Meeting Trickster and Pied Piper

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Summary: Kid Flash knew that trickster was crazy. It was still a pretty big shock to him when he first meets the guy.

A/N I don't care how old James is suppose to be. In my story when Wally is just starting out at 13 I think then trickster is going to be 16.

Third person

Wally was happy. His uncle was finally letting him go up against Trickster. Wally didn't know what made him so bad only that he had a few screws loose in the head.

After the incident with Captain Cold and Heatwave Flash knew that the kid was ready for Trickster.

They first got the report when their was a news report by Iris west-Allen saying that bombs were being dropped from the sky onto the children's playground.

Flash sighed and called up his nephew telling him to meet him at the playground.

When they got their the playground was devoid of people only one guy was their in a funny looking suit and a happy smile on his face.

"I'm gonna find you. You can't hide from me," He said looking at all of the reflective surfaces.

When Wally arrived the first thing he noticed was that the person he was suppose to be fighting looked to be only a little older then he was. He put the thought to the back of his mind for later.

Right when Tricksters hand was in the air Kid Flash did the second thing, he ran and got the bomb out of his hands.

Surprised and Trickster thinking that it was someone else screamed a frustrated yet happy scream and spoke again, "So you are here. I knew you wouldn't bail on playing hide 'n' seek with me.

Needless to say that Kid Flash was confused.

"Umm Flash, I thought that he was after us," Wally asked his uncle.

"Nope, sorry kid. It looks like he was just playing a game," Barry responded with.

Kid Flash gawked at him. This is not how people play games.

Wally's pov

What is Uncle Barry thinking. Who plays games like this. I mean their's catch, but not even that is played with bombs. I was about to voice my thoughts before Trickster spoke up again.

"Hart-" He didn't get to finish because a hand came out of nowhere covering his mouth.

The hand turned to a full body and he looked at Trickster like he was crazy. Well he is, but That's not the point.

Flash looked at the new guy and spoke, "Pied Piper what are you doing I thought that you were hiding out with Heatwave and Cold."

"We were. I went to go visit trickster and he wanted to play hid 'n' seek. I didn't see any thing wrong with it. While he was searching he must of escaped and I've been going through the city for an hour before I finally found him here blowing up a playground," Pied Piper explained.

"So you are confirming that you didn't put him up to this at all," Flash asked him with a glare.

"I swear Red. Heat and Cold have been wondering where I've been for the past hour. Trick and I were suppose to meet them at the bar thirty minutes ago. Let's go Trick," he said while dragging him away.

I looked at my uncle like he was crazy. "When we get home your explaining," I said and ran back to school.

Time skip

After school I went back to Uncle Barry's house, which is basically where I live to. I walked in and looked at him while he was eating in the kitchen. "What Was that about," I asked him.

"It wasn't Hartley's fault. The Rouges don't lie. James escaped and Hart has been looking for him. I called up Len afterwords and made sure. He hasn't seen Hart since he went to see James. That was early in the morning and he was suppose to be back four or three hours ago," Uncle B explained to me.

"So we just let him go free," I asked. He shook his head no. "No Hart got Len and Mick and their bringing James back to doctor."

He finished by saying, "Although now that James and Hartley know about you they are going to be kidnapping their new best friend."

That confused me, "Wait who's their new friend," I asked as he walked away laughing.

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