Chapter 9

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When the bell to indicate the end of school rang, I rushed outside of school with Lance. We both had the same class last block and decided that we should meet Hunk and Keith before we all parted ways.

Once we reached the parking lot, which was filled with a lot of kids, we started looking for either one of our friends.

"Oh hey look! That's Hunk and Keith!" Lance stated, pointing to a big tree, where Hunk and Keith were talking.

As we approached the two, I could hear some snarky comments being made about me. A little sad about it, I scooted towards Lance as a form of protection.

Apparently, Keith didn't like that because when he saw how close Lance and I were, he shot a glare at Lance. However, the victim of the glare just smirked as if he had discovered something.

"Hey guys," Lance said when they guys were in hearing range.

"Hi Lance and Katie!"

"Katie. Lance."

I could tell Keith was getting mad, so I pulled away a little bit from Lance. That made a small grin appear on his face as he looked at me. I just gave a small smile of my own.

"Okay guys, so let's all exchange numbers so we can text each other whenever we want to," Hunk said, pulling out his phone.

The rest of us nodded in agreement and pulled out our own phones.

When I asked Keith for his number, he said, "Well then, Pidge, I never knew you were so desperate to get my number. I mean, if you wanted to have a good time, you could've just snuck into my bedroom window."

At first, I was confused when he said "a good time", but when he finished talking, I understood what he meant and blushed so hard I would make a tomato's jealous.

I didn't know what to say, so I just turned around, thinking that he might not have wanted my number.

However, his hand grabbed my phone and he put in his number.

When he handed it back to me, he leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Try not to text me at 3 a.m. in the morning okay?

"A-as long as you don't do t-the s-same to m-me," I replied, a little flustered that I could faintly feel his lips touch my ear.

He leaned back and smirked at me before turning back to Lance and Hunk, who were looking at our little exchange with curiosity.

"Well then," Lance started, smirking at me, "Hunk and I have to go. We'll see you guys tomorrow, right?"

Keith and I nodded and said bye to them. As they were walked back to their cars, Keith turned to me and said, "Let's go home now, shall we?"

"Sure," I replied as we went to his bike. I could see that his previous friends, Mike and the two guys I did not know that names of, were staring at both of us as we walked. It was kind of weird, but the thing that made me the most anxious was that the look on Mike's face was scary when he saw me. I could tell he was angry at Keith, but when his gaze went to me, a sinister smirk came onto his face. Weirded out, I pressed myself closer to Keith, which he did not have a problem with.

Once we both got situated on his bike, we went in the direction of our houses. It wasn't that bad to ride his bike because 1. He was going slow, and 2. It felt nice to have the wind blow on your face and see how everything was a blur as you went by it. I really wanted to try to stand up, but I did not have great balance so I opted to put my hands on Keith's shoulders. 

When we reached my house, I tried to get off, but a hand stopped me from moving. I looked up and saw that Keith had a concerned look on his face.

"Pidge, why were you crying today?" 

I immediately stiffened, recalling the words that those people around me had said. I had completely forgotten about how Keith wanted me to tell him the reason behind my tears, but I was so caught up in the fact that we were hanging out together to let that thought even cross my head.

"U-um, w-well, t-these people w-were saying some s-stuff a-about me," I started in a quiet voice.

"What were they saying?" Keith almost growled out. 

I straightened myself and quickly said, "I-It's not a-a big deal. D-don't w-worry about it."

"Pidge, tell me what they were saying." This time, Keith actually growled out, which made me worried about what he would do if he knew what the kids were saying.

In a small voice, I said, "J-just some s-stuff about h-how you p-pitied m-me and you d-don't want t-to be m-my f-friend."

When Keith didn't say anything, I started getting worried. Does he agree with those people? Is he just pitying me because I am new? Will he ditch me if a new girl comes to Voltron High?

"I-I u-understand i-i-if that i-is tru-"

"Oh no, no no no. Don't think that Pidge. I really do like being your friend and I don't just pity you. Please, you have to believe me. Those people don't know what they are saying," Keith rushed out when he realized what I had interpreted his silence for.

"O-ok," I said, relieved that he did want to be my friend. "J-just don't h-hurt anybody p-please?"

"Yeah sure, fine," Keith said, but I could tell that he wanted to beat up somebody from the way he was clenching and unclenching his hands. "But don't tell Matt about this. Or Shiro for that matter. They won't stop from hurting people, including me.

I winced at the thought of Matt beating up Keith, but quickly smiled. Keith was obviously stronger than Matt, so why was he so worried?

"Thinking about how strong I am right?" Keith smirked and I blushed when I realized I was looking at his arms and how they were muscular, but not too much. They were just perfect.

Stop Katie!

"It's okay, I know you want to get a feel," he said as he put his arms in front of me. 

The situation was too embarrassing so I put my head to down in hopes of calming myself down. What was I supposed to do when these things happen?

"Hey, I'm just messing with ya. No need to be shy about it," Keith assured me as he lifted my face.

"Why don't we go inside. I am pretty sure both of our older brothers are in your house.

I nodded, and we went to my house. However, right when we stepped inside, I was shoved to the side why Matt was holding Keith by the collar of his jacket.

"WHY WERE YOU TOUCHING MY SISTER?" Matt shouted as he pushed Keith up against a wall. Shiro was trying to calm Matt down, and I just stood there, confused as to why Matt was acting weird all of a sudden.

"I-I-" Keith tried to talk, but Matt wasn't having any of it.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH KATIE! YOU GUYS ARE FRIENDS! FRIENDS!" I could tell Keith was getting uncomfortable, so I decided to step in.

"M-Matt, c-can you s-stop? Y-you are s-scaring me," I said in a quiet voice, but Matt was able to hear me and quickly rushed to my side, leaving Keith alone. 

"Are you okay, Pidgeon? Did Keith do anything to you? I swear I am gonna beat the sh*t out of that kid," Matt muttered as he checked to see if I was hurt in any way.

"Matt, stop. Keith and I are friends. You can't make me lose my only friend," I said, pushing Matt away. If he kept on doing this, I would lose Keith and I didn't want that!

"But, Pidgeon-"

"Matt, he wasn't doing anything to me. Do you really think I would let him do that if he did? Do you think I am weak?" my voice got quieter at the end.

Matt seemed to realize what I was thinking and started to deny that, saying he was sorry.

"You have to apologize t-to Keith, not m-me," I said in a stern voice, which was surprising, considering I never raised my voice in front of anybody. 

Matt looked dejected and walked towards a confused Keith. 

"Sorry, man," my brother muttered, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay, dude. I understand where you are coming from. But I promise I would never hurt or take advantage of Pidge in any way. You have my word." When Matt heard Keith's words, he gave Keith a bro hug, which made me smile. 

Shiro, who was looking rather awkward, said, "Okay guys, let's go eat something. And Matt, try to refrain from killing my brother again." 

We all laughed as we went to the kitchen to have some snacks.


Hey guys!

Chapter 9 is finally up!

Matt now does not hate Keith anymore! Yay!!!!!!

What do you think of the story so far?

Are the chapters too long? Too short?

I also wanted to say that I do not have a schedule for updating, but I am trying to get atleast one chapter each week. So if a chapter does not come up, don't worry! It will come sometime soon.

Don't forget to comment and/or vote!!!

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