Chapter 27

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AN I am not giving up on Piri's old series, I was on the Frozen world anyway, aka close to the ending of KH3! I am so close to finishing it so I'll finish it here. Excitement awaits for those who read and enjoy 😉

For the past readers of her series:

and more.

I didn't realize how many readers there were and I will continue with this info in mind. Thank you all for the comments and support, I'm doing this for my dear readers! Thank you guys so much!


Piri sighed and looked the castle to make sure there was no bad guys. She was worried for Sora and her friends. Was she doing the right thing and pushing them away? Things were laid back, too laid back as far as she was concerned. She was still on her toes about Larxene, but at least she knows how to ignore her. She can't get under Piri's skin now that she was protecting a princess of heart. There was one thing keeping it from perfect.


She promised to keep him safe for Riku and Kairi. Now he's somewhere on the mountain, no telling if he is safe for now. Piri growled and shook her head. Sora can defend himself, he was strong and she knew he knew the tricks she thought him were enough to protect him too. Not to mention, Donald and Goofy were with him. She just had to protect the queen now, but as a mother she was still worried.

"Piri? Are you okay?" Elsa asked her and the blue haired girl looked at her and smiled, nodding.

"Yes. Thanks for your concern, your majesty." Piri smiled, "I was thinking about Sora."

"I'm guessing he's someone special to you?"

"Well, he's like a little brother to me." Piri sighed, "I promised to protect him and yet I push him away most of the time."

"I get it. You don't want to hurt him, right?"

"Well, actually yeah. we already crossed that bridge." Piri explained, "I had issues with myself, still kind of have them, and I had to accept my power."

"Power? You mean your light?"

"Yeah, the darkness too. I was afraid of it and refused to use it, but I saw my lover go through the same thing. He helped me get through it and I realised My power can help people if I embrace it."

"Does that really work?" Elsa asked her with wide eyes and Piri nodded.

"It took some time and it is hard but it all takes a leap of faith." the blue haired girl looked at her hand and reached out, summoning her Keyblade. "It all depends on you."

Elsa hummed and looked at her hand, thinking of her words. She sighed and stood up, walking to the balcony. Piri knew she need some alone time and decided to guard the entrance.


The baby cooed reaching for the Alolan Ninetales, which made her smile, 'There, there, little one... Are you hungry?"

"I feel she wants her mother, not you." Snowy gasped at the voice and turn to a certain blonde. Larxene.

Snowy growled, 'Do you mind, witch? I'm a little busy!'

"Geez, can I get any hello-"

'No. Bye bye, now. Leave or I will attack.'

"Wow, cool down with the insults! I thought you were an ice type."

'So? I can be cold, not chill.'

Larxene sighed, "And here I thought I would take little Kokichi away without force."

'Over my dead body. You would turn him into a liar.'

"Ouch, again with the insults! I don't always lie! I do need to take him with me, that's the truth."

'And my again is over my dead body!' She used Aurora Beam and blasted her out of the ship. She used ice beam to seal the portal, a makeshift lock for it, and she broke the portal. She huffed and swiped the ice out of the door, 'Realize something , Larx dear. Continue to do your part and leave me and my kin alone until the final battle. I was just fine without your 'exchanged baby sitter service' so get lost.' she used Psychic to slam the door and Ice Beam to seal the door.

"..." Larxene looked at the door and sighed, "She's not a Damsel in Distress, that's for damn sure."



Piri came back inside once everything seemed safe. She looked around the castle looking for the queen. "Your majesty!"

She heard a chuckle above her, from the top of the staircase, "You don't have to call me that you know. You can just call me Elsa. You and I could be friends... if that'swhat you want."

"Yeah!" Piri smiled up at her, "But I still want to protect you!"

"Of course. Thank you, Piri." Elsa showed her gratitude. "I'll protect you too."

"Hey, thanks to you to, your majes- uh. Elsa." The blue haired girl smiled with a small giggle. Their laughter was interrupted when they heard someone outside. Piri raised an eyebrow, "...I'll check it out. Go upstairs for now, Elsa."

"Okay." She ran upstairs and Piri went to investigate. She peeked outside and saw a certain brunette girl walking up the ice steps. Their eyes met.

"Piri!" Anna went up faster.

"Anna? What in the world are you doing he- actually I think I know." She sighed, looking away from the princess. She opened the door. "...Elsa will be down, just wait here and she's upstairs."

"Oh, thanks." She smiled at Piri who decided to leave them be. She saw a man, raising eyebrow.

"Excuse me, can you wait out here? The queen and princess need their..." she trailed off from what she said when seen a snowman, the one Elsa made. "...Hello."

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" He said and Piri, without moving her head, looked at the man.

"Yeah, I was shocked to see him too." The blonde rolled his eyes, "I'm Christoph. I was leading Anna up the mountain."

"Cool." She said and see saw Olaf trying to waddle in.

"Uh, Olaf, could you give them a minute?" Piri knelt down to his size with a smile, "...They've been through a lot, so they'll  need to talk to each other."

"Oh. okay..." he sounded sad at first, which actually made Piri think she kicked a puppy, but then he started counting. He sat onthe steps, "One. Two. Three." Christoph sat next to him with a sigh.

"Four..." he joined in. As they continued counting. She saw Sora, Donald, and Goofy running towards the castle.

"Sora!" She ran down the steps and met him there.

"Piri." Sora smiled, "What's going on?"

"Anna just went in to greet her sister." Piri said, "I trust you three are okay?"

"All accounted for!" Goofy smiled at her, "We're glad you're safe too, Piri."

"Thank you, Goof-"

"60!" They heard Olaf yelling and Piri looked up, seeing Olaf running in and Christoph following. She sighed.

"Elsa doesn't like people coming into her castle." Piri said, "She acts like Riku."

"Yeah..." Sora sighed, looking away, "Anna told me about them growing up. And then Larxene told us about her powers and how Elsa views her gift."

"She sees it as a curse." She nodded, "I shared my experience with my powers and how I overcame thinking it was something to be feared-"

"You WHAT?!" Donald yelled, she swore she saw him fuming, "You messed with in the world order that way!"

"I know, but the whole world order thing is disturbed anyway. You know that?" She glared at Donald, "I know Elsa was hurting and I just told her that believing  in my powers took a leap of faith! It's just solid advice, Duck!"

"That's MISTER Duck to you!" Donald huffed.

"Yeah, yeah." Piri calmed down, rolling her eyes. "So you three clowns gonna-"

Sora groaned, holding his heart. She sensed Elsa's fear and shame, which made the subject change. She looked at the castle, narrowing her eyes.

"Sora? Piri?" Donald asked, equally worried as Goofy.

"Are ya both okay?" Goofy asked and Piri looked at them with a worried expression. She looked at Sora.

"Hey..." Piri got his attention, "What happened?"

"I... don't really know but..." he looked at the castle. "Something bad must have happened..."

The castle doors flung open and they saw a huge ice/snow monster. Piri gasped, widening her eyes and fearing the worse for the sisters.

The monster threw Anna, Christoph,  and Olaf out of there. "Go away!"

Anna and Christoph slid down the stairs and landed in the snow.

"Heads up!" Olaf's head flew above their heads and even almost hit them, landing on snowy rock. He saw his other two parts flying toward them, "Watch out for my bod!"

Anna gasped and ducked with Christoph. She growled and formed a snowball from the ground. "It is NOT nice to throw people!"

"Whoa, easy there feisty pants! Calm down," Christoph said, retraining Anna from doing anything reckless, "Calm down. Just leave the snowman be!"

"Alright," Anna said, calming down and walking away, "Alright, I'm calm now."

"Okay, good," Christoph said, but then saw Anna throw the snowball at the monster. "Oh come on!" The moment the snowball hit him, the snow monster roared in rage as large ice spikes popped out of his back. "Great, now you've made him mad!"

"RUUUUNNN!!" Piri yelled after them and they did. She looked at Sora, Donald, and Goofy. "You guys too! I still need to go see Elsa!"

"...Okay." Sora ran off with everyone else who was followed by the big snow monster. Piri sighed, running inside.

"Elsa!!" Piri didn't see her in the foyer and figured she was upstairs.

Inside the ice castle, Elsa was pacing back and forth, trying to keep her powers under control. "Get it together. Control it," she said to herself, breathing heavily. It was like being confined in her room all over again. "Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel!" Things didn't seem to be going Elsa's way as the walls around her darkened and ice spiked started to form.

"Elsa!" Piri came running to her and Elsa nervously put her hands up. Piri stopped, "Hey, I'm here! It's okay!"

"Piri, get out of here!" Elsa was in tears, "I don't want to freeze your heart!"

"You won't!" Piri slowly inched towards her, "Elsa, you're safe... it's oka-"

"No! No it's not!" Elsa yelled at her, breaking down, "I struck my sister with my powers!"


AN Good news! I no longer have writers block! Sooooo, I hope you enjoyed (and will enjoy) what I have planned! See you next chapter!

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