Chief Puff

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Game info: These fluffians can fling their spores into the air to create Puffballs. Eventually, their own fluff will grow back, but that's nothing a gust of Aero magic won't fix. Keep clear of the pollen they send up, or you'll come down with an annoying fit of sneezing.

Wiki info: The Chief Puff is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts III. The Chief Puff has a cotton-looking material on its head, and has two leaf arm looking limbs. It has some orange fluff under its face and a Heartless emblem below it. There are also a few leaves on the bottom of the creature. In combat, Chief Puff is able to command a stack of Puffballs. It gains armor over its health that prevent the stack from toppling when attacked. However, even in this mode, the stack can be staggered, but it quickly recovers unless Sora lands more attacks on it. It is able to launch a flurry of needle projectiles. When its armor is reduced to 0, the enemies will have very low health and can be destroyed in one or two hits in this state. When alone, Chief Puff is able to summon additional Puffballs to its aid, but it will stop summoning them when defeated. Besides destroying its armor, Aero is also a great choice of magic against the Chief Puff and the enemies it summons, as both are weak to Aero damage.

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