Chapter 5

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The sound rang through the room, waking me up. I moved my arm around, too lazy to actually get up, and silenced my alarm. I was just about to go back to my peaceful sleep when-


I thought it was my brother who said that but then recognized the voice to be Shiro's. Realizing that my first day at Voltron High was today, I slowly got up and got ready.

For my outfit, I decided to wear what I usually wear: a huge hoodie and a pair of leggings. I didn't like wearing skirts or dresses and I rarely wore jeans, unlike most girls in my school. Once I put my hair in a ponytail and got my old pair of green converse out, I deemed myself ready. I picked up my bag and left my room.

Once I got downstairs, I saw that Shiro was cooking while my brother was nowhere to be seen. Shiro must've heard me because as soon as I stepped into the kitchen, he looked up.

"Oh, hey Katie. Matt just went to my house to wake up Keith. I don't know how he can wake up that lazy dumb head, but I'm just glad he can. Oh, and I made pancakes. Want some?" Shiro said, putting another batch of pancakes onto the kitchen counter.

"Y-yeah sure. Thanks, Shiro," I replied, sitting down at the counter and helping myself to a pancake.

I may be small, but I eat a lot for my size. It's not like I don't care about being fat, but I'm not going to check the number of calories in something and have a strict greens-only diet.

While I was enjoying a second serving of breakfast, I heard the front door open and the sound of footsteps reached my ears. When I turned around, I saw my brother and Keith.

Why was Keith here?

"Because, Pidge, I need to take you to school today," Keith said, a smirk on his face.

Whoops. I said that out loud," I thought with a blush evident on my face.



"M-my n-name is K-Katie," I whispered.

Keith just smirked even more-was that even possible?-and walked to get get some pancakes. My brother just looked between Keith and I and then turned to Shiro, who gave him a look that I couldn't decipher.

All four of us sat down to eat breakfast, with mostly Matt and Shiro talking. Keith just kept quiet and sometimes, if I turned to him, he would be looking at me with a weird face. It always made me self-conscious, so I would just turn back to my food and try to pay attention to the conversation.

Once we all finished our food and put away the dishes, Keith and I got ready to leave, since Matt and Shiro had afternoon classes today.

"Bye Katie, have fun on your first day of school," Shiro told me while giving me a brief hug, which surprised me since I never really hugged anybody outside of my family. Still, I hugged him back slightly, not wanting to seem rude.

After he let go of me, Matt pulled me to his chest and squeezed the living daylights out of me.

"Have a great day, Pidgeon. If anybody gives you trouble, they'll have a meeting with Matt the Fist, OK?"

I just laughed and nodded to him.

Keith stood off to the side and once I got my bag, we left to go to school.

I wish I could say that he had a car. A nice, safe car.

But no.

He had a freaking motorcycle.

I was going to die today. I would never see my family again, make friends, get a boyfriend, have a first kiss, get married, have kids...

'Hey Katie, you OK? You look like you're going to pass out," I heard Keith say, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I nodded dumbly, too scared to say anything. If I was going to die, I didn't want to talk to the guy who was going to second-hand kill me!

I should just say that I can't go to school with him.

"Um, I'll j-just walk." There, that is a good excuse.

"Nope, I was ordered to take you to school," he replied as if he knew this was going to happen.

I tried to get some ideas as to why I couldn't ride the motorcycle when I felt two hands grasp me by the waist and lift me up.

I was in too much shock to actually yell something like "HELP!" or "THIS GUY IS TRYING TO KILL ME".

"Calm down Pidge. I am not going to drop you or kill you on my motorcycle. I have a helmet before and I have had this bike for like 3 years. You're in pretty good hands," Keith said.

"F-fine." I didn't know what else to say.

Keith dropped me onto the bike and then put the helmet on my head. Then, he sat in front of me and turned on the bike.

On instinct, I grabbed something to make sure I didn't fall- that something happened to be Keith's torso.

"Woah, if you wanted to feel my abs, go ahead," he said with a smirk.

I realized what I was doing and immediately brought my hands back, to embarrassed to say anything. Why was I always doing this?!

Keith just chuckled at my reaction but told me that I had to hold onto him so I wouldn't fall.

This time, I made the smart choice and held onto his shoulders. Keith must've realized just how scared I was because he seemed to be going at a slower pace than he usually did.

Once we reached Voltron High, I saw the building and gasped. It was very beautiful, with two floors and a lot of colors.

Keith put his motorcycle at a parking spot and then I started walking to school.

Then I realized that Keith wasn't following me, so I turned around and saw that he was surrounded by a bunch of people.

Why isn't he coming?

Then a thought hit me. He probably didn't want to be seen by the new girl who was going to be known as "The Nerd". I am also a really boring person, someone no one would want to be friends with.

Trying to shake my head rid of negative thoughts, I walked to the main office and saw a kind looking secretary sitting in front of a desk.

I walked up to her and told her I was new. She was nice and gave me my schedule and a school map and wished me good luck for my first day. I smiled at her and started to walk towards my first class, looking at the school map to aid me.

I looked down at my schedule and saw what classes I had.

1st Block- AP Chemistry

2nd Block- P.E.

3rd Block- B.C. Calculus 

4th Block- AP English


5th Block- Study Hall

6th Block- AP World

7th Block- Art

8th Block- AP Spanish

While I was walking, I didn't notice two figures in front of me until I bumped into them and almost fell down. Luckily, I steadied myself and apologized, keeping my head down. If I ever bumped into someone at my old school, they would just tell me to watch where I was going or something meaner and walk away, purposefully pushing me to the side. I never expected someone to actually take notice of me though.

"Oh, look Hunk. She looks lost. We should help her," the tall guy with brown hair in blue said.

The other guy, who must be Hunk, just nodded and adjusted his yellow backpack. I brought my arms around me and hugged myself. Why would they want to help me?

Shaking my head slightly, I moved to the side to continue the search of my class when an arm grabbed me and pulled me towards a person.

"Hey! Why are you walking away? We are going to be the best of friends, right Hunk?" Lance said, a grin on his face.

I started to tell him that he didn't have to when I was pulled forward and saw that Lance was holding my schedule, looking at it while holding onto my hand. Hunk was next to me, who was suddenly munching on a bag of chips.

"So, you have AP Chemistry right now, huh? Well, I don't know about the class, but we both could have great chemistry," Lance said, winking at me while simultaneously wiggling his eyebrows.

Hunk decided to step in and say, "Lance, stop traumatizing the poor girl. She's not interested."

I just nodded, not saying anything. No one ever flirted with me so what was I supposed to say?

Lance pouted. "Aw man. Hunk, you always ruin the fun."

I saw that we stopped at a classroom and realized that it was my first class.

"Well...." Lance trailed off, and I realized he didn't know what my name was.

"K-Katie," I shyly said.

"Well, Katie here is your class: AP Chemistry."

"Thanks," I whispered. 

"Ok then. I don't have classes with you for the next three classes, but Hunk is in one of your classes. We can all meet up during lunch, OK?" Lance said.


We all said bye to each other and I prepared myself for a new day at school. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as my previous one.
Here is Chapter 5 and Katie is finally at Voltron High!

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