contest entry one | katie

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dorkiest_nerd Katie, my love!!! Here are my entries to your wonderful contest. I would have handed them in earlier it's just that I got into such a graphic slump after my exams and have only recently dragged myself out of that hole. There was no way I was not going to enter your contest, by now it's a given that whenever you post a contest, I will enter. It was so fun making these for you and I would also like to thank you because making these graphics has helped me finally exit my pit of graphic despair.

Anyway, I really hope you like them.

I made a cover for 'Heart of Irony' which I have a love/hate relationship with. I added the heart beat in the text because I thought the cover needed a little something extra and I quite like it.

A picspam for 'Scars made of Stardust' and I didn't know which one I preferred: stars or no stars, so here's both. Honestly, I had to remake the entire thing because on my first attempt I made it with the wrong faceclaim. Oops. Anyway, I quite like this one and I hope you do too.

Gif banner for 'Union's Valkyrie' that turned out so much better than I expected! The paper, the font and the filter is to give it that old-fashioned vibe considering when the book is set. I adore this one.

A gif set for 'Love is for Children' which I'm pretty proud of. I actually came up with the quote myself so I hope it fits the vibes of the book. This overlay is my favourite, with the text and butterflies, it really is so cute.

A moodboard for 'Under the Moonlight' and like always I found it difficult to pick a filter so here's both for you to choose from. I adore this book already and can't wait to find out what happens next.

'Stuck in my Head' manip which I find quite adorable. It was really fun making this graphic and I also like the overlay: it's simple but pretty.

That is the end of my entries!!! I hope you the like them!!! I'll private message you the links.

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