Little League

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The smell of freshly cut grass evaded my nostrils. I buried my hands deeper in the pockets of my jeans. The night was chilly and the neighborhood was too quiet. I'm guessing it's because teenagers now are just sneaking back into their rooms after getting wasted in a party nearby.

Like we always do.

Like we used to do.

I made my way up to the swing of the playground as memories from our good old days playfully flip back in my mind.

Sometimes I wish we could all just go back in time and freeze it forever. But maybe we'd just get sick of it anyway.

I remember us talking about our dreams that were just too far off for us to reach. The goals we promised we would accomplish one day. The places we wished we would someday go to. And the friendship we swore to never break.

Now I wonder, at this age, how they're living their lives now. If they already have settled down. If, by any chance, they're also wondering about me, too.

When we were younger, the future was just a constant satellite wandering above us. We always knew it was there but was always too far to reach us... but it did. And now that today was the future we were talking about yesterday, it kind of makes me feel sad and nostalgic that my time with them has almost turned into an absolute memory. A kaleidoscope of good promises and dreams--nostalgia.

Maybe we're too old for this. Maybe I'm supposed to be mature and not think about any of this but I hope--maybe, just maybe, we get to see each other once again.

Or maybe we'll get to meet in a country we had always dreamt of going to. Maybe everything will just coincide at the right timing.

Or maybe we were wrong. Maybe what we were yesterday is just going to remain as it is.

Whatever maybes and what-ifs I may still carry, I just want to be with my little league one last time. Or who knows, maybe time will permit us a second time. Maybe.

It will. I'm sure of it.

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