Episode 5: Meeting The Princess

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(The episode opens with Kevin waving goodbye to Sam, who waves back to him and walk back to her home. Then cuts to him walking down the basement to see his father, Jack is sitting down and fishing in the open Ghost Portal.)

Kevin: "Hey, Dad. Whatcha doing there?"

Jack: [Shushes him] "Kevin, keep it down. You'll scare away the ghosts."

Kevin: "Right, sorry. What's that you're using?"

Jack: "It's the Fenton Ghost Fisher. I'm Fishing for ghosts." [Laughs] "Get it? Fishing? Ghost?"

Kevin: [Fake laughs] "Hilarious, dad."

(Jack stops reeling and stretches out the line a bit.)

Jack: "Check out this line. Coated with a special high-test ectoplasmal resin that ghosts can't break. Quiet now. Don't wanna spook them."

(Jack recasts the line and sips his soda. Suddenly, his stomach rumbles.)

Jack: "Whoa! That soda goes right through you like Sherman through Georgia." [He gives the Fenton Fisher to Kevin.] "Here! Hang on to this. I'll be right back after I use the Fenton Urinal." [Goes upstairs.]

Kevin: [Chuckling] "That soda surely is doing a number on my dad."

(The fishing line suddenly reels out further into the portal and becomes taut. Kevin's ghost sense goes off.)

Kevin: "Huh?"

(Kevin strains to keep a hold of the Fenton Fisher against the resistance, but the line breaks. A blue ghost dragon emerges from the portal, the line hanging from her mouth. She roars and the line's broken and smacks Kevin in the face, sending him flying against the wall.)

Kevin: "OW! Hey, that hurt!"

Dragon: "I want to go!"

Kevin: [Confused] "Go? Go where?" [Gasps when the dragon grabs him in her fist.]

Dragon: "I have to go!"

Kevin: "Okay, I hear you for the first time! But please let's just calm down. We don't need to fight. Besides, I can't have my parents get mad at me for trashing the lab in the basement. So can you like not burn me into a crisp and put me down?"

(The dragon heed the boy's words and puts him down, then her golden amulet fades as the dragon suddenly reverts to a ghost girl wearing some kind of dress that she's a royal princess.)

Kevin: [Thinking to herself] 'Whoa. A ghost princess? Now that's something you don't see everyday.'

Princess: "Forgive me for giving you a scare, mortal human. I couldn't contain my anger."

Kevin: "It's okay. No harm done. But if you don't mind me asking, why got you so mad about?"

Princess: "I wanted to go to the Princess Costume Ball." [Angry] "But my horrid mummy won't let me!"

Kevin: "The Princess Costume Ball? Is that an event when you dress up royally and ask your loved ones to dance with you?"

Princess: "Yes. But as you can see, I'm dead and have no one to dance with. I've been alone and hurt during my whole life."

(Kevin couldn't but feel bad for the Princess as he was about to comfort her. But suddenly, his dad speaks off screen.)

Jack: "Kevin? You still there? I'm coming down!"

Kevin: "Oh no. It's my dad!" [Turns to the Princess] "I can't have him seeing you."

(Kevin transforms into his ghost form, which shocked the Princess that she's not the only one who's a ghost. He then grabs the Princess by the shoulders and takes her up to his bedroom.)

(At that moment, Jack comes down and sees no one is here.)

Jack: "Oh. I guess he hadn't caught the ghost and got tired. Ah well. At least my relief is... Damn, I almost forgot!" [Runs off-screen and flushes the toilet.]

(Fade to Kevin's bedroom.)

Kevin: "We should be safe here to talk."

Princess: "I... I don't understand this. You are alive, but you're a ghost too?"

Kevin: "Half ghost. I'm not dead, just had an accident back at the lab. And I'm not the only one who had ghost powers. My sister has one too."

Princess: "I see."

Kevin: "But enough about that. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kevin Fenton. And you are?"

Dorathea: "My name is Princess Dorathea. As you can see, I am a Princess from the Middle Ages, most likely in European kingdom."

Kevin: "From the Middle Ages, you say?"

Dorathea: "Yes. I was a young girl at the time of dying while my evil mother wouldn't let me go to the costume ball. And it's all thanks to my evil brother, Prince Aragon, who treated me bad with abusive ways."

Kevin: [Shocked] "You were abused by your brother? And he's a prince?"

Dorathea: "Yes. I have been abused by my brother and he is indeed a prince. My whole life has become miserable ever since my brother took charge of the castle after my evil mother passed. So I ran away to get away from my brother's abusive ways of torment and start a new life. That's when..." [Turns to Kevin] "I meet you, Kevin Fenton."

(Kevin couldn't help but feel more bad for Dorathea and angry at her mother and brother for treating her badly during her life. He then made a right decision to keep her safe and secure from her brother.)

Kevin: "Well, today's a good day, Princess Dorathea. You don't have to keep running anymore. Because you'll be staying here from now on."

Dorathea: [gasps] "R-Really? You would do that for me? But what about my brother?"

Kevin: "He won't be doing anything to you while you'd found me. What he and your mother was truly unacceptable and you deserved a better life. That's why you're staying here. If you want, it's your decision to ma-"

(Suddenly, Dorathea tackles Kevin into a hug with tears of joy steaming down her eyes.)

Dorathea: "Thank you. Thank you so much. I am deeply happy for being asked to live here. I am forever in your debt, Kevin Fenton."

Kevin: [Smiles and hugs Dorathea back] "As long as you're happy and safe, then that's okay with me. You're safe now. But I have to keep you a secret so that my family and friends won't think you're a ghost. Is that okay, Dorathea?"

Dorathea: "I understand. And please call me Dora."

Kevin: "Okay, Dora. So tell me. Can you shapeshift?"

Dorathea: "As a matter of fact, I do. Why?"

Kevin: [Forming a grin] "Because it's time to get you see things my way of living."

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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