Chap 2

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Sawada Tsunayoshi, 15 years old, dame-Tsuna, Vongola Decimo or Neo Vongola Primo, son of CEDEF boss Iemitsu, who will soon inherit the multinational corporation Vongole, the succession ceremony will take place when he comes of age at 20 years old, even though he was still resisting, but according to Reborn, Tsuna was the boss whether he wanted it or not. Even though he has been "taught" by Reborn for a year, his clumsy personality is still difficult to change, but the current Tsuna is much more confident, stronger, and tougher than before.

"Wake up, Dame-Tsuna."

Reborn, 3 years old (real age unknown), Sun Arcobaleno, World's Strongest Hitman, tutor sent by Nono to train Tsuna to become the next boss, has had his curse lifted, was now up to Tsuna's knees, according to Verde at such a fast growth rate, the Arcobaleno will return to their adult form in 5 years.

"Die, Reborn."

Bovino Lambo, 6 years old, Lightning Guardian, stupid cow (Gokudera), Lambo's original plan was to kill Reborn (still is) and conquer the world (still is), likes grenades but is often injured by his own weapons because they are everywhere, mischief, noisy, and stupidity (Gokudera). After one year of going through many things, Lambo no longer complains, cries less, and knows how to protect Tsuna.

"Lambo stop."

I-pin, 6 years old, young assassin from Hong Kong, disciple of Fon Storm Arcobaleno, uses gyoza-kenpo to kill enemies, known as "human bomb" due to her special technique, the Pinzu-Timed Super Explosion, destructive power equal to a meteorite falling to earth.

This is a normal morning in the Sawada household, the home of Vongola Decimo.

"ara..ara, the children are also very active today'.

Sawada Nana, 35 years old, often called mamma.... I don't know anything about her so...... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"That's right, mamma."

Futa de la Stella, 10 years old, ranking prince, Futa's ranking book is 100% accurate, Futa's ranking book contains a lot of mafia information, people even spend a lot of money for a copy of a certain rankings, rain will weaken this ability, often followed by mafia, currently living with Tsuna and Nana.

"Isn't that right? Mom also likes a house with more noise." It has been a year since Reborn arrived that many changes have occurred, especially in her son. Nana recalls the day before Reborn arrived, the house was just her and her son, her husband rarely came home, the house was too quiet and big for mother and son, and when her son went to school, she was the only one left in the house. The silence and lack of people in the house made her very scared, but now it is different; since Reborn arrived, the house became much more lively, Reborn's friends, and Tsuna's friends, all made the house less lonely and empty. She appreciated Reborn from the bottom of her heart.

"Good morning mamma," Reborn walked into the kitchen, greeted Nana and sat down on his chair.

"Good morning Reborn, do you want some coffee?", Nana asked.

"Yes, thank you mamma."

"You're welcome".


Tsunayoshi, with his clumsy personality, fell down stairs.

"Tsu-kun!!!"- "Tsuna-nii!!!", Nana and Futa heard the sounds and rushed over.

"hie, it hurts so much"

"Tsu-kun, are you okay? Tsu-kun?"

"I'm okay, just a little sore," Tsuna said, rubbing his head

"Still clumsy as always, dame-Tsuna, hurry up and eat breakfast, you are going to be late, you do not want Hibari to bite you to death, right?" Reborn smiled dangerously at Tsuna, causing him to panic, slip, and fall.



Tsuna slipped and fell a second time because of nothing.

"Ugh...I'm dead, it's almost late, mom, I probably won't eat, I'm going to school." Tsuna ran to the door and quickly put on his shoes.

"Wait Tsuna, here's your lunch," Nana brought the lunch and gave it to Tsuna before he ran away.

"Thank you, I'm going to school," Tsuna took the lunch his mother gave him and went to school. When he opened the door, he saw Gokudera and Yamamoto wait for him.

"Sorry guys, making you wait for me like that." Tsuna said shyly

"It's okay Juudaime, this right hand man can wait for you until the earth is destroyed."

Gokudera Hayato, 15 years old, octopus head (Ryohei), Smokin' Bomb, Storm Guardian, right-hand man (self-proclaimed), extremely loyal to Tsuna even though his original intention was to kill Tsuna but after Tsuna saving him, he swore eternal loyalty to Tsuna, Bianchi's half-brother, smart but hot-tempered and easily irritated with everyone (except Tsuna), seeing anyone older as his enemy.

"Good morning Tsuna"

Yamamoto Takechi, 15 years old, baseball team ace, baseball idiot(Gokudera), Rain Guardian, left-hand man (probably), tried to commit suicide after (also) being saved by Tsuna from whom he became friends Tsuna, warm, kind, often smiling, but according to Reborn, he has the qualities of an assassin, every time he touches baseball he becomes a completely different person.

Tsuna sweatdropped when he heard what Gokudera said but quickly put it aside, and approaching his two friends, Tsuna said: "Good morning, Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun. Let's go to school quickly or Hibari-san will bite us to death."

"yeah/yes", Yamamoto and Gokudera said in unison. The three went to school together, but Reborn stopped them before they left.

"Dame-Tsuna, after class I have something to tell you all, remember to come back on time."

"What's wrong, Reborn?"Tsuna asked curiously.

"You'll know after class."

After school, everyone gathered at Tsuna's house, sitting around the table in Tsuna's room and preparing to listen to Reborn.

"You will be transferred to U.A."



Leon transforms into a hammer in the blink of an eye, and then Reborn gives Tsuna a blow.


"Be quiet dame-Tsuna, a boss must always be calm in all situations"

"JUUDAIME/TSUNA!!!!!!", Gokudera, and Yamamoto rushed forward in panic.

Tsuna, with a lump on his head, calmed. Reborn continued to say,

"You will be Italy's heroic exchange students. You have a week to prepare and remember not revealing your identity. The documents have been prepared, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"But Reborn, we are the mafia, don't you think it's dangerous to go to a hero's school like that?"

"Did you forget we have CEDEF? CEDEF's cover is an Italian heroic organization so there's nothing to worry about, and there are people who will follow so you have nothing to fear, even though you have Gokudera, Yamamoto and Chrome protecting you, that doesn't mean you will be absolutely safe, don't forget that Vongola's outer shell is a multinational corporation."

"Ehhhh, you brought Chrome along? Can Chrome's health handle this? Besides, I didn't know that Vongola is a multinational corporation?!!".

"Haven't I told you yet?"

"You never said anything?!?!".

"Well, i'll just say it right now, Vongola's cover is a multinational corporation, Vongole, CEDEF's cover is a heroic organization, which means your identity is the only son of the boss of the heroic organization CEDEF, along with being the only heir of the Vongole Corporation, that's why you need more guards. As for Chrome, I asked her directly and she agreed, so you have no opinion here."


"Haha, don't be afraid Tsuna, we'll go with you", Yamamoto said while patting Tsuna's head to reassure him.

"That's right Juudaime, although I can protect you alone, but with baseball idiot and Chrome, you will be safer."

"Guys...", touched by the words of encouragement from his two friends, Tsuna seemed to feel somewhat more reassured.

"And actually, this case was proposed by me to Nono. Recently, there has been a mafia family plotting something; they have joined hands with the LOV, Nono should have given this case to the Varia to investigate, but I thought this was a good training exercise for you, so I told Nono to take you guys undercover in U.A.""


"Okay, I still have work to do, ciao ciao."

Reborn jumped out of the window and disappeared, leaving Tsuna bewildered by this information.

"haha, don't worry Tsuna i'm here, everything will be fine"

"That's right Juudaime, this right hand will protect you with my life."

"Ha..ha..ha...(It 's only you two that I am worried about, huhuhu give me back my normal life, I do not want to be the only heir or a mafia boss!!!!! ). Tsuna cried silently in his heart, well, it's just fate, Tsuna, you will be able to do it.


Actually, I didn't think this chapter would take so long ;-;. Well, I haven't checked for spelling errors yet, so if you see any, please tell me and I'll fix it. Ok, see you in 2 weeks (probably)

I will also edit chapter 1, actually chapter 1 does not satisfy me at all. So bye.

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