'm so coming over," Kyle says.

"Oh wait. I meant to ask. How the Hell do you celebrate different things?" Stan asks.

"My granny was out of the normal family and as it goes down from woman to woman, I'm the result of that, a Jewish guy," Kyle says.

"That's actually pretty cool... and complicated," I say.

"I need to draw you my family tree. We're so corrupt any family tree that already exists is not going to work," Kyle says.

"Oh what a shame you're from a family of racist fucks," I say.

"I haven't met a racist person from your family," Stan says.

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