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I know I am very late but your votes and comments are really appreciated!!


He looked down towards his abdomen only to find the cloth over it completely wet with blood......

Everything happened to quickly. No one could comprehend a thing. The gun shoot was enough for Jungkook to jump out and run to Namjoon. With him the other fishmongers and a few customers also screamed. None of the people had the courage to intervene and save the boys from the armed men.

"JOON!! Oh my god you are bleeding! YOU ARE SHOT!"

"No I am not shot. The bullet just grazed my skin and why the hell did you come out."

"But still-"

"Catch him boys!!" one of the men shouted.

"Fuck! Run Jungkook. RUN!"

With that Namjoon pushed Kook away in some random direction and pulled a gun from his jacket which was followed by another set of dramatic gasps from the people. The gun was empty but he had to try, at least stall them till Jungkook is safe and hiddden.

"Don't you dare follow him. I won't hesitate to shoot." he warned them.

But it was too late. The men had divided themselves already and Joon was attacked by three of them while the others followed Jungkook amidst the fish market. The people merely stood as audience while the Tom and Jerry fight and chase continued. Namjoon wasn't good in fighting but his empty gun and strong legs helped in seriously injuring the men. But he himself got punched in his abdomen and the skin could be seen turning black and blue from the tear due to the bullet.

On the other hand Kook had no arms or ammunitions and kept running anywhere. Throwing the first thing he could get his hands on on the men running after him. The respective shopkeepers cursed him but that didn't stop hin from throwing or pushing down their carts to block his followers. Some people were kind enough though and actuall caught hold of a few men and beat them nicely. Jungkook did not have time to cheer for them and so he jept running but every way has its end and Jungkook could see that. Halting at the dead end, he turned around and grabbed and unattended knife and started moving it in random direction, injuring none of them in reality. He just wanted them to stay way and leave him the hell alone. But if required he was really going for the kill.

The men were skilled though and dodged every attack effortlessly. At some point the knife was kicked out of Kook's hand and he was pushed down harshly. The men surronded him and he could one of them taking out a bottle and handkerchief already. Crawling backwards, his back met one of the fish containers.

It's now or never.

As if a storm had appeared, Kook stood up and started throwing random sea creatures on the men. From the smallest shrimps to the massive salmon- he threw whatever he could pick up. The fishmonger tried to stop him but couldn't. The men were confused as to what the fuck was hitting them and that created enough time for Kook to run past and grab the weighing machine.

What happened next was a mess. Jungkook came down on the men with the weighing machine-gun someone's nose broke, someone's jaw was dislocated, someone got hit on his sides but the boy continued beating them until they all lay on the floor groaning and whining in pain.

Namjoon on the other hand tied up the three men he was fighting and took all their money and guns. He slowly walked through the aisles to find Jungkook. Finding him in the last aisle, he rushed towards him- helping him to get up. After that he searched all the men and took their money and guns too. He walked with Kook as he paid all the shokeepers for their loss while the younger could only stare at him with adoration and a small smile.

"YOU DOG!" someone shouted and the people turned to look at a man running towards Namkook. Before Namjoon could do a thing... Jungkook caught an octopus from the container and threw it at the man. The octopus also didn't disappoint them as it started using its suckers on the man's face. Stalling enough time they ran away from leaving behind a laughing incident for others there.

"We can't use their car. It will be having tracking device." Joon said as he looked for sone sort of transportation. All the while Kook kept quiet and they were now on the city outskirts.

"I have money to reach the nearest city but not Seoul. Plus we need food too. Jungk-...Jungkook are you listening to me? " he jerked the other a bit.

"Are you okay baby?" Joon asked as he caressed his silky hair.

"Ca-n we sta-ay here?" Kook asked in the faintest voice possible. "Pleas-se f-or to-day?"

Tears had already found their way to Jungkook's eyes. Namjoon hugged him tightly and accepted his request. With the consificated guns and big cry baby, he checked into a shady motel.

"Just stay here, Okay? I will try to sell these guns and come back as soon as possible. You can freshen up till then."

"Ple-ase don't..."

"Hey hey stop crying. I will be back in the blink of an eye. I promise! Go freshen up you smell like the whole Busan sea." Joon tickled him a little and placed a small peck on Jungkook's head before leaving.

True to his words, Joon returned a while later. By then Kook had taken a bath and even eaten some ramen that was kept in the room. He decided to watch some show until Joon came back.

"Hi I am back. Oh I see you took a bath and ate too. Right? Well-" Joon spoke as he removed his coat. Suddenly two hands came to assist him.

"Give me your clothes. I will wash them. I washed mine too. Go take a bath. I will wash them after you have freshen up and there is a towel inside cause I am using the robe. Go now.."

Joon hardly had anything to say. After the tiring day they finally fell asleep after eating and treating Joon's cut. They had kept enough distance between themselves but with as the first rays of sun hit them the next day, Namjoon was again woken up to a soft and beautiful face that was on his chest and hands and legs that held onto him like he was the most precious thing on the planet.

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