graphic dump

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My Wattpad has been playing up (well, I think everyone's has in some way but mine has a trouble with keeping media uploaded), so I'm doing this on my computer instead of my phone. Also, I've recently gotten a new phone so I haven't worked out all the kinks yet so it's safer to do this here. Basically, with everything being messed up I've spent quite a bit of time just planning future books and making graphics. So here they are.

Graphics for a Night at the Museum fic about Dr Nya O'Connell, granddaughter of Rick O'Connell and Sekhmet from my Mummy series. Honestly, I already love them so much. NATM is so good and tied with the Mummy, this is going to be amazing. Nya and Ahkemnrah's relationship is going to be interesting and I'm definitely going to be dropping in Nya's family from time to time. They are so pretty.

Some of you have already seen the cover but I thought I should share it again with all the other graphics I have made. This is an old Merlin idea that I brought back to life with a new faceclaim, title and general vibe. BBC Merlin >>>

A cover for my future Kingsman book Legendary Lights which isn't actually too bad. I enjoyed playing with the suits and getting this mother/daughter duo on a cover together. I love them. They are an iconic family.

I rewatched the Fallen series over half term and I can't believe how few fics there are for these movies, they're so good! So because of that I got some random inspiration and out came these! Not sure if I'll do anything with it, but it's nice to have something in case I do. I also quite like the plot I have for this.

Some of you may know of the Dark Knight Trilogy fic in my drafts, well, after rewatching The Batman, I came up with this. It's the same character, just in a different Batman universe with a new faceclaim. Madeline Astor, aka Dark Angel, lives on. It was just another random burst of inspiration. 

I made these yesterday for my baby Grace. There is another version of the top manip where her eyes are glowing white but I decided to not share it because it has different text which would be a major spoiler for those interested in Thriller and its future. Grace meets Roland at school in Texas (during the year Dean is in purgatory) and they become friends. He finds out the truth about Grace so he understands why she leaves. They still keep in contact and she tells him about all the supernatural drama that goes on. I love them.

So, my graphics are improving!!! I don't mean to brag when I say this but sometimes when I see my graphics I can't believe I made them. Some of you may remember my graphics at the beginning of my time on Wattpad. Wow, I don't want to think about those. But it's so clear to see how far I've come and it's almost unbelievable.

Thoughts and opinions? What's everyone looking forward to the most?


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