Episode 3: Mystery Meat

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(Fade in the cafeteria where we see a banner that said: "ULTRA RECYCLO VEGETARIAN WEEK" and Kevin and the girls walk up the line as the lunch lady handed them a slice of bread with grass on top.)

Dannie: "Uh, what is this?"

Taylor: [Dramatically to Sam:] "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Sam: "Taylor, it's time for a change." [Holds up the "grass on a bun" in her hand.]

Kevin: [Holds on a bun and toasts it before taking a bite of it.] "Mmm, it'd taste good. At least I'm not having mud pies like that certain jock back there."

Dannie: "Don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?"

(Sam smiles before Mr. Lancer appears putting a hand on her shoulder.)

Mr. Lancer: "Ah, Miss Manson. The school board wanted to personally thank you for ushering in this welcome experiment to our cafeteria." [Looks at Kevin] "As well as your support, Mr. Fenton." [Kevin gives Mr. Lancer a thumbs up.]

Taylor: [Sniffs the air frantically] "Meat. Near." [She looks up at Lancer as she sniffs all over him before glaring at him.]

Mr. Lancer: "No, no. The rumors about the new all-steak buffet in the teacher's lounge are completely untrue." [Pulls out a toothpick and uses it, then puts a hand on Sam's shoulder again.] "Thanks again." [Leaves.]

Taylor: "Yeah, thanks again for making us eat garbage, Sam."

Sam: "It's not garbage. It's recyclable organic matter."

Dannie/Taylor: "It's garbage."

Kevin: [Finished his bun of grass already before his ghost senses kicks in.] "Ah, guys? We got trouble."

Dannie: [A handful of mud suddenly lands on her head.] "UGH!"

Dash: [Offscreen] "FENTON!"

Dannie: "...Make that two problems."

Dash: [Angrily storms over to Dannie, while holding a plate of mud in his hands.] "I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three mud pies. With mud. From the ground! All because of your brother and his girlfriend!"

Kevin: "Sam's not my girlfriend!"

Sam: "I'm not Kevin's boyfriend!"

(The pair look at one another before looking away with reddened looks.)

(Dash grabs Dannie by the shirt and lifts her a few inches off the ground.)

Dash: "These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me! How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!"

Sam: "Actually, it's topsoil."

Dash: [Tosses Dannie at the table] "Whatever!" [Dannie lands on the bench. Dash walks over and shoves the plate of mud towards Dannie's face.] "Eat it. All of it."

(Dannie seems to be about to go through with eating the topsoil, but her ghost sense goes off again as she see's the Lunch Lady floating behind the lunch counter.)

Dannie: "Uh...uh..." [Glances down at the plate and picks it up, preparing to launch it.] "GARBAGE FIGHT!"

(She tosses the plate and hits Dash in the face as the other students began throwing their food at each other and chaos ensures.)

Sam: "It's not garbage! It's-" [Kevin's hand suddenly grabs Sam and pulls her back towards the floor, shushing her and gestures the trio to follow him which they did.]

(As they crawl out of there, Dannie turn to look behind her and see Dash glaring at her.)

Dash: "You're gonna pay for this, Fenton!" [Gets hit with mud in the face again and on the head.]

Dannie: "Great. I'm still his favorite."

(The quartet manages to crawl out the cafeteria door, and Kevin and Taylor peek their heads around it to see the Lunch Lady Ghost.)

Taylor: "Huh. Shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother."

Kevin: "We'll see about that."

(The quartet goes into the room to meet the Lunch Lady Ghost and the ghost turns around.)

Lunch Lady: "Hello, children. Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I see no meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?"

Taylor: "Yeah." [Points at his thumb at Sam] "She did." [Gets hit by Kevin's elbow] "Ow!"

Lunch Lady: [Becomes extremely angry, with her hair flaming on end and eyes flashing red.] "YOU CHANGE THE MENU?!" [The quartet gasps.] "THE MENU HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR 50 YEARS!" [She yells as green flames surround her and appear circling above her head.]

Kevin: "Girls! Get behind me and sis!"

(Sam and Taylor promptly jump behind Kevin and Dannie.)

Kevin: [To Dannie] "Ready, sis?"

Dannie: [Nods to Kevin] "Ready, bro."

Kevin/Dannie: "I'm goin' ghost!"

(The duo transforms into their ghost forms. After transforming, they leapt off-screen as Sam and Taylor watch wide-eyed. The pair floats up toward the enraged Lunch Lady.)

Dannie: "I commend you to...go away!"

Kevin: "Really?"

Dannie: "Well, I don't suppose you have any good ideas."

Kevin: "Actually, I do." [Fires his ghost ray at the Lunch Lady, sending her against the wall.] "Like that."

(After recovering from the impact, the Lunch Lady causes many piles of dishes surrounding a sink to begin to glow and float around, before shooting them at Kevin and Dannie. Kevin flies off while Dannie turn intangible, causing the dishes to pass right through her before hitting the wall behind her. They return to normal, and Dannie smiles at her accomplishment of not being hit.)

(Cut to Sam. A bunch of dishes are heading right for her, which Kevin sees and quickly flies in front of to catch in neat stacks with his hands and arms.)

Kevin: [To Sam] "You okay?"

Sam: [Blushing] "Y-Yeah, thanks for the save."

(The Lunch Lady uses her powers to send even more dishes flying towards Taylor. This time, Dannie catches these dishes in stacks again, as well as a few in her mouth. Taylor stops wincing after realizing Dannie stopped the dishes and smiles. Dannie flies off to put the dishes back on the counter, leaving a few dishes still in his mouth. She removes these dishes and stares at her reflection in them.)

Dannie: "Well, if this superhero thing doesn't work out, I can have an exciting career as a busgirl."

(While looking at her reflection in the plates, Dannie notices the stoves behind her beginning to move around. She frowns.)

Lunch Lady: "I control lunch! Lunch is sacred! Lunch has rules!" [Suddenly changes back to being calm.] "Anybody want cake?"

(Sam and Tucker nod their heads in shock.)

Lunch Lady: "Too bad! Children who change my menu do not get dessert!"

(The Lunch Lady phases up out through the ceiling while the three stoves begin to emit green flames. The green flames fire out of the ovens towards Sam and Taylor who dodge out of the way. Dannie dodges a blast of flames as well. The three stoves look angry and fly at Taylor and Sam, who flinch. Kevin and Dannie flies up behind them, grabs their shoulders, and makes the entire group intangible. They quickly flies them through the wall out of the kitchen. The stoves hit and crack the wall where the quartet just flew through. The quartet turns tangible again and rolls out into the middle of a hallway. They look behind them in shock.)

Dannie: [Looks down at her hands in amazement] "Hey! It worked!"

Sam: [Irritated:] "This is the thanks I get for thinking like an individual?"

(A loud crash is suddenly heard and Taylor and Dannie turn to look for the cause. The hallway begins shaking violently and the lights go out. Kevin and Dannie looks worried and then looks at the row of lockers closest to him. Two of the lockers open and a bunch of school supplies come flying out. Sam looks on in surprise. Suddenly, a locker next to her does the same thing, and now many lockers are doing the same. The supplies fly to the Lunch Lady, swirling through her and then behind her. The quartet looks shocked. Taylor's eyes suddenly widen and he sniffs the air.)

Taylor: [While various meat products fly past him.] "Steak...! Rib-eye...! No, porterhouse! Medium-rare!"

(The meat products begin attaching themselves to the Lunch Lady's body until she is completely covered and only her mean green eyes are showing.)

Taylor: "But where did it come from?" [Glares and turns to look behind him.] "Lancer!"

Lunch Lady: [Towering over the quarter group.] "Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the five good groups." [Politely:] "Cookie?" [Sam shakes her head "no".] [Raises a clawed hand to attack Sam.] "Then perish!"

Dannie: [Slides backwards towards Sam to protect her.] "Forget it! The only thing that has an expiration date here is you!" [Points at the Lunch Lady. Accidentally reverts to her normal self.] "Whoops! I didn't mean to do that."

(The Lunch Lady roars and grabs Dannie before sending her flying into Taylor. Both hit the lockers behind them and a pile of papers covers them up. Kevin tries shooting his ghost ray at the Lunch Lady only to get send flying against the wall when the ghost backhanded punch him.)

Sam: [Gasps:] "Kevin!"

(The Lunch Lady grabs Sam off the ground and flies off down the hallway, taking Sam with her.)

Kevin: "Sam!" [Gets up and flies after the Lunch Lady.]

Taylor: "Come on! Change back! Your brother is going after the Lunch Lady! We gotta go!" [Two hands suddenly grab both girls by their collars.]

Mr. Lancer: "You two aren't going anywhere." [Lifts the girls up off the ground.]

Dash: [Still covered in mud, standing behind Mr. Lancer, smirking in victory.] "Told ya you'd pay, Fenton."

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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