Episode 7: How To Calm Your Dragon

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(Fade to the Amity Park Mall, where Kevin and the girls except Dora are sitting at a table in the food court, eating.)

Sam: [To Dannie] "So, your dad is going to chaperone the dance?"

Dannie: "Yeah, but he doesn't know he's going to chaperone because he doesn't remember that I made him say yes!"

Taylor: "So let me get this straight. You two can just walk into people and take over their bodies from the inside?"

Kevin: "In short term, we can overshadow them. Then, yeah, pretty much." [Eats his fries.]

Taylor: [Looks at the boy who is reading a book with glasses on.] "Say, Kevin. If you could control a boy for just about two minutes..."

Kevin: "Who the hell do you think I am? Some kind of sicko possessing people's bodies and take their emotions to granted? Stop being afraid and go ask them out."

Sam: "Honestly, guys. I'm glad I'm not going to the stupid dance. Saves me the embarrassment of wearing the lame dress my parents brought me."

Kevin: "Really?" [Sam nods at him] "Well, that's a shame. I would definitely like the dress if you do come to the dance anyway."

Sam: [Her eyes wide open] "You think so?"

(Kevin nods at Sam, who becomes red all over and form a small smile on her face.)

(Suddenly, people start screaming and running away from behind the quartet. The Fenton siblings' ghost sense goes off.)

Taylor: "Ghost time." [Holds up French Fries.] "Can I finish your fries?"

(Kevin and Dannie runs into an open shot to go ghost and nods at one another. Then they flew into in front of the same dragon Kevin first met back home in the lab.)

Kevin: "Oh no. Dora must've gotten angry about something."

Dannie: "Dora? Wait a minute. This dragon we're facing is Dora? The girl you'd introduced us back at school?"

Kevin: [sighs] "Yes, Dannie. It's her. And she's not going to stop. Let me talk to her while you go around and get the people out of here before Dora hurts them."

(Dannie nods and goes to help get people outta the way so that her brother can talk some sense into Dora.)

Kevin: "Dora, can you hear me?" [The dragon turns to Kevin and roars at him] "Yeah, stupid question. Listen to me, you must calm down. You're scaring and hurting innocent people. Please you must calm down or else everyone will get hurt. Including me."

(At that moment, the dragon heed Kevin's words and began to calm down, reverting to her normal state. Kevin then floats down to pick up Dora in bridal style and Dora slowly opens her eyes.)

Dora: "I am sorry, Sir Phantom." [Passes out.]

Kevin: "It's okay, Dora. Just rest." [Dannie comes in behind him.]

Dannie: "The people are safe. How's Dora?"

Kevin: "Taken care of."

Dannie: [Sighs in relieved.] [Crosses arms] "So? Dora is a ghost dragon all along?"

Kevin: [Chuckling] "Yeah. Let's head back to the group. I'll explain everything."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin dressed up as a ghost knight and saving Princess Dorathea from a fiery breathing dragon-

Taylor: "So that fiery dragon you two faced was the girl Kevin'd introduced us with back at home?"

Dannie: "Yup."

Sam: "That's something you don't see everyday."

Kevin: "That's what I say when I first met her."

Sam: "So why did you lie to us about Dora?"

Kevin: "Because I didn't want you three to think Dora is an enemy after my sis and I fought that Lunch Lady two days ago. Plus, she had a pretty bad life."

Taylor: "I'm sure it's not that fine."

(Kevin explained everything about Dorathea's horrible life in the Middle Ages and this made the trio taken aback by the whole story.)

Taylor: "Okay, I take that back. That is bad."

Kevin: "Yeah. So that's when I made the right decision to have her stay with us so that she can't stay with her abusive brother again back into the Ghost Zone." [Glares at the Trio] "Will that be a problem?"

Dannie: "Oh no. Not at all. She can stay as long as she wants. As long as she can control her anger that is."

Kevin: "Already ahead of you." [Looks down at Dora's sleep state. Then looks at her necklace.] "I wonder if the amulet is the key?" [To Sam:] "Sam, can you do a research check on the Middle Ages that Dora into her downfall?"

Sam: "Sure can. But why?"

Kevin: "I think the amulet around Dora's neck could be the key of her transforming her into a dragon. Do a little research about it. I'll try to keep her from getting angry again."

Sam: "You got it, Kev."

(The quartet, with Kevin carrying Dora in a bridal style, walks away off-screen out of the mall.)

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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