Years gone by. (Yes i'm taking a page from JK's book.)

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"I'm going to Hogwarts!" Wilma screams.

I sigh and get up. Wilma is smiling like crazy while both William and Kendra are looking like the couldn't wait to kill her, while Lloyd looks like he wants to die.

Yes, we decided to name our kids stupid shit. Not our problem!

"Shut up," Lloyd says, hitting his sister with a pillow.

"No! I'm better than you, youngling!" Wilma says.

They start running after each other with pillows.

"Oh thank God William and Kendra get along," Kyle says.

Wendy rolls her eyes and jumps up to get clothes.

"You're all lazy shits! I should have gotten with Baahir and Gary!" She says.

Kyle rolls his eyes and helps her out.

"It's six am though!" Kenny yells.

"Yeah, exactly, you should be up!" Wendy screeches.

"I shouldn't! No human is!" Kenny says.

"I agree, dad," Kendra says.

I feel so sorry for Wendy, she birthed four kids just because everyone wanted their own. And then William just kinda happened. Doesn't mean we don't love him, we love everyone running around but he was an accident...

"I don't know, it's good to be up," William says.

"Exactly," Kyle says.

He throws my hand at my head. I take it and levitate the clothes to me, putting some of them on.

"Work soon," Kyle says.

He's the head healer at Saint Mungos, always busy but that doesn't matter, he still makes time.

"I fucking know," Wendy says.

Of course the minister of magic has to be at work in time. I myself am happy with being the head of magical creatures rights in the ministry. Doesn't mean it's the best I've been offered but it's really fun. I already lifted the dragon ban to be 'with permission' like the Philippines did ages ago. So it's all fine. Plus, I don't need to be the best paying, my partners on their own would make enough money but as they're both in it, it's fine.

"I'll get Lloyd and Wilma," Kenny says.

He made the new textbooks for Hogwarts. He literally has thousands of people a year and he's still developing new spells. It's nice having someone who can develop a spell for anything every ones in a while. Doesn't work out? Well I'm a few weeks, there is a spell that can fix that!

"Stop dreaming! Your biological daughter is going to Hogwarts!" Wendy screams.

~years again. Just so you know what I felt like doing.~

"Hey! So in case you didn't know already, I got into Hufflepuff! It's fine in here! Admittedly, Kendra and Lloyd are annoying toward me every ones in a while but that's fine I think. The Gryffindor and the Slytherin always make the best friends after all! They're pulling a lot of pranks and Wilma keeps trying to be discreet about giving them advice on how to do things. It's funny! Wilma and Ollie are also helping me out a lot! Thomas and Craig made a nice kid, although I know Clyde raised him too. He must've! They're so similar! Gary is being a good professor! We liked him a lot! All of us! He, admittedly, might favour me a little (I'm not complaining though) but it's fine. We all like Baahir too but we kinda have to like the head of house. They're both the cutest together and some people say they ship them. Jokes on them, I've shipped them since I was 4. Oh yeah, sorry, Wilma promised to help me with homework! Having a Ravenclaw sister (even if she's a bit dumb for a Ravenclaw) is really useful sometimes. William.'

"So let me get this straight," Kyle starts.

He takes a breath.

"Wendy and I somehow made a Gryffindor," he says.

Wendy laughs.

"People say I would have fit it a lot better so I mean.... maybe so," Wendy says.

Kyle laughs.

"I wouldn't have wanted that. You're the best Slytherin!" Kenny says.

"Wow. What about Kendra then?" I ask.

"Correction. Wendy is my favourite Slytherin from my generation. Kendra is my favourite from the new generation!" Kenny says.

I nod.

"But if you think that house is in blood, how did we make a Ravenclaw?" I ask.

"You're both okay smart," Kenny says.

"We all raised them together, they were bi-house all their lives," Kyle says.

Kenny nods.

"But it's still funny that nobody went into their parents house other than Kendra," I say.

Kenny nods.

"Yeah, William is biologically mine," he says.

I nod and he nods right back.

"It's a bit weird though, William takes after Kyle the most," Kenny says.

Kyle laughs.

"Tea?" He asks.

I nod and he goes to put the kettle on. He has a smile on his face as he does.

"Okay then. I love you all," I say.

Kenny nods.

"I love you too... and I love the fact that for ones I have a fun little mailbox on my yard. I never used to have one," Kenny says.

I laugh, along with Wendy.

"No I really do like the mailbox. And the fact I can visit Kevin and Karen almost daily," Kenny says.

Kyle comes back with the tea.

"I heard you all. I love you too," he says.

He gives me my tea.

"Cinnamon?" I ask.

He nods before giving Kenny some.

"You know me too well, Kyle," Kenny says.

So it's lemon tea.

"And English breakfast to our basic beautiful person," Kyle says.

Wendy takes the cup, laughing slightly.

"Did you make yourself lemon tea?" Kenny asks.

Kyle nods and takes his cup.

"Why is it so quiet without the kids?" Kenny asks.

Kyle laughs and takes a sip.

"Because they can be brats sometimes," Kyle says.

We all start chocking at how true Kyle's statement actually is.

"True," Wendy says.

I nod and continue to drink my tea.


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