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I woke up to the sound of multiple men downstairs, talking about rent they had to pay and stuff.

I looked around the room and saw pictures of victims Levi has raped. I shivered as I looked at every single face on those pictures.

I felt my heart soften when I saw a tiny man with long, wavy, brown hair walk down the hall. He came into the room I was in, and stopped.

"Oh my god, did he rape you..?" The man asked, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Yes, sadly.." I spoke, in a very low voice, so the men downstairs couldn't hear me.

After that, I heard a yell.


The man looked at me, and frowned.

"He means us. You now work for him, like I do. I'm a rape victim." He quietly said, tears prickling in his eyes.

I got up and wiped his tears, hugging him.

I pulled away, and we both walked down the steps to see 6 men smirking.

"Hello Johnny boy~" Levi smirked, and tried to kiss me.

I slapped him, and he backed away.

"Don't touch me." I ordered, looking him in the eyes, showing no fear whatsoever.

He snorted, and put his hands on my jaw, and got really close to my face.

"You don't make the rules around here, I DO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" He screamed right in my face.

I scrunched up my face, his words ringing in my ears.

"W-whatever.." I said, as he gestured over to the dishes, and me and the tiny man walked over to the sink.

The 6 men looked at me, before speaking in German, so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"hey, wie wär's, wenn wir diesen sommersprossigen Jungen behalten? anstatt ihn wie die anderen zu töten?" A dark man with an Afro suggested, smirking and laughing at me.

I felt uneasy, as I did the dishes.

What were they saying about me? What were they planning to do to me?

Soon, Levi spoke.

"Of course, I'd never think of losing him. That's why we kept ol' tiny man over here, too." He replied.

That's it. They were thinking of killing me or taking me away someplace else.

A man with a thick accent spoke, but he sounded a bit British.

"Ich sage, wir haben eine Orgie mit ihnen und auch einen kleinen Mann." He spoke.

"Of course! Samuel, that's a great idea!" The dark man with the Afro spoke, all of the 6 men giving him high fives.

I scoffed at their stupidness, and looked over at the tiny man washing his side of the dishes.

I spoke up, but quietly so the men wouldn't hear. But loud enough so the tiny man could.

"Hello, my name is John Laurens." I put my hand out slow, and he shook it.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, but it's call me Alex." Alex smiled at me, and I smiled back in return.

But, the men heard us and snapped.

"Wer hat gesagt, du könntest sprechen ?! NICHT SPRECHEN!" Samuel screeched.

Me and Alex were silent.

"What?" We both said in unison.

"WHO. SAID. YOU. COULD. TALK. STOP. TALK-ING." He broke down, acting like we were stupid.

I scoffed, and went back to the dishes.

I guess this is my life now.

This is only day one, and I'm already sick of it.

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