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'Dear, Stan,
I regret to mention my mother died tonight. I would love to see you. I don't think I can bare it alone and I'm scared... I'm scared that if I yell Kenny, I come off insensitive. So please. Could we talk?
P.S. Yes, I have been reading history, don't be disturbed by how different my writing is today. Wendy Testaburger.'

I take the next letter, reading these over the last day of summer. Damn, I'm glad I always write twice (been doing so since second year because in case I don't get a response, I can send the same letter. If by then I don't get answers, it's not at all okay over there.)

'Dear, Wendy (I'm pretty sure it was an accident but fuck it)
I'm sorry for your loss. I will come though if I may mention that my family is facing a tragedy as well... my mother hasn't been seen in two weeks. So while I sympathise and apologise, I may have lost my mother too. P.S. Don't worry, it's fine to write whatever way you feel like. Stan.'

The next letter is from Kyle, obviously very long and well written.

'Hey Stan. So, I wanted to mention how life is treating me since you haven't written to me. Shortly, Gerald has been working constantly. I got a few looks at his work. This isn't right, there are names of known followers of well... you know. Few with murders, all dropped. Few of them may have been involved with Kenny's parents murders. Muggles have been going missing as well, which I'm afraid is mostly parents of muggleborn (or people close to them). I want to warn you of this. Your friends and family aren't safe! Don't worry, I'm writing to a trusted man and asking if we can get a muggle family safe house somehow (most likely me as the secrets keeper or something amongst those lines.) But for now, keep your family safe.... none of them deserve to die anywhere near today. I'm looking into what we can do to protect muggles and squibs and will tell you my plans at school for it's a little too dangerous for me to do so on a letter on an owl. Kyle Broflovski.'

I grab my response.

'Hey Ky! I'm sorry I haven't written to you, it was never my intention. Thing have just been going crazy! My mother is missing and Wendy's mother has now passed. We hoped she wouldn't but well... you can't always I get everything. But back to what you told me. I'm sorry that your father is a pawn now but it's time you take a real stance! This safe house sounds like a good idea, really does. I honestly think it's a good idea but I'm not sure about having you as a secret keeper. Look, I trust you, really do. But with your temper, I wouldn't have you with so much stress... for your own good. If anything, I would suggest Baahir or Craig. Both of them can be trusted and they aren't the first people to think of when thinking about these things. None of us four should do it, they know us after the duel Kenny and you had with Jessica and Scott. Stan Marsh.'

The next letter is small, very unlike of Kyle.

'There are followers here. It isn't safe to write to you anymore. Ky.'

And I didn't hear of him after, next was Kenny.

'Hello from The new place! Now, from what I hear, Dublin and London are slowly being taken over. Kevin and I are protecting muggleborn (obviously not in a way of doing magic, we give them a place before they run away. We are a cover, you see? Most of them have brooms, they fly off). Karen is helping too, a lot. But she's trying to find out more about this curse and prophecy business. She hasn't found much but what she does find is interesting. First of all, we don't have much time, maybe three years before the battle begins. Second of all, this evil person has made a curse. For him to die, the person killing him must die as well. More than that, nobody can get anything at him because of his strong magic, none of the brave that have tried have succeeded. I'm thinking, because of this curse, I have stronger magic. Which would leave me as only possibility, which means we're right, the prophecy is about me. Sorry for this letter not being very descriptive about my place (I will tell you face to face, I promise), it's the fact they could be taking letters and I don't want to describe anything in case they find me. K M.'

I take my letter.

'Hey Ken! I understand why you don't describe, don't worry. It's great you're helping muggleborn (Ky has been looking into that too apparently). The prophecy! You're the first one to talk about it! I have something about the thing! So, look, I have a hypothetical thought. What if they were killing off those that knew what it read (like Ky's granny) because the prophecy says how you can exactly defeat him? I'm sorry, I've been busy with talking with Wendy about our mothers so it is just a random thought. Stan.'

I get the last letter he send me this summer into my hands.

'Hey Stan. Sorry but I have found out that your letter was damaged (like really damaged) so someone reads these. Do not send me any more letters! Not unless it's really important. Ken.'

I finally put the letters down. Other than Tricia, I didn't write with anybody else.

'Hey Stan! So I may of may not have something to say for ones... the house next to ours had a flash of green in it (which is a killing curse if you are too stupid to know what) and so, our neighbourhood is no longer safe. Tricia.'

This was one where my first letters got lost a little too often.

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