Author's Note

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This is the little thing i'm suppose to put at the beginning of stories to explain it so here you go.

This does not go with my Bluepulse or Robin one-shots stories, unless it says so it parenthesis. This will have things from the flash tv show so be caught up, justice league, young justice, and anything else that has to do with the flash. Please don't expect much stuff from the comics. I try to read them, but I ain't got no money. Their will be some mentions of Arrow and all those people from those CW shoes.

There will be birdflash, spitfire, and royxwally. So be prepared. Their is no official pairings in this story. Like I said in the summary i am accepting request if you want a one-shot done. Also tell me if you want another part to be written if you feel like something else should happen.

Their will be things like HC's and Au's. Just like my Robin story, their will be a summary for each one-shot. Their is no official day for updates, I have a lot of stories going on and will update when I have time.

I hope you enjoy the story.

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