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We packed four things, and the tent, and headed back to where we were supposed to meet in the morning.

We walked for about and hour, kind of lost, until we met back up with the others.

"Finally! You two took forever.." Thomas mumbled, being a bitch.

"We got lost a couple of times." Levi firmly responded.

Levi looked at me from the side, and then looked back at the crew.

Alex smiled, and came up and squeezed me.

I giggled, and GLADLY returned a hug.

Levi looked at us both, sadness in his eyes.

But I could see him slightly smirk, when he fidgeted with his pocket knife.

I got kind of nervous, and I pulled back.

Alex held my hand, and we all made our way to a restaurant.

We all wore different colored hoodies, hoods on. We didn't wear all black, because that seemed kinda sketchy. And plus, we had our hoods on.

We ate, and talked about politics, taxes, then Levi turned the subject in to me.

He quietly spoke to the men, but I could hear him.

Me and Alex were in the booth right behind them.

Me and Alex showed worried looks. Levi has been acting a bit sketchy today.

Once we finished all of our food, we were about to head out, until ANOTHER news report came on.

'Yesterday night, there was a police chase over the 6 rapers/kidnappers, and police said they had lost them. If you see anyone with the name Levi Weeks, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Seabury, John Jay, and Aaron Burr, please contact police IMMEDIATELY. Also, the victims, John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Please contact police if you come across ANY of these people.' The TV beamed.

We immediately all ran to the van (wow, rhymes. I'm motherfuckin Doctor Seuss up in this BiTcH), and we sped away, and off to the warehouse.

And again, we almost crashed because of how fast we were going.

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