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I am so sorry for this late update. Actually a very amazing thing happened to me......
My exams 😑

Well whatever but I am updating now and I am also sd that my last update got literally no votes and here I was happily thinking of writing another story. So this is the end of "Kidnapped"

Thank you for your love and support so far ❤❤


A year later...

"Jin hurry up. They will be coming any minute now." Namjoon shouted as he checked his hair for the last time in the mirror.

"Yeah yeah coming! Let me just put this cheesecake on the table first atleast."

They ring of the bell broke their already going on conversation and a new one started.

"See they are here already."

"Okay I am here." Jin came and stood beside him.

With a final sigh Namjoon and Jin opened the door to welcome their dongsaengs inside. Infront stood a blond Taehyung and cherry haired Kookie who kept squealing. He immediately jumped on Jin like a small child jumps on his parents after a dreadful day at kindergarten. Taehyung too hugged his hyung.

"Its been so long Joonie hyung!" Tae spoke.

"I know and you have become buff now too.'

"Yeah that happens when your baby of husband asks you to carry him half of the time."

"Hyungie!! I hate you." Kook smacked Tae's arm.

"I love you too.."

"If you cheesy get together is over then let us in too." Yoongi pushed them aside and laid down on the sofa.

"Where is Jimin and Hoseok?" Namjoon asked.

"Getting our bags of course."

"And why aren't you helping them Yoongi?"  Jin continued.

"Cause I am queen meow meow and only order around. You got a problem with that?"

"Hyungs let it be. He is their utterly spoiled babyboy and we can't say him anything." Tae whispered.

"Yes hyungies! He is a bigger baby  than me." Kook whispered into Jin's ear but all 3 could hear it.


"Hello people your hope is here!" Hobi came in with the bags.

"Hi everyone!" Jimin greeted too.

"Hi Jimin and Hobi!"

"Hobi Jiminie are you here? Come here fast. I am tired!" Yoongi whined.

The boys quickly waddled their way to Yoongi and he laid his head on Jimin's lap while his upper body lay across Hobi's lap.

"I am sorry he is just tired." Jimin apologized for Yoongi.

"But I made dinner and it will go cold."

"Did someone say dinner? Move peasants I am hungry." Yoongi immediately ran and seated himself at the dinner table.

The others just laughed and after a bit of freshening up joined Yoongi at the dinner table.

"Well this is too much Jin hyung!" Jimin said.

"No it isn't." Tae said

"Nah." Namjoon followed

"No it's not." Then Hobi spoke

"I am HUNGRY!!" Yoongi stomped his feet.

"Yeah we are very hungry hyung. And Jimine don't worry this pig here-" pointing at Tae "will eat it all."

"Yeah-wait WHAT! Did you just call me a pig?"

"Yes banana milk thiefs are called pigs!"

"It happened once Kookie. Once!"

While the young couple fought the others laughed and Jin served the dinner. As the dinner proceeded, Tae told how the first thing they did was getting married in The States and staying there until Mr.Jeon accepted to talk. Jungkook's kidnapping and marriage had brought the truth out about Jeon, all thanks to the Parks. He had no choice but to accept his son and his love. With everything Jungkook told he didn't want to do any business and make a career in video making and photography. Taehyung was already a business major so Jeon gave him internship in San Francisco- much to his dislike. But in the year that went Tae proved himself and Jeon was somewhat okay with giving him the company. There was still bad blood between the two and both kept their interactions minimal and as professional as possible. Jeon even accepted to pay for their college fees and other stuff. However the owner of the company was still Jungkook.

Moving on to other three, they came back from Japan within a week. Jeon was furious at them but before he could do anything, Jimin already told his parents everything and the angry Parks literally brought the mad man down. Currently the three were enrolled in the same college as Jungkook, where Jimin and Hoseok were dance majors and Yoongi was majoring in music and taking diploma in business dealing together. All of them were happily settled in the States.

"So hyung what about you two?" Kook asked Jin.

"What about us?"

"C'mon tell us about what happened! Tae told me a little but I want to hear it from you."

"Um not much has happened in the last year. Namjoon took the offer and now is handling the grocery store he worked at I take tuitions on weekdays and cooking classes on weekends. So everything is sorted for now."

"Hyung your mom?" Tae asked.

"Oh she didn't survive."

"Sorry hyung." all of them sid together.

"Oh don't worry she didn't remember me anyways." Namjin chuckled trying to lighten the mood and then the rest followed.

After they made preparations for everyone's sleeping arrangements Jin called everyone and served them desserts. While this went on Tae walked towards his hyung's bland room only to see it all decorated and maintained. On the wall were his pictures but along with them there were pictures of Namjoon and Jin and Tae couldn't help but smile seeing them.

"Taebear c'mon we are putting on a movie. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing just looking at your pics. You two look good together."

"Thanks. If it weren't for you I don't think I would have met such an amazing and beautiful person."

"You know I always thought how I would pay you for the things you did for me and I'm glad I could give you something."

"Yeah." Namjoon put his hand on Tae's shoulder as they kept looking at pictures.

Later at night everyone was tired from the movie and journey. Hoseok took Yoongi to the room as a sleepy Jimin followed him. Taehyung picked up his babyboy who lept on him like a koala and took him to his room. Once done he came down only to find Namjoon holding Jin tightly by his waist and Jin laying his head on Joon's other hand as the intertwined their fingers together. Their was a small smile Namjoon's face and for the first time Taehyung looked at his brother- all happy and healthy and he finally felt less of a burden.

The End.

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