Episode 10: One of a Kind

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(Fade to the school library. Dannie and Taylor are sitting at a table looking at Dannie's graded test, and Sam is at a nearby computer, accompanied by Kevin.)

Dannie: "All this ghost hunting is taking away from my study time."

Taylor: "So much for the Fentons being a family of geniuses."

Dannie: "I can't get a D in biology. My parents will kill me."

Sam: "Not if you pull your grade up by doing an extra credit biology assignment..." [Pulls up a webpage about a gorilla that says "Extremely Rare: Sampson".] "On this magnificent creature."

Dannie: "A purple-back gorilla?"

Sam: "Yep. Extremely rare. Only two left, both male. After this, they're gone forever. Which is why you are going to prove he deserves to be set free."

Dannie: "I don't have time for extra credit...or your agendas?"

Kevin: "Actually, you do. You just have to learn how to manage it better. Plus, Taylor will be your time manager."

Taylor: [Sarcasm:] "Oh, of course. It's the least I can do after Sam made me let all those ghosts out."

Dannie: [sighs] "I don't know."

Kevin: "Dannie, come on. If you don't want a D for your biology, then at least do this for once so you can go out and catch those ghosts again. And I'll be there to help you with the Thermos unlike a certain who was too clumsy to hold it right." [He glares at Taylor, who looks away and whistles.]

Dannie: "Well, I suppose we can have a trial period."

Kevin: "Great." [Grabs Dannie's hand.] "Let's go." [Walks off-screen.]

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Team Phantom(-Jazz) are inspecting a gorilla at the Amity Park Zoo-

(Cuts to the Amity Park Zoo and into the domed gorilla habitat, where Sampson, the gorilla, is being watched by Sam, Kevin, Dannie and Taylor from an observation.)

Sam: "There he is: Sampson. So gifted, so...majestic."

Kevin: "I have to admit. He sure is interesting."

Dannie: "Sam, Kev, we've been watching the gorilla scratch his butt for, um, how long?"

Taylor: [Yawns.] "Six hours."

Dannie: [Yawns also.] "Time flies when you're majestically scratching your butt."

Sam: "It's only a matter of time before you find out something about Sampson nobody's ever learned! You should go and try to-"

Kevin: [Taps Sam's shoulder.] "Uh, Sam?"

(The pair turns around and Sam frowns to see Dannie and Taylor are asleep on the floor and cuddling.)

Sam: [sighs] "Fine. Guess Kevin and I will do it. But first..." [Pulls out camera and takes picture of Dannie and Taylor.] "Girls hugging makes every yearbook funny." [Turns to Kevin] "Come on, Kev. Let's see if you can communicate with the gorilla instead."

Kevin: "Right behind you, Sam."

(Cut to Sampson in his habitat, as he hears growling and fighting noises and starts to run towards them, then sees Kevin and Sam outside the habitat. He begins making distressed grunting noises to alert them.)

Sam: "What is it, you wondrous being?" [Looking at where Sampson points.] "Is something wrong?" [See's the gorilla going to the door and hangs off of it.] "You want out?"

Kevin: "Uhh, Sam. I don't think that's a good i..." [Gets pulled into a kiss by Sam and they both stay like that for 2 minutes before separating.] "Or... I say go for it."

(Sam goes to the habitat's control panel and hits the Open button. The door opens and Sampson runs out.)

Kevin: "Are you sure this is a good idea? We're going to be in deep trouble when we release the gorilla."

Sam: "No worries. Everything is all under control."

(Suddenly, Sam gets shot by an ectoplasm and send against the wall with her mouth covered with ectoplasm too.)

Kevin: "Sam!"

???: "So, we meet at last, ghost child."

Kevin: [Turns to the ghost.] "Who are you?"

Skulker: "I am Skulker, the greatest ghost hunter. And I am here to collect your head for my bounty."

Kevin: [Mumbling to himself.] "Why am I feeling Kraven vibes around this guy?" [Morphs into a ghost.] "If you want a fight, then you got one."

Skulker: "Excellent. Show me what you can do, ghost child."

(Kevin lunges at Skulker and goes for the kick as his first attack, but Skulker caught it with ease and throws him a few feet away. Kevin simply lands on his feet, activating his ecto-energy in his hands and fires Ghost Rays at Skulker, who dodged all of them before getting punched across the face by Kevin's sudden dash attack, which send the hunter flying against the wall.)

Skulker: "Nice one, ghost child. You are very skilled. But that won't be enough to stop this hunter."

Kevin: "We'll see about that."

(While Kevin and Skulker fights, Sam has been watching the battle the whole time until Sampson, the gorilla, comes in and sniffs the ectoplasm. Sam muffed at Sampson, asking him to get the ectoplasm out of her mouth and the gorilla responded by taking it off of her mouth, letting her breath again.)

Sam: "That's much better." [See's Kevin get slammed by Skulker and tossed aside.] "Sampson, hurry! You got to help Kevin! He's getting beaten by that bad ghost!" [Sampson raised an eyebrow in confusion.] "Bad ghost. Ghost bad. Bad ghost hurt Kevin." [Sampson is still confused.] "Okay, you can't understand me."

(Cut back to the fight. Kevin is seen on the ground in Skulker's mercy.)

Kevin: "Ugh. I gotta admit, you're strong."

Skulker: "You are very skilled, ghost child. But now it's time for you to rest at the foot of my bed."

Kevin: [Disgusted.] "Okay, dude. That's kinda gross."

Skulker: "Well, Ghost Boy, any last words?"

Kevin: "As a matter of fact..." [Gets up. Pats head, covers eyes repeatedly, pounds chest with fists.]

Skulker: "What are you doing?"

Kevin: [Scratching his butt.] "Calling a friend?"

(Sampson, understanding Kevin's communication, suddenly jumps in and crashes into Skulker.)

(Cut back to Sam as Kevin comes in break her free from Skulker's ectoplasms.)

Sam: "You learned his language?"

Kevin: [Freed Sam.] "Of course. I mean, all he does is scratching his butt."

(Montage starts as Sampson continuously hits Skulker and rips his armor apart, as Kevin and Sam both cheer him on and wince at the hits. Sampson then throws Skulker, whose arm has been ripped off, down on the ground.)

Kevin: "Hm. A ghost wearing a high-tech battle armor. I wonder why he'd wearing armor?"

(Sampson continues to rip Skulker's armor apart and throws pieces of it over the pair's heads off-screen. Skulker's head armor is thrown and Kevin catches it. Two small green legs are kicking out from inside the head.)

Skulker: [In a squeaky voice:] "Let me go! I am Skulker! The Skulker! Do you hear me? Fear me!"

(Kevin pulls on the legs to reveal Skulker's true form: a tiny green blob with a face and limbs. The pair is shocked.)

Skulker: "I am the greatest hunter in all of ghost world. You will all fear me."

Kevin: [Turns to Sam.] "Thermos, please."

(Sam holds the thermos out and activates it. Kevin drops Skulker into its beam.)

Skulker: [As he is sucked in:] "You haven't seen the last of me! I shall capture you all. You shall all be mine. Mine, do you hear?!"

(Sam caps off the thermos.)

(Scene fades to Kevin getting Sampson inside into his habitat and revert to human form.)

Kevin: "You did good job, Sampson. Real good." [Sampson grunts at him, thanking him.]

Sam: "Come on, Kev. We gotta wake up Dannie and Taylor before they come here and blame us for releasing a gorilla."

Kevin: [Nods at Sam.] "Right."

(The pair said goodbye to Sampson before they head on back to the tower to see Dannie and Taylor are awake and glaring daggers at the pair.)

Sam: "Uh, hey, guys. Before you two say anything, there's this ghost who-"

Dannie: "I wonder who let the gorilla out...Sam?"

Taylor: "Yeah. Wait 'til we tell everybody at school you let out a four-hundred-pound gorilla."

Kevin: [Whispers to Sam's ear.] "You got the picture, don't you?"

(Sam nods as she holds up the picture of Dannie and Taylor hugging while sleeping.)

Dannie: "Or we just keep it our little secret."

Taylor: "Yeah, we really have no proof she did it, you know."

Dannie: "Nope."

(Kevin and Sam smirk at one another.)

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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