kidnapped by a vampire

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I skipped down the gravled road happily. In exactly 1 more year I'll be a legal adult. YAY! I can finally get out of that wretched orphanage too. They're nice peeps and all but after being there for 11 years you get kindda tired of it. I sighed. They still don't even remember my birthday. But I'm used to it. Besides, I have William to keep me company. Who is William? Well, he is the oldest tree in the entire park down the street! WOO HOO!

I slowed to a walking pace and stopped skipping (what? You thought that wasn't literally? Hmmm, interesting). I walked strait up to Willy (William) and gave him a great big hug. I know what your thinking, TREE HUGGER! But FYI, trees give the best hugs.

"Hey Willy. I bet YOU didn't forget my birthday." I said as i let go and took out my book from my book bag. I sighed as I sat down and leaned against Willy. I thought for a moment before opening my book. I basically just thought of random stuff like how Holly would miss me when I turned 18 and moved away. Holly was only 9. I sighed. Poor Holly's parents died right in front of her eyes. I felt bad for her. At least I didn't have to watch MY parents die.

I sighed and opened my book and began to read. I read for about an hour when I hear it. A gun shot. My head shot up as I listened to the echos. A ear splitting scream came after. I was paralized.

Finally I dared myself to peek around Willy behind me to see if they where near. I hesitently stood up. I was suddenly cold, though it was around 90 degrees. I stepped half was out from behind Willy. Of course, with my luck, that's when a guy ran full blask strait into me. I let out a yelp as we crashed to the ground. He ended up to my right and I looked over at him and screamed. He had a gun in his hand, AND he was on the wanted list. I reconized him from TV. Strangly his gun wasn't pointed at me though. I followed the guns direction and ended up meeting the icy eyes of another dude. This dude looked about 18 (legal adult, lucky!) and in his stare was a mixture of hate, anger and thirst, staring directly at the guy (mid 40's). I screamed again when the guy (the older one) fired his gun at the dude. I kept screaming when the bullet just bounced off the dudes skin like a cheese cube hitting a brick wall.

The dude then attacked the guy at incredible speed. If I would have blinked I would have missed the whole thing. Then I see the guys eyes suddenly stare into space and I knew he was gone. Then the dude BIT the guys NECK! I heard screaming and realized I hadn't stopped. Oops, bad idea. The dude raised his head (mouth bloody) and screamed at me.

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!" after seeing what he could do i imediatly shut my mouth. I just stared, wide eyes, at him. After about 30 seconds he was done. He raised his head, eyes a little less hateful.

"How much did you see" He demanded. I tried to talk but words wouldn't come.

"HOW MUCH DID YOU SEE!" He screamed at me.

I gulped, "To the point when he crashed into me and shot a bullet at you that bounced off." I breath out. He didn't show any sign of comfirmation and just grabed my arm, tightly. I freaked out again and struggled against his grip.

"STOP IT!" He screamed again. THis dude has screaming issues. I merely stopped. Then in the blink of an eye we were in a room with red walls and white carpet.

"Stay" He said firmly as if i was a dog. he let go and was soon gone. I needed to collect my thoughts. Wait...was i just kidnapped?!?! CRAP!

Okay Layla, don't panic. I mean, you just got kidnapped by a man who drinks biggy. Every thing is okay-oh who am i kidding! I'm gonna freaking die in this place. I'll never see Holly, or any of my friends ever again. I'M DOOMED! Wait-blood sucking-OH MY GOD! EITHER HE'S JUST A FREAK OR HE'S A-

My thoughts were interupted by the dude teleporting back into the room.

"Come with me." He said, extending his hand. I some how found my courage. I'm going to die anyway right?

"Wait." -he turned to face me- "My names Layla. What's yours?" I asked, putting out my hand for him to shake.

"Gabrial. Now come on before father gets angry" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me. Now we were getting somewhere. I smiled.

"the last thing you should be doing is smiling." Gabrial said, not looking at me as he pulled my arm.

"well, If i'm going down, i'm going down smiling." I said confendently. Gabrial stopped and turned to look at me.

"Do you have any idea what situation you're in!" He asked. I nodded. I think i have an idea. He looked impressed and waited for my answer.

"Well, yoiu sucked the inmate guys blood, so you must be a demon or vampire. I saw it and that must be bad or something right? OH! And now i'm going to die or something because i "know too much" Or something along those lines. I'm just guessing though" I told him. He just turned around and kept walking. How rude.

After a lot of walking we finally reached a fancy looking door. I staring in awe at the gold lining. Some servent opened the doors for up. I then saw an elderly looking man. He had a white beard and white hair that was bald on top with peircing blue eyes.

"What have you brought my son?" He asked in a soft, old manish voice. Gabrial bowed and forcablly bowed my head.

"THis human saw me iliminate the target, father. I ask you what you would like me to do." Gabrial responded.

"Look at me child." knowing he was refering to me i looked up.

"Hmmm, pretty, looks like she has some brain cells. Is a little young, don't you think?" Father asked Gabrial.


"Ummm, excuse me, a little young for what?" I piped up. Father smiled.

"Why, to become one of us."

"You mean a vampire? Uhhh, is there a third choice?" I asked

"What do you mean 3rd choice? We only gave you one so far?" Gabrial asked.

"Well, there's turn into a vampire and i pressume there's death. Anything else though." I explained.

"Well," Father said, " I suppose you could become kind of like a pet. We would supply you with food, water and comfort, as long as you supply us with company. I tell you it can get very lonely with a mere family of 8." Father spoke.

"That sounds...better than the first choices. I'll do it on one condition though." I resoned. I looked over at there expresions. Gabrial looked mad that i was a 'pet' and father seemed interested.

"I need Bob." I said sternly.

"And tell me, Layla, who is Bob?" Father asked.

"Bob...well, you might laugh, but he's turkey." I said nervously. Gabrial burst out...laughing? Hmm, for some reason he didn't seem like the laughing type. Wait, i should be offended. Bob was my first friend in this town.

"Shut up!" I said playfully, "He was my first real friend in colorado!" That only made him laugh harder and father got a giggle or two too. I laughed along with them. I'm sorry bob.

"Yes, I suppose we could deal with bob. Dearest me, its been a while since i've heard you laugh my son." he commented. Gabrial just shrugged.

"Gabrial, take Layla to go get her turkey. Come strait back though." Father said.

"Yes father." Gabrial agreed and grabbed my arm, pulling me out. What's with this guy and grabbing?

We walked in silence until he tighttened his grip on my arm.

"Would you please let go of me?" I asked irratated. He stopped and turned to me.

"Do you have ANY idea what you did back there?!?!" Gabrial shoughted/whispered.

"Well, no, but judging by the way your so upset it can't be good." I squeaked out.

"NO! It's not good! Now, we have to make it look as if you are dead and get rid of any files that say ANYthing about YOU!" He said in the same tone. I just stared at him. What do i do? WHAT DO I DO!

"Umm, i'm sorry." I apologized. He sighed and loosened his grip and started walking.

"Don't be sorry. I guess it WAS better than the other alternitaves." He said half way down the hall way. Then we entered the same room before and he teleported us to the park.

"Lead the way to Bob" He said, then smirked.

"It's not funny!" I defended. That just made his smirk turn into a smile.

"Its this way." I told him, pointing to the road i skipped down this morning. He nodded and followed me as i began walking toward the orphanage. Once we arrived at the gate I opened it. I then stepped in and went over to my room. I opened the door and holly was sitting on her bed again, just staring into space. THAT'S RIGHT! i'm going to leave holly here all alone! oh no...

"Hey Holly. Sestion went ok?" I asked.She nodded. She rarely talked. Then she looked over to Gabrial.

"Who's that?" She asked in a small voice.

"Um, gabrial, holly, holly, gabrial." I introduced. She just nodded and stared into space. Not again. That stupid theripist only makes her worse. I walked over and sat down.

"Holly, what did he do now?" I asked her. she looked up at gabrial then the me.

"Don't worry about Gabrial, tell me what he did." I said in a soft voice. I saw tears swim in her eyes.

"He made me draw mommy and daddy for him. I did draw them, but he said it was wrong." She barely spoke.

"Why did he say that?"

she was quiet.

"I drew them when they died." She said softer. A tear trickled down her cheek. I drew her into a hug. She hugged back and began to cry. That damn theripist, never good for nothing. But the caretaker 'insists' she's making holly better. I sighed.

"Holly, want to come with us to get Bob?" I asked. Holly smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. I then opened our window and helped holly climb out.

"Come on Gabrial." I told him. We both climbed out. Out side our window was a boxed in place. The care taker said i could keep Bob if he stayed in here. I pet Bob on the head and Holly pet him too. I could tell Gabrial was suppressing his laughter.

"I told you it's not funny!" I said, noticing how his face got red from keeping in his laughter. I thought for a moment. If I left, i couldn't take bob with me. Poor holly would be even more alone. I can't take bob. I'll really miss him.

"Holly, you can have Bob." I said out of the blue. Her face brightened, which made me smile.

"REALLY! LAYLA!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!" she cheered as she tackeled me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. She knew how to take care of Bob, so everything will be ok. At least i hope.

"Gabrial and i have to go, okay. You take care of yourself." I told her. She smiled and nodded. I climbed back through the window and Gabrial followed. We started walking out of the orphanage when someone tackeled me.

"AHH!" I yelped as I crashed to the ground. I had turned around while i fell so Tyler, the guy who smashed into me, was on top of me.

"Tyler!" I whined. He always did this. Tyler was only 7 but he always managed to knock me down. Running into all my orphanage friends was making it harder and harder to leave.

"HI LAYWA!" he greeted. We both got up.

"Hey Ty. What do you want now?" The thing with Ty is that he only gave me the time of day if he wanted something. He looked at me with his big blue eyes.

"Can I have 1 dollar?" He asked.

"For what?" I asked suspisoustly.

"THE ICE CREAM TRUCK :D!" He cheered. I sighed.

"Come on, i'll buy for-" I stopped, Gabrial doesn't eat ice cream, "You and me." I finished.

"What about your Fwiend?" He asked.

"Gabrial here is...allergic to sugar..." I said lamely. Good thing he was 7, cause he totally bought it :D

Ty got a spoung bob ice cream and took off. I sighed and gave the ice cream man the money. I got a spider man ice cream. Ty said i should.

Gabrial and i walked in silence until he broke it.

"Allergic to sugar?"

"I couldn't think of any thing else, AND HE BOUGHT IT!" I defended. He just laughed and shook his head. Then he grabbed my wrist and we were suddenly in the same room i arrived in the first time.

"I'll show you to your new room." He said and told me to follow him. I accidently bumped into somebody when i stepped into the hall.

"Sorry!" I said automatically. I saw it was a girl with feiry red hair and peircing green eyes. All her features were sharp.

"No problem. Hey, your our familys new pet!" She said cheerfully. Oh god. I guess thats my new name now, lol.

"Uhhh, i prefr Layla." I said, rubbing the back of my head nervously.

"Lets go layla" Gabrial said before the girl could say any thing else. Hmmm, weird

We soon reached a single door with silver out lining. I stared in awe. Then Gabrial opened the door to reveal a hugenormous room! It had a queen sized bed and a desk! My favorite part though, was the window that cover the entire wall and looked out over mountains and lakes. I smiled hugely.

"This is your room" gabrial said. I was stunned. My own room. My jaw dropped. It was so big and spactaculous. I screeched and threw my arms around Gabrial! I loved this room.

"THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. He was kind of stiff.

"Uh, don't thank me, thank father. He insisted that you have this room. Mines across the hall from here. Father's room is at the end of the hall way if you remember." He said, pulling me off of him.

"Okay, I'll be sure to tell him." I smiled.

"UHHHH! I LOVE THIS VEIW!" I exclaimed, running over to the window.

"Ya, this is the only room with that kind of veiw. My mother requested it" Gabrial smiled.

"I thought vampires can't have children?" I said.

"Well, they can, but there's consequences. Like for my mother, she couldn't walk or run. Drove her nuts till the day she died." Gabrial said.

"How'd she die?" I asked thoughtfully.

"The werewolfs" He said. I nodded, deciding not to push it.

"Ill see you around." He said, starting to walk out the door.

"Wait!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around.

"Who was that girl I bumped into that called me your familys pet?" I asked. He sighed and took a seat at the desk chair.

"As you heard father say, we're a family of eight, but father and i are the only ones really related, the rest were created by other vampires and we kinda just adopted them. That was Yasmine. She's my "sister" per say. You'll meet the rest of the family sooner or later." he said. I nodded and he walked out with simple, "Bye". I sighed. Now what? Grabbed some clothes set out for me(there was a not saying so) and took a bath with bubbles! I wonder what Gabrials mom looked like? I bet she was beatiful...

After my bath i changed into silky pajamas and pulled the desk chair in front of the giant window. I sighed. It was so pretty. After a while my stomach growled. I groaned and opened the door and ran into someone else. I have issues with that.

"Oh, sorry little lady." A deep voice apologized.

"sorry, i have issues with running into people." I replied.

"Hey are you the-"

"the new pet? Yes, but i prefer Layla." I cut him off.

"Okay Layla. The names Brian." He extended a hand.

"Cool" I said, then my stomach growled loudly. Brian just laughed.

"Here, I'll show you to the kitchen." He said, and grabbed my hand in his. I felt like a 5 year old being esccorted to the bathroom.

Soon we reached a huge room. I stared in awe. (I stare in awe a lot, don't i?)

"Wait, I thought Vampires don't need food...well, human food." I said. He chuckled.

"Yes, but the servants do, and father and some of the older ones like to sit at the table to read the news paper." He explained.

I nodded, "Ohhhh." And with that i made spagettii. I made too much though and i couldn't eat another bite...uh oh.

"Uhhh, brian, what do i do with the left overs?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh um, do what ever you want i guess." He said, looking up from the paper he was reading (go figure). I suddenly had a strange feeling. I wanted...I wanted to play with it. I looked nervously to Brian. He did say anything. I was gonna go for it. I pulled up my sleeves and dipped my hands into the slimy, delisious platter. Then i heard Brian start laughing. I started to blush.

"You said anything!" I said smiling.

"Ya, but i didn't know you were going to do THAT!" He laughed. Then a blonde girl came down.

"Brian? What are you-" she looked at my hands, "What the?"

"Uhh, I made too much so i asked him what to do and he said anything so i stuck my hands in it. ...Its squeeshy, wanna feel? Oh, and i'm layla." I said. She looked at me, then brian, then me.

"Uhh, Brittney and i think i'll pass." She replied. She then went over to brian and gave him a kiss on the lips and took a seat next to him.

"Uhh, you might want to wash your hands." Brittney suggested and pointed to the bathroom. I made my way up there, careful not to touch anything.

After i washed my hand i stepped out into the hall and guess what happened! NOBODY RAN INTO ME!!!! its a mirical. I started down the hall back to the kitchen when a door opened and hit my face. Perfect!(note the sarcasim) I fell to the floor.

"I knew that would happen!" I said, rubbing my head. I looked up and saw Gabrial. My face lit up.

"Hi gabrial!" I greeted. He helped me up.

"Does this happen often?" He asked.

"More than often, all the time, it drives me nuts!" I exclaimed as we headed toward the kitchen. Once there i saw some one had joined them. He had Gorgous black hair and striking blue eyes.

"Are youspagetti girl?" He asked. My face flushed as i stood there. Then i smiled.

"Ya, I guess i am" Isaid smiling.

Gabrial looked at me confused.

"What?" He asked. Brian explained everything tohim. Thats when i noticed something. Brittney and Brian mustbe going out! HA HA! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP!

"Layla?Layla. LAYLA!" The guy with black hair said. That shook me out of my thoughts.

"Ya!" I asked.

"I forgot to tell you my name. It's Jesse." He told me.

"Cool! Mines Layla...oh wait. You already know that....HI!" I said waving. He just laughed and walkedout of the room. I stood there confused...oh well. I let it slid off my back. I looked around. Every one, when did that happen.Then the door opened, reseasing cold air into the cozy warm room. Two girls stood at the door.

"hmm, looks like we have live dinnertonight Claire." ONe of them said. Ifelt like a deercaught in the head lights.

"I should hope soSarah." Claire said back, licking her lips. I backed up. I don't want to die! I'm tooyoung!

"Uhhh, ummm. Hi? I'm Layla" I said, trying to be friendly.

"Hi layla. Howwould you like to be our DINNER!"Sarah said, leaping at me. I screamed. Thena figure rushed in front of me. He gotknocked into me, sending us allcrashingto the ground. I scratched my arm.It started seeping blood. Uh oh. Blood vampires= death.Claire andSarahs heads turned toward me. THe guy that jumped out to save me was unconsious. I was doomed. Then Gabrial rushed out and puta hand onmy savior and me andteleported me to the red room.Blood trickeled to the carpet.

"AH! I ruined the carpet!" I shouted.

"You just got attacked by two vampires and your worried aboutthecarpet?!" Gabrial asked. I thought for a second and nodded. I then ran to the bath room and cleaned up my arm. It had stopped bleeding when i washed it. I walked out. The one who saved me was up. I got a good look at hisface. IT WAS JESSE! OH GOD!

"Are you ok?" Jesse asked.

"Are you?!" I asked worried.

"Uh, layla, i'm already healed. Don't be so worried." I thoughtaboutthis.

"Well I cant' help it. Is Sarah okay too?" I asked.

"She attacked you and you want toknow if she's ok?" Gabrial asked.

"Yes. In fact i do."

"She healed, just like me." Jesse explained. I just nodded and got a towelfromtthe bathroom and began to clean the carpet.

"You know, this spot with alwaysbeslightlydiscolored." I told Gabrial. Jesse had left. Gabrial justlie on the bed.

"So, I don't care.The blood scent doesn't even bother me much.Your bloods not that appetizing to me."He said, lifting his head up fromhis magazine, "this is the guestbedroom anyway." I shook my head.

I finally finished best i could. Then i relized my pajamas were soaked with my dry blood.

"Uh, Gabrial, i needPJ." I said, but he was asleep. What now? I was afraid to goout there alone. I went to wake Him up.

"Gabriallllll, Gabrialllllll" I said, shaking him.

"Whaaaat" He moaned.

"I needPJs but i'm afraid togoout alone." I said. He sniffed. Then his eyes jolted open. I flinched.

"What is it?!?!" I asked.

He said one word.


Gabrial didn't even give me time to think! He grabbed my arm (AGAIN WITH THE GRABBING!) and ran down the hall to fathers room. He opened the door to find father asleep in his bed. He awoke after Gabrial shook him awake.

"What is it my son" He asked.

"Demons are coming. We have about 10 minutes."

"Wake your siblings and get them to saftey." Father instructed, getting out of bed. Gabrial nodded.

"Layla, cover the left of the hall, i'll cover the right." I nodded and we both ran out. I opened the door to the first on.

"Demons!" I yelled at the persons room. It was Brian and Brittney. They were already awake and IREALLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY!

I didn't stay long, i ran to the nezt room, it wasYasmine.

"Demons are attacking!" I told her, she snapped into action too.Next was Jesse. I told him the same thing. I then met up with Gabrial at the end of the hall.

"What next!" I asked.

"For you? Umm, Jesse, hide her." Gabrial told Jesse as hewas walking by.

"What? What about you guys?" I asked.

"We'll be fine! Theres only 2 of them. Probably lost demons. We'll justsend themhome." Jesse tried to reasure me. It didnt' work. He took my hand and brought me up to the attic.

"Stay in here until one of upget you." He said. I sighed.

"Fine" I gave in. He sighed that i gave in so easily. Then he sniffed the air. His eyesshottowardmy sleeve, the one withdry blood.

"Take off your shirt." He said.

"PERVERT!" I yelled.

"Noooo,demons can smell blood. Here, you can have my shirt to put on." He said, taking off his shirt.whoa...abs...

"FINE!But i'm only agreeing causedemons are coming." I told him. He gave mehis shirt andturned around.I changed in record time.

"Here" I said, tossing my shirt over to him.

"Stay here." He instructed. I just nodded. Where elsewould i go? He soon leftand iwas stuckthere doing nothing. Then i looked out thesmall roundwindow. There weretwo men running toward the house. I sighed and slumped down again.

"Bored arewe?" Said a deep voice. I looked up. There was a man with long brown hair and pale blue eyes. He was smirking.Myeyes widened.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Robert, in case your wondering, a demon." He said.

I was paralized. What do i do now! uh uhhh, GABRIAL HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was Paralized. He must have known this because he laughed.

"Come now, am i really that scarry?" he mocked me.

"You'd be surprized" I choked out. He smirked.

"Hmmm, you, my dear, are doing better than i thought...i think i'll keep you." He said. I basically stopped breathing. Keep me? What? He stepped forward and grabbed my arm. I didn't know what to do....i had to do something though...I got it!

I screamed.

As loud as i could possibly manage. I heard footsteps rush up. Robert groaned and vanished in a puff of smoke. Gabrial slammed through the door. I could tell my features showed hate.

"Layla? What happened?" He asked.

"Demons happened." I said.

"You better explain to the family." He said. I nodded and followed him downstairs. I explained everything to them.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked.

"Umm, It's 11:30 pm. Why?" Brittney answered. Hmm, in 15 minutes i'll be officially 17.

"Aw, no reason." I reassured her. She nodded slowly.

"Well, it's been fun, but i'm gonna hit the hay again." Jesse announced, "You can return my shirt tomorrow." He told me. Every one else headed to bed. I went to my room, but i couldn't sleep. I sat back in the chair and starred at the stars. They were so pretty. Soon the digital clock said 11:45. I am now 17. I smiled and dozed off in the chair.

Gabrials POV

I couldn't sleep. Then the thought hit me. What if Robert returned to get Layla! I hopped out of bed and quietly entered her. My heart skipped a beat as i relized the bed was emty. Then i saw her sleeping in the desk chair. She was talking in her sleep. Hmm, I wonder what about.

"my birthday....finally 17" she mumbled. Why was she talking about her birthday? Wait...Oh my god. Today was her birthday! Hmm, some birthday. I felt kinda guilty now. I sighed and picked her up to move her to the bed. She couldn't be more than 120 lbs. I moved her to the bed and tucked her in. She smiled. She looked peaceful.

"Aww, isn't this presious." I jumped at the sudden noise. I turned around. There was a man with long hair and dull eyes. This must be Robert. I growled.

"You can't take her." I whispered threatening Still Gabrials POV

"Why do you care about such a pathetic human. The only reason i'm keeping her is that she has guts. And she's a pretty face. Don't you agree?" Robert taunted.

"She's part of the family now. You can't take her. She has a soul ." I said in a deadly tone.

"hmm, yes i suppose your right. I think i'll think twice before taking her....hmm....thinking, thinking. OH look at that. I didn't change my mind and she's mine now." he said playfully and disappered. What was he talking about. I looked around. SHE WAS GONE! I had to tell...wait, the family wouldn't be too happy being woken up 2 times in the same night. I would take one. I decided on Jesse. I teleported to his room and woke him.

"20 more hours..." He mumbled.

"Jesse! They came back! they took her!" I hissed at him. This woke him.

"what! couldn't they have waited till morning!" He complained as he climbed out of bed.

"We can follow their scent. lets go!" I said, and we were off. I left the family a note saying we went to town for a while. No need to worry them.

Layla's POV

I woke up to the cold. I thought the house was supposed to be warm. I groaned and tried turning when i realized i was being carried.I fluttered my eyes open and saw the horriffing face of Robert. Crap. What do i do. I prepared to scream when he put his hand to my mouth.

"don't want to react that moment in the attic now do we love?" He asked, his breath sent chills down my spine. He released his hand from my mouth. I glared at him.

"You're a bastard!" I spat at him.

"Hmm, quite a potty mouth you got there missy," He leaned in, "Kinda turns me on." What a pig. I just turned my head. We were running really fast. I sighed, thinking of plans. I then remembered how vampires can smell blood. I picked at my scab on my arm and began to bleed slowly. i made sure it didn't get on any thing, but also made sure it continued to bleed.

"Best go back to sleep love. You dont' want to catch any other demons eyes with your lovely eyes." He said.

"Pig!" I hissed. I really hated this guy, "And stop calling me love!"

"Hm, this could get annoying." And with that he suffocated me with some cloth. I struggled. I finally couldn't take it! My lungs begged for air. Then i lost consiousness.

Layla's POV

When I finally woke up I was in a damp place made of stone. GREAT! I'm in a dungeon. I looked around. I had SHACKELS on my FEET! Hmph, what ever happened to respect? I looked over by the corner. I saw something move. It walked into the dim light. It was a girl. She looked horrible thought. Her hair was messy and her skin was coated in dirt.

"A-are you ok?" She asked. I rubbed my head.

"Ya, I'm fine, are YOU ok?" I asked.

"We girls are never ok in here." She said, "my names Racheal." She said.

"Layla. Are there any other girls in here?" i asked.

"well, not in this cell, its just you and me. In the rest of the dungeon theres about 150 other girls." Racheal said. I nodded.

"HEY! She's up!" A gaurd yelled. Then Robert and another guy stepped into veiw.

"Hello beatiful. Have a nice rest?" He asked.

"Actually no. People tend to have a bad rest when they're trapt in a dungeon." I spat, hatred dripping from my word.

"I told you, Tevor." Robert said to the man next to him.

"Hmm, seems so. I'll take her." Trevor said.

"What a shame. She just got here. But i guess a deals a deal."

"Do I get any say in this?" I asked.

"No" They said at the same time. I just rolled my eyes.

"Come on beatiful, lets go." Trevor said, un locking the cell door. I couldn't do anything. Stupid shackels.

"See you later love." Robert said as trevor basically dragged me out of the cell. I didnt' do anything to show signs of moving. I looked over at Racheal. She looked sad and gave a little wave.Trevor then dragged me up the stairs and to my surprise it was a lot nicer than down in the dungeon. I still hated this place though.

"YOu know, if you think making me drag you to my castle will tire me, your sadly mistaken." trevor sad.

"Well it was worth a try!" I said glaring ahead of me.

"Your quite the catch, arn't you?" He asked. I didn't answer.

After a lot of dragging we ended up at a huge mansion thing. I felt like a dead piece of meat. He dragged me inside and went down the stares to HIS dungeon. Great. He through me in one of the dungeon cells. I hit the wall. Stupid wall.

"Stay there beatiful" He said playfully and left. I glared at him until he left. I sighed and leaned against the wall. What did he want any way? Note to self, all demons are pigs

(Gabrials POV)

Jesse and I ran in the forest when i caught the scent of her blood.

"JESSE! I GOT SOMETHING!" I yelled over to him. He ran over and smelt it to.

"Lets follow it," He said.

"No duh!" I sarcastically said. He just rolled his eyes and we followed the scent. Then it stopped about halfway in the forest. Then we followed the faint scent of the demon. After about an hour we ended up at a huge mansion. I teleported us to the dungeon, where we most likely was. I saw up ahead. I attacked from behind and knocked him out. He was the only one. They didn't keep this dungeon very well gaurded.



"i have" Came a small voice.I teleported Jesse and me to where the voice came from.

"Where is she?" I asked. The girl had auburn hair and her clothes were ripped terribly.

"She was sold to Trevor" I growled at the name. He was a cheater and took all the hott, i mean good looking, girls he could get his perverted hands on.

"Do you know were his mansion is?" I asked. She nodded. I teleported inside her cell.

"When i get you out, think about it as hard as you can ok?" I told her, she just nodded. I grabbed her wrist and jesse took hold of my arm.

"Think hard! Now!" I told her. She nodded and closed her eyes.

In a moment we were in front of a mansion.I sighed.

"thank you" I said.

"Your welcome. And you are again?" I asked.

"OH, sorry. I'm Gabrial and this is Jesse." I told her.

"Racheal" She said. Inodded.

"Racheal, stay HERE until we come backfor you, okay. I promise we'll come back." I told her. She nodded and hid behind a tree.

"ready Jesse." I asked.

"Ready as i'll ever be."He said smirking. i rolled my eyes and teleported up in the dungeon.We took out the 12 gaurds easilly and searched despartly for layla. She wasn't there.

I cursed under my breath.

"were is she!" Jesse asked.

"You mean the new bee?" Asked a young girl. Her spirit looked dead. I nodded.

"Your standing in front of her cell, but Trevor took her for a "session." The girl said. My mouth fell open and Jesse looked horriffied.

Poor layla. I know she won't go down without a fight too

Layla's POV

I sat in my cell for about an hour bored out of my mind, when my stomach growled. I sighed and got up. There was a gaurd near my cell door.

"HEY GAURDY!" I yelled. He turned around, un affected.

"I'm starving, get me something to eat." I ordered him. He just turned back around.

"FINE!!!" I huffed. Then Trevor came down. He kept looking in the cells as if looking for something.

"HEY TREVOR!" I screamed. He looked at me and smiled, as if he found what he was looking for.

"Yes?" He asked, walking toward me.

"I'm starving, get me something to eat" I whined.

"Hmm, why don't i show you to the kitchen. He said. I was about to disagree when my stomach growled.

"Fine" I pouted. He smiled and un locked my cell and be fore i could do anything took hold of my arm.

"Come now." He said. I just glared at him and dragged my shackel conected to a ghinormous ball until trevor sighed and unlocked it. i sighed in relif. Finally we ended up in a huge kitchen. It seemed as if the angels were singing in my head. Trevor let go as i ran for the cabnets and grabed a bowl and cereal. I went the the fidge and got milk and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I grabbed a spoon after looking for a while and scarfed it down in like 2 seconds flat.

"Enjoyed it?" He asked, smirking. I nodded happily.

"Come with me." He said, grabbing my hand. I don't like this. Why isn't he leading me to the dungeon? He opened a door and shoved me in. I looked around. There was a round bed with red fluffy comforter. I turned around and found trevor there. I sheirked.

"Get comfy" He said. I gulped. I didn't move.

"Uhh, i'm going to-" He cut me off by pushing me onto the bed. The wind got knocked out of me. He was on me in a second.

"Comfy yet?" He asked.

"No" I whimpered. He looked mad and slapped my face. My eyes started to water from the sting. he started kissing my neck. I struggled against him. he just slapped me again, this time harder.

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!" he screamed at me. I froze while he continued...doing whatever he was doing. Those were the first words Gabrial said to me...why was i thinking about gabrial nowwwwwwwwww ow! He Just scratched my belly...wait, where's my shirt! I screamed and he slapped me again. I struggled against him more. Then he took his claws and scratched my stomach and i saw warm blood shed. He licked the blood as i screamed in pain.

This was it. I was going to loose my spirit and virgentity to a stupid demon. Luckilly i still had my pants on. I continued to struggle when he cut me again on the collar bone. I screamed again in pain. He slapped me again. This continued until the bed was a deeper red than originally. Then the door flung open as trevor was cuttin my face from my temple to my chin. Someone lunged at him while i struggled off the bed. Blood was every where. I struggled toward the door. I finally gave up and collapsed to the ground, blacking out from blood loss. Ifelt warmblood surround me.

I finally woke up to a wet rag being put on my forhead. I opened my eyes a slit and looked around. Then i saw Racheal there with a bucket of water next to her. She smiled.

"Your finally awake!" She exclaimed. I didn't do anything except look around. We were in the middle of the forest and Jesse and Gabial were looking at me with worried eyes. I lay my head back down and sigh. I'm finally out of that stupid dungeon.

"Can we go home" I pleaded.

"We wanted to wait until you were up and ready" Gabrial explained.

"Well, i'm up and ready now...can we please go." I asked politely. He nodded and carefully picked me up. I examined my body. I was basically a zombie. I had bandages all over my body. They hadn't cared to put a shirt on me.

"Your shirt was covered in blood and it heals faster when exposed to air." he said as jesse picked up racheal. they started running. My stomach hurt like hell. A rush of wind kept hitting mr. I snugglrd closer to Gabrials warm chest. he held me closer, scencing that i was cold. Then i heard a thump...then another...then another and it wasn't my heart beat. It- it was gabrials. I looked up at him

"how do you have a heart beat?" I asked, "I thought vampires were-"

"Dead," He finished, "Well, all of them are except the ones who are born from vampires. I can't die either...well except if you cut my head off...that's all vampires weaknesses." He told me. I nodded. He was so nice. ...oh no...i think i have a crush on him. this sucks. I don't like having crushes because i can't be myself around them and i blush more than now

I sighed. I was starting to get bored when a feeling came over me.

"Gabrialllll" I said.

"Hm?" He asked.

"Uh, i got to go pee." I said, looking at him with bambi eyes.

"Jesse you go ahead, we're stopping for a bathroom break." He said. Jesse nodded and continued ahead. Racheal was crashed(asleep) on his back. Gabrial slowed down and stopped while i did my "buisness". When i came out i decided to ask him a question.

"Why don't you just teleport us to the house?" i asked him, sitting on the same log as him. I got nervous and i knew my face was turning red.

"Teleporting uses energy adn i've been teleporting more than usual so if i do, i'll be more pooped than if i just ran." He explained. I nodded.

"Do the others have teleporting powers?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Each vampires power is unique. The only one in our family besides you with out powers are Sarah and Claire. That's why they're so snobby, i think." He said, smiling at me. I smiled back.

"So should we get going?" He asked. I nodded and tried to get up but groaned in pain and sat back down. I tried again but it hurt more. I sighed in defeat.

"Help me?" I asked Gabrial who thought my pathetic attemts were rather funny. He smiled and picked me up.

"I can't believe the damage he did to you." Gabrial said while we were already running at incredible speed. He looked down at my face and frowned.

"What? Do i have something in my teeth?" I asked. He shook his head.

"He cut your face pretty bad. It'll be a good 1-2 weeks before you can even walk on your own." He said. I just looked at him.

"How bad was it?" I asked after a while.

"Pretty bad, there was blood every where and we managed to kill Trevor and free the dungeon. They're on their way to their own villages."

"Where was i in all this?" I asked.

"Well, after we killed trevor we put you wiht racheal to wrap your wounds with bandages we found in a desk drawer. Then we attacked the dungeon and they all ran out. The gaurds are trained not to kill any one with out trevors comand so we managed to get out only slightly harmed while the gaurds searched frantically for trevor." He told me. I nodded and soon fell asleep. When i woke up i was greeted by the family, except Claire and Sarah. Brittney ran up to us.


"Gee thanks" I said sarcastically.

"Oh! sorry" She said, putting two fingers over her mouth. I smiled, showing i wasn't mad. Then Brian, Yasmine and father walked up. Brian looked freaked out and Yasmine looked like she always did.

"Uh, hi?" I said.

"Oh Layla, look at what he did to you. Racheal and Jesse told us everything." Father said sorrowfully.

"It's ok, really. I'm safe now." I said, trying to make him feel better.

Gabrial carried me up to my room and set me on the bed. He said to do whatever i wanted and what i really wanted was a bath...well, actually a shower but that might be a little difficult. So i gripped the edge of my bed and slowly made my way to the dresser, picked out black silk pjs with red lining aroung the edges and painfully made my way to,*gasp*, MY OWN BATHROOM! YIPEE! I gripped the walls and drew the bath and stripped of clothing and slipped in. I made it with bubbles ^-^

I finally decided to wash myself after soaking for a while. Buuuut there wasn't much i could wash, i was covered in [water proof] bandages. I sighed and clawed out of the tub and dressed in the PJs. I struggled painfully back to the bed. Once there i towel dried my hair when the door creaked open and in stepped Brian. I smiled.

"Hey" I said cheerfully.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" He asked like a concerned parent.

"I'm fine, i just can't walk very well and i'm a little soar. Gabrial said i should be able to walk in 1-2 weeks; which is good" I said beaming. 'but until then i'll be incredably bored in my bedroom' i added in my thoughts.

"Ya, i guess it will get pretty boring." Brian laughed.

"How did you-"

"My Unique power is reading minds" I nodded. 'That's so cool! I wish i could read minds. Wait then does he know about-wait, if i say it in my mind then he'll know even if he didn't know then...maybe he's not reading my mind! ya, lets go with that...'

"Uh,Layla, what is your mind freaking out about?" He asked. 'ha ha, good call not saying anything about your crush on g....CRAP! i did it again didn't i?' I menally slapped myself.

"Awww, layla has a crush!" Brian playfully teased. I glared at him, "DOn't worry, i won't tell a soul. I don't even know the guys name." He promised, holding up his hands. I felt myself blush.

"THis is so embarrasing." I mumbled. He laughed.

"G'night Kiddo." He said, giving my wet hair a ruffle and walking out of the room. I sighed. This sucks. I shoved myself under the covers and tried to make what just happened go away.

The next morning i woke up to people talking. I didn't open my eyes though. I just listened.

"Hmm, i might be able to heal her!" Exclaimed the voice of Yasmine.

"That would be splended my daughter." I heard fathers old, soft voice say.I opened my eyes and every one was there, even Claire and Sarah.

"She's awake!" Brittney chirped happilly.

"Yup!" I said smiling for no particular reason.

"I know why you didn't want us to drink her blood now. She smells HORRIBLE!" Sarah said in a stuck up voice and Claire giggled.

"Layla," Father said sternly, "You have to make a desision. Yamine can heal you, but it would take 2 days of pure pain that i don't think you've ever experienced in your life. No breaks either. You also couldn't eat or drink anything. But in the end your body will be fully recovered and you'll be able to walk and all your wounds would be nothing but scars." I thought for a while. They were all awaiting my answer. I thought for a while. 2 days or 2 weeks to be able to WALK.

"I thought it through...and my answer is...."


"I thought it through...and my answer is yes. It's either 2 days of seering pain and agony to be completely healed and up and going or 2 weeks of the pain and agony of sitting down and doing nothing with little pain to just WALK. It may seem silly or something, but i would like to be able to do things as soon as possible." I explained.

"I had a feeling that you'd say that. Now, since you are going through with this, Gabrial, carry her to the room and I'll explain things." Father said, walking out of the room. Gabrial sighed, picked me up and carried me to a room i've never seen before. It was all white and held one bed that looked awefully comfy. But it also had strainers atached to the sides. I stared wide eyed at it.

"This is where you'll be for the 2 days you'll be...healing." Father said uncertain.

"Don't worry Layla. Just think about when you are healed." Yasmine, who was standing next to father, said. I just nodded and swallowed. Gabrial lay me down on the bed and father strapped me in.

"Okay...layla, are you sure?" Yasmine asked. I just nodded.

" it goes." Yasmine said.

"WAIT!" I interuppted, "Even if i beg you, don't stop. I want these wounds healed."

"We'll be sure." Father said. I smiled and nodded at Yasmine. She walked over.

"Close your eyes." She instructed. I squeezed my eyes. I felt her hands hover over me. She touched my stomach, legs, arms and head. Suddenly a slight pain shot throught me; then another; then another until it was so great i winced.

"It's okay layla, we're here." Father said soothingly. The pain kept shooting through me. After a while i let out a wimper. It just grew and grew. It felt like someone was lighting a fire and making it bigger and bigger within me. I felt my cuts and bruises timgle and i let out a yelp. I felt my eyebrows frow together. My heart beat faster and faster. I the pain grew greater. My legs hurt and my arms felt like jellow. I screeched. It was still growing.

"How much longer" I heard Gabrial plead.

"It's only been an hour my son. It will keep growing until complete. Yasmine cant even take a break. If she stops layla will die. We have to go through with it." Father said defeted. I yelled in pain again. It will keep growing?! Father wasn't kidding when he told me unimaginable pain! It kept growing to where i was screaming nonstop.

I was trying totoss and turn but the strainers wouldn't let me. I felt tears in my eyes. Ithen felt acool hand touch my burning face.

"Come on Layla. You can do it." I heard Gabrials voiceplead. Pain kept shooting through me. I had to tell him i will.

"I"-wince-"promise i'll try!" Ipressed out of my mouth. He took my hand and squeezed it, which made me feel a little better. I pressed my head on the poofy pillow. My body ached all over.i screamed again. Gabrials hand squeezed harder. I tried to thrash but the darn strainers! I screamed again and with it went my pain. I felt sore, but theburning pain had stopped. i heard Gabrial sigh. Iopened my eyes.

"Has it been 2 days yet?" I asked, my eyes were still wet from the tears ofpain i shed. Gabrial nodded and smiled. I looked around. Only Yasmineand Gabrial were there. Yasmine looked like she needed a nice longsleep and so did Gabrial. Then father walked in.

"OH! Good, it's all over. Lets take a look shallwe?" He asked and walked toward me.

I nodded and father walked over. ThenI relized I was breathing heavy. I swallowed and tried to calm down. Father's cold fingers felt good against my still hot skin. I then felt Gabrial and Yasmine start unravaling the bandages on my arms and legs (Gabrial had the arms, NO SICK THOUGHTS PLEASE!) My jaw dropped open as i saw all the scars on my flat stomach, arms and legs! I didn't even want to find out what my face looked like. I touched one of the big scars; the one that hurt the most. Even though i was extremely hot it felt icy cold.

"They should me covered up by your clothes so no one will know about them...except for the one scar on your face." Father said, examining my scars. I nodded.

"So can we get out of this room yet?" I ask. Father nodded. Just as I was about to get up my stomach growled.

"C'mon, i bet we're all a little thirsty...or hungry." Gabrial chuckled, grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. I saw racheal sitting at the table with Jesse.

"HI!" I said, waving my hand. She looked up from her french onion soup and smiled. Jesse laughed and wiped some broath off of her chin. I skipped over to the fridge. Then i closed it, noticing some left over soup.

"Racheallll, can...i have the rest of the soup?" I asked greedely as my stomach roared again.

"Of course. You haven't had ANYTHING for 2 whole days!" She said.

"Don't remind me" I groaned as i poured some soup into a bowl. I went over and sat down. Gabrial was sitting next to Jesse and I was sitting across from them next to racheal.

"Soooo, anything new?" I asked, slurping the sweet soup. Food never tasted so good!

"Well, Racheal will be staying with us too. One of the family." Jesse announced. So shes part of the family and I'm still the pet? Why do I have to be the pet. I smiled anyway and hugged racheal.

"YAY!" I said happilly, which i was. Another person in the house that wasn't a servant or vampire. She giggled and grabbed my arm in attempt to hug back. Gabrial slurped a red liquiiiiiii-BLOOD! I stared at the glass.

"OH! It's donated blood! DOn't worry" He said, noticing my expression. I loosened up and relaxed again.Then i got up suddenly.

"I'll be right back!" I said, rushing up the stairs and rushing in the bathroom. After....doing my buisness i went to wash my hands. In my reflection was me...only i was different. I was much paler, from the healing, and had a long scar on my far right cheek, almost touching the hair line. My hair still had dry blood in it and was very dirty. I sighed and went back down stairs to clean the dishes.

"Feel better?" Jesse asked. I nodded.

"Ya, but being kidnapped by a vam-demon didn't do my hair good." I said, shaking my head. Jesse just chuckled. After washing my dishes I headed upstairs to take a shower. I watched as the red water went down the drain. Even though the pain was extreme with the healing session, i deffinatly liked being healed. I would probably do i again too. I stepped out after washing and put on some fuzzy white pjs and went to my room. It was 5:00 pm. I sat on my bed when i got a knock on my door.

"Come on in!" i yelled. Then Gabrial came in.

"Hey" He said. I smiled and waved.


"Hey, come with me." He said. I looked at him suspisiously but took his hand he had extended and he lead me to a big door. I hadn't really explored the house so i didn't know where it when.

"Open the door" He said smiling. I glared suspiously at him and opened the door.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Everyone yelled. I screamed and tried to run out but ran into gabrials chest instead (which is very hard).

"Owww" I groaned, turning around. To my dismay, Brian had a video taper thingy. He was laughing hysterically, as was every one else.

"Uhh, whats this for?" I asked Gabrial, eyes curious.

"It's for your birth day silly" He said, pulling me into the room, which looked like a living room. It had a plasma screen TV and 2 chairs and a couch that held 4. Once again Claire and Sarah weren't there. I looked around and suddenly burst out laughing with them.

"But by 17th birthday was like...5 days ago." I said.

"I know, but you didn't get a party." Brittney said.

"Ya, I've never had a party...well, maybe when i was 1 or 2 but i wouldn't know." I said smiling. Brittneys smile droped.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Oh, It's just that i'm an orphan and people just don't remember." I said.

"Not even for your sweet 16?" Racheal asked.

"Well, I wasn't alone on my 16th. I had Willy." I said. I felt gabrials face drop.

"Who's willy?" Asked jesse.

" of my friends." I said. I KNEW Brian would hold it against me forever if he found out and he can read minds can't he....oh, no point now, "He's a tree." I finally admited. No one giggled, they just shrugged...except brian. Stupid Brian. Brittney just whacked him, which made me laugh. Hahaha.

At the party we watched a movie.

"Your choice." Father told me. I smiled.

"What do ya got?" I asked. He pointed to some videos. I was there in a heart beat. Then I found it. The perfect movie.

"YES!" I shouted and put it over my head in trimph.

" sure?" Racheal asked. I nodded smiling and skipped over to the VCR. I popped in the movie.


"Do we have to?" Brian asked and brittney whacked him. I smiled. I loved it when she did that. Brian scowled at me and i smiled sweetly.

The order of the seats goes like this: Brittney sat on Brians lap in one chair and Father took the other. I sat inbetween Jesse and Gabrial and Jesse was next to Racheal. I smiled as it started. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite movie. I watched every part. I loved Belle. She loved books like me and waas beautiful. I tried to ignore Brian and Brittney making out though.

The part that was hardest was when Gustan stabbed the beast. I sighed when the movie ended.I was unusually calm. I reround themovie.Brian and Brittney were still making out.

"The movies over." I said tothem smiling. Brian looked fine but brittney blushed. I laughed.

"Presents!" Racheal squeaked happilly. I looked ather.

"You didnt'have to get me anything." I told her.

"But we did now OPEN!" She demanded, dragging me to the kitchen where aHUGEgreen cake was andabout 3 presents. I smiled. The others filed in.

"Open mine first!"Racheal said,handing me abig pink package. Iopenedit andfound an outfit. A silver dress and black high heels. I don't know where i'd wear it but it was STUNNING!

"I LOVE IT!" I squeaked and hugged her. Brittney handed me a medium sized package with blue wrapping. I opened it and found a make up kit.

"Thanks!" I said hugging her. Whats with all the pretty, preppy stuff? Oh well, i still loved it.

"Here." gabrial said shyly, handing me a small package. I smiled and took it. I opened it and found a beautiful moonstone necklace. My jaw fell open. It was well...BEATIFUL!

"It's beautiful!" I smiled, finding my voice. I hugged him too. This made his blush. Gabrial thne put the necklace on for me.

Father came over.

"The last present is outside." He said. I nodded and we all went outside.

There was a square thing covered with a cloth.

"This is from Father and me" Brian chirpped. Brian pulled the cloth to reveal none other than a female turkey. My smile grew and i ran over to her.

"I LOVE HER!" I squealed, hugging the cage.

"I'm naming her Isabella!" I announced.

"Knew you'd like her." Brian said cooly. I just glared at him and put my finger through the cage to try to touch her.

"best birthday ever." I whispered, but they all heard. And i was truely the happiest girl on earth that very second.

After i fed Isabella we all went inside for cake. I LOVE cake but i rarely had it so i took a big piece. I sat at the table as the others just watched me eat. It kinda made me nervous.

"Ummm, so hows life?" I asked.

"Lifes good." Racheal said will she practically inhaled her cake.

"thats good" i said trying to lighten the mood.

"Um, what will happen if vampires eat normal food?" i asked the family.

"well, nothing actually. its like humans and eating dirt." father repied smoothily.

"so, is blood your food?" i asked.

"pretty much" Gabrial said. i nodded, mouth full of cake goodness.

"Father? What is your power?" i asked. i felt the atmosphere change. i became uncomfortable.

"lets not talk about this now." father said in a quiet whisper. I stared in his eyes for a while. They looked sad and full of regret. What could have happened? I was confused. I sighed and cleaned off my plate in the sink.

"You know, the servants will do that for you if you want, coming up behind me with brittney at his side. I think they're attached at the hip.

"I know. But its ok, i can do it." I said putting the plat and fork in the thingy majig for it to dry. I havn't even seen barely any servants anyway. I finished and turned around to bump into Gabrial. Dang his chest was hard.

"Sorry!" I said, stepping away.

"It's fine." HE said simply. I looked at him until my neck hurt. How tall was he? 6' 5"!

"6'2" actually" Brian corrected from across the kitchen. I glared at him.

"What?" Gabrial asked.

"I was just wondering how tall you were or how short i am." I said smiling. I was starting to feel like my own self again.

"I'm only 5'5". I wish i were taller though" I pouted. Gabrial laughed and i went up to my room. My bed. I havn't spent anytime sleeping in it. I looked out my giant window. It was so pretty out there. I sighed and walked in front of the window. It looked out over the forest (oh ya, did i forget to mention they lived in a mansion on top of a hill in the middle of the forest? ha ha, my bad) and a beautiful lake. In the distance i saw somemountains and the sun was just starting to set. I smiled. It was so pretty. I loved this room. It had something special about it. Maybe it was the big window, or the fact it was Gabrials mothers? I don't know, but i loved it. I went over and sat on the bed. I turned on the lamp and looked at the night stand. I opened a drawr (uhhmmm, sorry i can't spell and my moms ignoring me. stupid mom.) and saw a pile of paper and a journal.

"What are these?" I thought out loud. I looked at the journal.

Dear journal,

My husband bought me this journal to write down my troubles. I would say that this is the worst of all troubles I've ever had. I've been blessed with a beautiful son, Gabrial. That isn't a problem at all, but when female vampires have children, they face a terrible consequence. Mine is my ability to walk. I can't anymore. It's like I'm paralized from the waist down. It's horrid. I hate it and John, my husband is buying a wheelchair for me. I'll absolutly despise it, but it's my only shot to giveGabrial a somewhat normal life. All in all, this could be worse. Janet and Theodore had a daughter before becoming vampires, but she's been stolen. Oh, It's just aweful. I don't know what I would do if Gabrial were to be stolen. I would simply die of grief.

Yours truely,


I read. That's so sad. Poor Janet and Theodore! Oh and Sarah. Poor sarah. Gave up her ability to walk all for Gabrial. I sighed andclosed the journal and put it away in the drawr. I looked up and saw Gabrial at the door.

"Why were you reading that?" He hissed. He face had and expression that i'd never seen; hate.

"I-It was in the drawr and I didn't know-"

"Leave it alone!"

"I didn't-"

"Never touch it again! You are our pet and nothing more! You don't need to know everything!" His voice rose. I felt tears swim in my eyes. He marched over to the side table, opened the drawr, took the journal and papers out and marched out of the room. He slammed the door shut. Tears rolled down my face. I tried to sniffle them away but it wouldn't work. Why was i so weak? Why?I looked at the bed. It was so soft. i snuggled under the blankets, silently crying. I couldn't sleep. I finally stopped after a while. I felt sad and icky inside. I heard the door open. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

"Layla? Are you awake?" I heard Gabrial whisper. Tears sprung to my eyes when i heard his voice. I heard him close the door and walk over.

"I'm sorry for what happened before. I know your asleep but its easier to apologize when you're asleep. It's just, it was my mothers and she's so special. I don't know what came over me." I felt him touch my scar on my face.

"Look at you. I shouldn't have done that" He whispered. A tear escaped my blue eye. He wiped it away.

"Layla? Are you awake?" He asked. I gave in.

"Yes." I said in a small voice, opening my eyes. He looked like he'd been crying too. I don't think it was for the same reason though.

"I'm so sorry" He said, eyes full of sorrow. I swallowed tears down.STUPID TEARSGO AWAY!

"I know" I said.

"Did you hear all of that?" He asked. I nodded and sat up. he sat on the bed.

"I shouldn't have been in things." I said, looking him in the eye. I wanted so bad to look at the bed or floor, but he kept me locked in his gaze. He shook his head.

"You were just curious. I over reacted."

"Well, just a little bit." I joked and smiled, he smiled back. He leaned forward.

"Just a little bit" He agreed and KISSED me! My eyes were wide in shock. It was quick and gentle, buti couldn't help butsmile.

"I should go" He said, "G'night" He said and left.

"Night" I whispered as i fell in a deep sleep.

The next morning my eye lids were extremely heavy to open. I managed though. I was confused. Was last night a dream? I couldn't remember. I half hoped it wasn't and half hoped it was. I didn't want to know that i could be that vurnrable, but the kiss kept me hoping it was real; that he cared. I rubbed my eyes and got up to shower.

One look in the mirror and I knew it was real. My eyes were still a little red, it was easy to tell from my blueeyes, andmy cheeks were tear stained. I sighed and slipped into the shower. It felt like i was washing my troubles away :D

After I got dressed and washed my face and stuff i looked back to normal. I smiled and walked down stairs. I opened the cuboard and made myself a bowl of frosted flakes. I sat down at the table as Racheal came down yawning.

"Morning Layla." She said, pouring her own glass.

"Yup!" I said cheerfully. And it was. Gabrial wasn't mad at me, i had my first birthday party that i could actually tell people about since i can remember it. I think i just needed a good cry was all.AND i got Isabella! OH! Isabella! I have to feed her.

"Be right back. I gotta feed Isabella real quick" I told Racheal and skidded out the back door to Isabellas food and put it in her (BIG13ft by 14ft!) cage. I pet her a little bit.

"I'm glad father and brian brought you here." I said smiling. I rubbed dirt off my pants and went back inside. The family was sitting around the table, except for my spot.

"Morning." I said smiling softly.

I sat back down and started to eat again.

"Did you like your late birthday?" Brittney asked. My mouth was full so i just smiled and nodded.

"Good" She said. Brians arm was around her. I smiled and nodded again.

"Layla, do you remember the make up and out fit you got yeserday?" Father asked. I swallowed my cereal.

"Yup, and Isabella and the Moonstone Necklace." I added, pointing to my necklace.

"Yes. Well, they were all, except Isabella, to be worn to the Princes ball. He is looking for a wife and all vampires have to go. We talked him into letting us bring you." Father said.

"Thanks!" I said, "But what about Racheal?"

"Racheal won't be able to go." Father said


"Her parents are coming to take her home. The story is that she's been kidnapped and brian and brittney found her in the woods on their date." father said. I nodded.

"Will i be able to say good bye?" I asked no one in perticular. Father nodded. I nodded in return and finished my cereal. Everyone left while racheal and i cleaned our plates.

"So...what are your parents like?" I asked her.

"Oh, the normal kind, you know. But they're great." She said smiling, as if thinking about them.

"Well, not really. Tell me what it's like. What they do and stuff" I said.

"OH! sorry, i kinda forgot about...well any way. They basically just help you through stuff and always has your back, no matter what." She said confedintly, "When i was kidnapped by Trevor, well, that was the night i snuck out to go to a party."

"Oh" I said simply. When i was done i decided to explore the mansion.

SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! i started it like a gillion times but then i got bored and stopped...he he....sorry again.

I walked from the kitchen into the living room where i found three doors. I took one and came to a hall way. I looked down the hall way. It seemed to go on forever. I entered one of the doors on my left and came into what looked like a music room. There was a piano and a drum set. Some chairs and stands were set up too. I came across many rooms untilI walked out of thelibrayi foundand back into the hallway and walked down a little until i came to...a normal looking door? All of the doors i'd seen so far were lined with metal and gold and silver, none were just normal wood like this one. i opened it. Inside was a dusty looking room. It had a crib and yellow walls. THere was a baby changing area and a stroller. I thought it might be Gabrials nursery from when he was a baby. I walked over to the crib. There were pink blankets and a stuffed monkey. I picked up the monkey. It was so cute. I smiled and set it down.

I walked over to a desk where a photo was laid flat on the table. I picked it up and looked at it. In the photo was a picture of a woman with long brown hair holding a baby wraped in pink blankets. A man with dusty blonde hair was holding the woman and grinning. I smiled and turned it over. It had some words written on the back.

Dear John and Sarah,

Thank you SOOOO much for letting us live in you house! As soon as we get the money, we'll be out of your hair, we just need to think about Elizabeth right now. She's so presious. I hope Gabrial and Elizabeth can be friends when they get older. I know we are just humans, but i hope you'll eventually think of us as friends.

Thank you so very much,

Theodore and Janet

I looked at the picture again. So this is Theodore and Janet when they were human. They look nice. I set the picture on the table. I wonder how their kid got stolen. Sarah had written about how she had in her journal. I felt really bad for them. I turned around to leave and nearly jumped out of my skin when i saw a man standing at the open door. I felt my heart beat increase.

"I didn't mean to startle you" He said. was theodore. Only he was more pale now and looked a few years older. I couldnt speak. Okay, calm down. Just act normal. I took a deep breath.

"Hi...I'm Layla" I said slowly. He chuckled.

"Well hi layla, i'm theodore." He said walking forward. My breath got caught in my throut. then he extened a hand for me to shake.

"Its...very nice to meet you." I said, giving him a grin as i felt confedince rise up in me. This was where i was staying after all. I had a right to be here....right?

"Trust me, the pleasures all mine." He said. There was an akward silence as he kept staring at me with his blue eyes.

"Um, i think i should go." I said.

"Go? Go where?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I dont really know. I was just exploring the place and i found this room kinda weird because the doors normal and all the others are all fancy and i just thought i'd come in here and see what it was and i found this nursery and that picture and...and..." I said getting nervous. I talked wayyyy too much when im nervous.

"Well, ok. My wife and i will come with you. Will you take us to see John?" He asked.

"You mean father?" I asked then quickly said, "Thats what he likes us to call him" He smiled and nodded.

"Okay, um, go get your wife." I said.

"Sure, meet me in the living room." Theodore said and i obidianly followed orders, walking down the hall way to the living room. Once i opend the door to the living room i ran into gabrial.

"Sorry!" I said quickly.

"Its ok. Hey, are we ok. About yesterday i mean." He asked.

"Of course. I may get upset but i have a curse to forgive too easily. If you ripped off my head i would eventually forgive you." I said and smiled. He smiled back.

"Hey Gabrial." I said, "Um, Theodore and Janet are here to see father."


"Well i was-" I was inturupted by awomans voice.

"Gabrial! I havn't seen you in so long!" A woman -janet- said, hugging him.

"Uh, hi janet" He said, hugging back. Theodore was there too.

"Come, lets sit and talk before we see John...or father." Theodore suggested. Gabrial urged me to sit too. We sat on one couch and they sat on one too.

"Oh, this is layla, janet." Gabrial introduced.

"Hi" I said, giving her one of my oh so common smiled.

"Hello" She said and we shook hands.

"so, how have you been the past two years?" Janet asked.

"fine." He said.

"Oh great. Hows your mom?" She asked. I felt gabrial freeze.

"Uhh, gabrials mom-" I started for him, but he finished.

"She died last year." He said, looking down.

"Oh my. Your only 18! so young! no, too young! How's your father taking it?" She asked with concern.

"He's taking it slowly." Gabrial said, and silence kicked in.

"So have you found her yet?" Asked fathers voice, we turned our gazes to the stair case to see father making his way down.

"Good to see you again John" Theodore said, getting up and hugging him. They both came back and sat down after Janet said hi too.

"So?" father asked.

"Well, theodore's been looking at nearly every 17 year old girl in colorado, and he says he's finally found her!" Janet said, practically bouncing with excitment.

"Theodore can see your family tree by looking at you" gabrial whispered and i nodded.

"Really! thats fantastic!" Father said.

"Who is she?" I asked. Janet and theodore smiled at me.

"you" Janet whispered. My eyes widened with disbelif

"W-what? I can't be her." I stuttered.

"But you can" Janet insisted.

"how?" I asked.

"Theodore's powers have never been wronge. When he see's you, he see's us and our parents!" She exclaimed.

"It is possible too. You were an orphan, remember." Gabrial added. I nodded.

"I guess...but whats going to happen?" I asked. Things were happening too fast.

"Well, Janet and Theodore live here actually, so you'll still live here." Father explained.

"O-ok." i said. Every one got up.

"lets get something to drink." Father suggested. We all nodded. All the vampires got -gag- blood while i got milk. as we drank at the table janet kept staring at me. It creeped me out.

"'d i get lost?" I asked, sipping my milk as i tried to sort out whats been happening. Janet looked down.

"We went to the human world-"

"Human world?" I asked.

"Yes. There's a gate separating our worlds. Humans unluckey enough to come across the gates like Theo and i usually end up as slaves or are left for dead, but you dont know where it is since gabrial just teleported you."


"So, your father and i were expecting you and accidently found the gate. John and Sarah found us and took us in. But then, a year after your birth we were taking you to colorado, where we grew up. We were at the park when a werewolf came and stole you. We ran after him but we were mere mortals at the time. We couldn't. We followed him but he lost us. We've been searching ever since." She explained, a few tears escaped her eyes. i nodded sympathatically.

Then Brian and Brittney came through the doors.

"Janet! Theo!" Brittney's eyes lit up as she hugged them.

"Hey kiddos" Brian said to them.

"Arn't you younger than them?" I asked brian. He grinned.

"Looks wise." He said, "Age wise im 100 years older that them."


"Once a vampire you continue to age until your chromosones stop." Brittney said, "Thats how Gabrials about the same age as you." I nodded. They both sat down.

"Guess what? Brittney took care of all of Layla's files and made it so no one remembers layla!" Brian said.

"What?" I asked.

"Brittney can erase minds and burned all of your files of anything." Brian said.

"Even Holly?" I asked, horrified.

Brittney stared at me.

"Umm, yes? Why? Whats wronge?" She asked. My eyes widened. Nothing mattered then. Not my newly found parents, Not me being kidnapped, not even gabrial. All that mattered was that Holly doesn't know me any more.

"Does that mean she forgot every conversation we've had?" I asked. Brittney nodded. Her expression was scared. I swallowed. This is bad. This is so sobad. This is...this is....words can't even explain it.

"Gabrial....take me to the orphanage. Now." I said, looking at him.

"Why? Whats wronge?" He asked. I got up.

"Holly" I whispered. Gabrial Grabbed my shoulders.

"What about Holly?" He asked.

"If she doesn't remember our talk on...she'll....and....i can't let it happen." I said.

"I don't know what your talking about, but i'll take you." He said. I nodded and let a tear escape me.

"Hey wait. I don't approve of thi-" But before theodore could anwer we were at the orphanage. I ran inside and found Sharel at the desk.

"Excuse me, But where is Holly Lesenburg?" I demanded.

"She left about 10 minuets ago." She said, not even looking up. I nodded, grabbed gabrials hand and flew out the door.

"Do you know where she's going?" He asked. I nodded.

"She's headed to her house." I said. Gabrial looked at me, but said nothing.

"How does your teleporting work?" I asked, still running.

"I just think of the spot and im there." He said.

"So you wouln't know where her house is?"

He shook his head. Then stopped.

"Climb on my back and tell me the way." He said. I noded and climbed on.

"Take a left up ahead." I instruced. The wind blew in my face.

"Right. Right. Left. Strait. Stop." I said, anxious. I slipped off his back and ran to the house and opened the door. Blood was splattered on the walls and the windows were broken. I walked slowly up the stairs. I smelled gasoline. This wasn't good.

I opened a door where the blood trailed in. I held my breath. Then there was holly, sitting between two outlines of people. You know, the painted ones when theres been a crime. Gasoline was spread all around her and she was crying, holding some matches. Don't under estimate this 9 year old.

"Holly please." I whispered. She looked up.

"Who are you" She whispered back. I stepped in.

"I know what your going to do. I know why you want to too. But your too younge. That therepist didn't help. Neither did that good for nothing killer. But its not your time." I said, tears threatning to come.

"How do you know anything" She asked.

"I've known you ever since you came to the orphanage. We were room mates. You just don't remember me. Please Holly" I begged. She cryed more.

"You don't know anything." She whispered and lit the match.

"No holly" I spoke louder. She bit her lip.

"Its the only way to be free." She whispered and threw it in the gasoline. I ran into the circle just before it got lit.

"What did you do that for? Now your going to die too." She said smally. I shook my head. Its not time for either of us." I said, and hugged her. She just kinda stood there. Then she hugged me back.First lightly. Then she suddenly tightened her grip and cryed.

"Layla?" She asked.

"I'm here." I said, stroking her hair. Then i coughed.

"We need to get out of here." I said.

"Gabrial!" I called. He was there in seconds, in the circle.

"Get us out of here." I said.

"Of course" He said and grabbed both of our arms. Soon we were in my room. In the vampire world.

"How did he..." Holly trailed off.

"I'll explain later." I told her. "Do you have your memory back?" I asked. She noded. Her light blonde hair covered her face. I sighed. Then Theodore and Janet barged in. Janet had me in a hug in seconds.

"I was so worried!" She cried.

"Ummm, Janet. I brought holly here." I said. She let go and looked at holly.

"Oh what a dear!" She said and hugged Holly. Holly looked at me like Janet was crazy.

Go along with it. I mouthed to her. she nodded and hugged back.

Brittney came in with Brian.

"Layla im so sorry! I didn't know! If i did i would never and... I'm so sorry!" She said, buring her face in brians chest. He patted her back like shes done this before. Britney was emotion.

"You have no idea" Brian whispered to me. I smiled. Then father came in. Every one was quiet and Brittney looked up.

"What?" I asked.

"We have some things to talk about." He said, looking at me, "Its about Racheal, and its bad"

Why does this always happen to me?

"What happened?" I asked, anxious.

"Racheal has been re-kidnapped by Robert." Father said rather too calmly.

"What? Well we go and get her back. Easy as that! C'mon lets go!" I said frantically.

"Its not that easy. He has Jesse too. We don't know where hes keeping them." Brittney said, face troubled.

"Then how do we find out where they are?" I asked. Every one was quiet. Holly was just confused.

"Whats going on around here?" She asked. I enhaled and looked at father.

"Father, can she please stay here with me? Please?" I begged.The only way we could help Racheal is to have every one understand everything.

Father sighed.

"This is getting rather troublesome. Fine. But Brittney got rid of a lot of energy erasing all those memories. We need a plan."

"Thankyou!" I said and ran up and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back. I drew back and went back to my spot inbetween Gabrial and Holly.

"Lets start with telling her everything." I said. Father nodded and we all sat down, except some people who stood. Then we explained everything to Holly.

"V-vampires? Demons?" She asked. I nodded.

"You have to believe me Holly. Its true!" I said.

"I believe you.... Do you feed on live humans?" She asked them.

"No. Well, Sarah and Claire do. We never see them though." Gabrial said.

"What about that man you chased front of me when we first met?" I asked.

"Our family takes care of trouble makers that the human police can't take care of. I only stunned him too. Sorry for not clearing that up earlier." He said.

"ohhhhh, that makes....almost scence!" I said. My gut felt funny though because while we were talkingI knew Jesse and Racheal were in trouble.

"I know what we can do so no one suspects anything about Holly and we dont have to worry about anything!" Brittney burst out.

"What!" I asked.

"Well, Brian and I are engaged and well...we could adopt her!" She squeaked. I looked over at Holly. She looked nervous. I put my arm around her in a comforting hug.

"Ok, Holly, would that be ok?" I asked.

"I guess. B-bob can stay too, right?" She asked.

"You bet!" I said. I should introduce her to Bell sometime.

"Okay, I have a plan. Brittney and Holly will go and get Bob and adopt Holly and do all of that while Brian, Gabrial and I figure out where Jesse and Racheal are." I said. Janet spazzed out.

"NO! Absoulutly not! Its too dangerous! I'm not letting my baby go with two boys in search of a DEMON!" She said, standing up.

"I agree!" Theodore said, standing up next to Janet.

"What? You cant' tell me what to do!" I disagreed.

"Young lady we need to talk to you!" Janet said and dragged me away with theodore.

"What no! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said over-dramatically, looking back at the family. They dragged me to the nursery.

"Stop that! Your old enough to know better!" Janet said. I raised an eyebrow. I just met her and Theodore! I dont even consider them parents!

"Now, you are absoulutly NOT going! Its too dangerous and you could get hurt!" She said.

"What gives you the right to tell me what to do! I just met you!" I said in a low yell.

"We are your parents! We need to approve." She said, crossing her arms. I dont like my parents!

"No you arnt! You're a stranger! I don't know anything except your names basically! You'll never be my parents! I've gone this long without parents and i can survive another year before i'm a legal adult! I don't need you!" I said in the same tone.

"I was always your mother!" She said.

"But not my parent!" I said. Theodore looked lost. I was glaring at them.

"And im sure even if i do get hurt ive experienced worse!" I said. She was silent.

"I make my own desisions and im going. Its a good plan and your not ruining it because you want to pretend to be my parents, cause you arn't." I said and walked out, leaving them.

Maybe I was a little too harsh....

What ever, they deserved it. I don't like them. They arn't my parents and my friends need me.

When I got back to the living room there was only Brian and Gabrial.

"What happened?" Gabrial asked. I didn't even think about it, brian didn't need to know.

"We just talked. so any idea how to find them?" I asked.

"Nope" Brian said

"I got nothing" Gabrial said.

"Me either. Is there a vampire that has the power to find people, vampires or demons?" I asked.

"Most likely, but where would we find them?" Gabrial asked.

"I know some one." Brian said. We turned toward him.

"Who?" I asked. He smiled.

"The Prince." He said. Gabrial and my mouths fell open.

"How are we gonna get the prince to help us?" I asked.

"I don't know...lets think" He said.

"don't hurt your self" I joked. Brian just gave me a look that said,'*ahem* shut up!" We sat down and began to think.

"I got it!" Brian said.

"Ya!" i said, gabrial leaned forward.

"Layla! The ball is in 2 days and you need...well...basically you need to make the prince fall in love with you." He said.

"What?!?!" Gabrial and I said at the same time.

"Why?" I asked.

"Then he'll do what ever you ask!" Brian said. I think i saw Gabrials eye twitch.

"Now we need to make you into the Princes Dream Girl" Brian said, rubbing his hands together.

"What are you gonna do to me?" I asked. He just smiled and my eyes widened.

"I told you! it will be fine!" Brian said.

"Your not the one getting highlights!" I said irratated. They are making me into the princes 'dream girl' which consists of highlights. I dont want to make him fall in love with me! I like gabrial. Oh crap.

I glanced over at Brian who was smiling like an idiot.

"dont worry layla, as soon as we get the cordanets you can date who ever you want!" He said. Gabrial just looked at him funny. I stuck my tounge out at them.

I was getting a total make over. I was getting blonde highlights (which i do not favor) and a manicure and THEN we're going to hire a make up artist for the day of the ball. I sighed. One more day.

After they were FINALLY done i looked at myself. They had given me layers to go alonge with my highlights. It didn't look too bad actually. My hair was down to my upper back/neck and my nails were black with white flowers on each finger.

"I think you look good. Right Gabiral?" Brian asked as we stepped out of the hair styling place.

"uhhh" was all that gabrial could say. I giggled.Then gabrial teleported us back. I instantly walked to my bedroom. I lay on the bed.

I dont want to do this.

But i have to. For Jesse and Racheal. I had to. That stupid Robert. Why couldn't he just leave us alone?

-------------------------------------the next day 1 and 1/2 hours before the ball-------------------------

I was in the kitchen eating a pb & J sandwich when Brian came in the room.

"C'mon Layla, you need to get ready!" He said. I sighed.

"Fine" So i went upstairs adn took a quick shower. I slipped on the silver dress and black heels and dryed my hair. When i came out we had an hour till the ball. I found Brian and Gabrial in the living room with a woman.

"Hello darling i am Shirly and I'll be doing your make up. Please, do sit!"

"hi, I'm layla!" I said as i sat.

"Hi layla, i'm shirly!" She said as she got out her giant make up kit. Didn't she just say that? Akward.

"So your going to the ball huh?" She asked, putting on fondation.


"Hmmm, that should be fun" She said. I nodded. It was pretty quiet. She put on fondation, eyeliner, mascara, blush, lipstick, and eye shadow. She steped back.

'I think your gorgeous!" She said and nodded. i smiled.

"come darling youonly have half a hour to get to the ball!" she said and took me to the kitchen where brian and gabrial were both in tuxes.

"Hi!" I said.

"Ready to go?" Brian asked. I nodded. Brian elbowed Gabrial.

"Huh? Oh, ya." He said. Gabirals been kinda dazed lately. Weird.

And now we were off to the ball where i would have to make the prince fall in love with me when i like gabrial. This SUCKED.

I looked out the window as we approched. There were well dressed vampires every where! And reporters! What if a vampire attacked me?!?!

"That wont be a problem. Your blood smells HORRIBLE!" Brian said, scrunching up his face. I stuck my tounge out at him. He just smirked. The car came to a stop and the driver got out and opened the limos doors for us. I muttered a thankyou as i stepped out. The press attacked me.

"How does it feel to be a pet?"

"Why did they bring you?"

"How does it feel to live with a family of vampires?"

Blah blah blah blah BLAH! It kept coming. My eyes were wide and i was at a loss for words. Then i felt a hand grab mine. I tried to look at who it was but all the flashes blinded me.

Finally we passed something and i could see again and i saw a HUGE ball room with hundreds of people dancing. My mouth dropped and i looked at who was holding my hand. It was gabrial. I smiled. He didn't though.

Was he bummed out i had to make the prince like me?

"Thanks" I said smiling. I knew the smile was fake.

"No problem." He said giving me a small smile. We walked into the ball room. Some girl tapped Gabrials shoulder.

"May i dance with you?" She asked innocently.

"Uhhh, sure. You'll be ok layla?" He asked. I nodded and she glared at me before taking him away. I couldn't help the jelousy that flared through me. I looked around. I felt like a lost puppy. Then i felt some one tap my shoulder. I turned around. It was a man with golden hair and green eyes.

"May i have this dance?" He asked.

"S-sure" I said nervously. We then started dancing.

"So do you know who i am?" He asked, head high.

"Nooo, should i?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I'm the prince" He said. My eyes widened and I accidendly stepped on his foot.

"SORRY!" I said. I was suddenly nervous.

"Its ok. It must be a shock. Espesially for a human." He said. I nodded.

"Did you know your the only human here?" He said.

"Oh thats so comforting." I said sarcastically.

Should i be myself or act like a slut? ...umm....i'll try acting like myself first.

He laughed.

"Dont' worry, you dont smell very appetizing" He said.

'I get that a lot so i feel a little better." I sighed.

"Thats good."

then the song ended. he bowed and i curtsied.

"Pleasure to have danced with you." I said.

"Pleasures all mine. Trust me" He said, winking. I put on a fake smile and he walked to some other random girl. This was gonna be a loooooong night. Then i felt some one tap my shoulder

I spun around to see a male with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes.

"May i have this dance?" He asked.

"sure" I agreed and we started dancing with the next song.

"so your Gabrials familys new pet?" He asked and i nodded, "i wonder why they didn't turn you?"

I hesitated, "Because i didn't want them to. and besides, i dont want to be a vampire." He nodded and we danced in silence. When it was over i looked to the prince. I needed him to get him to like me so we can find jesse and reacheal!!!!!!!!!

Some more guys asked to dance with me and i did. I was getting irratated. Then some one tapped me on the shoulder.

"WHAAAAT!" I asked irratated as i spun around. I saw gabrial with his eyes wide.

"OH! Hi gabrial. sorry about that." I apologized.

"Its ok. Would you like to dance?" He asked, smiling. i smiled back and nodded. we started to dance.

"So have you met him yet?" Gabrial asked.

"Ya, he seems....well....kinda full of himself." I admitted, hoping no one heard.

"Kinda, i guess. Hes out on the balcony alone. This is your chance ok." He said.

"Your ok with this?" i asked. THe song was coming to an end. He twirled me around and held me backwards close to him and whispered in my ear,

"No, im not ok with this, but jesse and racheal need you." He then twirled me in front of him.

"Oh" I said smally. Then he kissd me quickly on the lips. My eyes widened and he pulled back.

"Now go" He said. I smiled and nodded, heading toward the balcony. i silently opened the door. he was leaning against the railing looking at the stars.

"Hey." I said softly. He turned around and smirked.

"Hey, how'd you know I was out here?" He asked.

"Oh....a little birdy told me." I said. He stepped closer.

"Hmmm, must be one smart bird." He said softly.

'Umm" I said uncertainly. He leaned in to kiss me but i held my hand in front of my lips and he kissed that instead. He straitened into regualar position.

"I dont understand?" He said.

"I cant do this." I said.

"What do you mean?"

I sucked in a deep breath.

"I need your help" I said. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm listening"

I enhaled a deep breath.

" friend Racheal was kidnapped by a demon named Robert and Gabrial and Jesse saved her. Well, no hes kidnapped Her and jesse and we need to know where they are. Could you please find out? Your our last hope." I pleaded. He narrowed his eyes.

"Fine. One condition" He said. What is up with all the conditions? cant people just be nice and help me?

"What?" I asked.

"One kiss." He said. I sighed.

"Fine. A quick on though." I agreed. He leaned in as did I. Finally our lips met. His lips weren't like Gabrials at all. Gabrials were soft and warm, his were cold and rough. We separated.

"Now?" I asked he smiled and nodded. I smiled in delight.

"Lets go get Brian and Gabrial!" I said.

"You go, i'll be out here" He said. I nodded and ran inside. I found them by the snacks table. I ran over to them.

"Hey guys! c'mon, hes gonna tell us!" I said.

"That was fast." Brian said.

"Ya, he didn't fall in love with me, i just asked him." I told brian.

"Really? Just like that?" Gabrial asked. I shook my head.

"I had to kiss him. But hes gonna help us!!!!!!!!!!" I said, pushing them toward the balcony. We stepped out and saw the prince leaning on the railing.

"Ok! We're ready!" I said, "are you ready?"

"Yup. Robert the demon. Full name?" The prince asked.

"Robert Lenosh" Gabrial answered. The prince nodded and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Um, i see a dark, damp room made of cement. Theres some tracks and i see a girl and jesse tied up to a pole." He said, "Oh! Robert just came in and is talking...a subway train just went by! they're in the subway!" The prince said, opening his eyes.

"What one?" Brian asked urgently.

"Number 33." the prince replied.

"Thank you so much! We'd love to stay for the rest of the ball, but we need to save them" I explained. He nodded.

"Just dont be getting yourself killed" He said, and smiled. The prince them walked into the ball room again.

"Gabrial, do you thinkyou could transport us to subway number 33?" Brian asked.

"Ya, no problem." Gabrial replied and grabbed on to both our wirsts. We were soon behind a wall and heard Roberts voice.

"See, what did i tell you? Its been 2 days and they havn't come for you. I actually just saw them on TV. They're at the princes ball. They dont care about either of you."

"Thats not true!" I heard Racheal yell, "They're our friends! theyd never let us be hurt" I heard racheal let out a scream as robert kicked her.

"Dont hurt her! I swear i'll kill you! leave my girlfriend alone!" Jesse yelled. Girlfriend? I didn't know they were a couple. I looked over at Gabrial.

"Gabrial, I think i have an idea" I whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"You teleport behind him and kick his ass" I said.

"Thats a real simple plan layla." He stated.

"Who said it had to be complicated. While you do that i'll untie Jesse and Racheal and Brian can help you." I whispered.

"That just might work" He whispered back.

"I'm up for it!" Brian whispered happily, coming from nowhere.

"Ok, go gabrial!" i whispered

and with that he was gone. We peeked from behind the wall. Gabrial was silent as he punched robert in the back of the head by surprise. Robert let out a scream as he turned around to face gabrial.

Brian and i quickly ran out to do our jobs. i went strait for my friends.

"Layla! you came!" Racheal sighed in relif.

"Of course! I wouldn't leave you here!" I said, un tying the knots from the ropes tied around her hands. I ran to the other side where Jesse was.

"Hey jess" I said, crouching down in front of him. he just smiled. I frowned when i saw the steel handcuffs on his hands.

"We need a key to free Jesse!" I yelled to brian and gabrial.

"Its in Roberts pocket." Jesse said.

"In roberts pocket!" I yelled back. Racheal came and snuggled up to Jesse.

"How much happened when i was gone?" I asked. Racheal flushed and Jesse looked away. I smiled.

"Layla!" Brian yelled as he tossed me the key. I caught it and quickly undid jesses hand cuffs.

"there!" I said. Jesse hugged Racheal and went to take down Robert. Racheal and i sat worridly. (if worridly is not a word, it is now)

I watched as Jesse entered the fight.

"So you and Jesse huh?" I asked. Racheal blushed.

"I didn't see that coming" I said, shaking my head.

"what about you and Gabrial?" She asked, trying to get the attention off of her self.

"I think so. we've kissed twice. But they were soft and confused kind of..." I said. She nodded solemly and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked away with Racheal as they finished Robert off. Serves him right. Hesa real @ss hole.

Racheal and i stood up. Jesse had a bad gash in his arm and brian and gabrial had cuts all over.

"We should get home fast" I said. They all agreed.

"Here, i'll teleport us all home"gabrial offered.

"But arn't you too weak?" I asked.

"I'll most likely pass out, but i wanna go home. Im tired any way" He smiled. I smiled back.

"Ok" I agreed. every one held on to gabrial and in seconds we were home. Gabrial was passed out on the floor snoring. I tried not to laugh ^-^. Brian sighed and picked Gabrial up. i smiled and went down stairs. Holly and Brittney were laughing at the kitchen table.

"We're ba-ack!" i said, "and robert is toast!"

"LAYLA!" holly ran and hugged me.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Guess what? I have a family again!" She said, a tear trailed down her face.

"I'm so happy your happy" I said and hugged her tight. She pulled away.

"Yup, and the adoptions complete and every thing!" she beamed. I smiled.

"Welcome to the family!" I said, throwing my arms in the air excidedly. She smiled. I loved it when she smiled. i went over and sat at the table.

"So...are you still going to erase Racheals memory?" I asked. Brittney looked at me.

"well, yes, but not all of it. I'm going to make it so she remembers all of us and what we ment to her. Shes so sweet, i could never never see her again." Brittney said. I smiled, Jesse and Racheal could stay a couple! i loved it when things worked out.

" gonna check on Gabrial" I said and headed back up stairs. He was asleep in his room. I walked in. He was so cute when he slept! I sat down in a chair. I sighed and before i knew it i was out like a light.

----------------Gabrials POV----------------------------------

I slowly woke up. It felt good to sleep. I looked around the room. Layla was fast asleep in my desk chair. I smiled. She looked cute. I streched. I just kinda laid in bed when Layla started to wake up.

--------------------Layla's POV------------------------------------

I woke up. This chair was highly UNcomfortable. I groaned and opened by eyes. Gabiral was staring at me.

"I- uh- i was just...." I tried to make an excuse.

"Its ok." He said, smiling. I smiled back. We kinda sat in silence for a while. A question was bugging me.

"Gabrial, what am i to you? Am i a friend....or more." I asked, looking at him. He sat up.Our faceswere about 2 feet away from each others.

"You tell me first." He said, looking at me. I licked my lips. I did that when i was nervous. Then i bit my lip.

"more" I barely whipered. But he heard. He leaned in.

"Me too" He said, and kissed me. Not the little innocent kisses, but a real one! i kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. Nothing could beat the feeling i was having...until.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!" I heard my "mother" shreek. We both pulled back blushing.

"um, nothing?" I tried.

"Gabrial, your a smart young boy, whats going on? dont think of lying" Janet said. Gabrial shifted uncomfortably.

"We were kissing." Gabrial admitted. My jaw dropped. And i thought i was blunt! Janet tapped her foot, thinking of what to say.

"O-ok.." she said, and left. My jaw dropped more.

"What...the...heck..." I muttered out.

"Janet can kinda sorta see the future. she must feel content of it right now i guess" Gabrial explained.

"thats...a little "mom" sure is.....special" I said, closing my jaw. Gabrial laughed. Then i noticed his normally green eyes were black.

"Uhh, your eyes are black. is there a reason for that?" I asked, eye brow raised.

"I need blood" He said, rubbing his forehead with his palm.

"Well, why didn't ya say so! C'mon!" I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room.

"...sooo...are we...going out now?" i asked as we walked down the hall.

"Ya, i guess. I mean, if its ok with you" He said.

"Its ok with me!" I said a little too quickely. Gabrial chuckled. We finally made it to the kitchen. Brian, Brittney, Jesse and Racheal were all talking. Probably explaining the whole memory thing. I sighed and opened the fridge. I pulled out a bottle of water and a can of blood. I handed the blood to Gabrial.

"Mucha Grasyas(i cant spell, sorry, but its spanish!)" he said.

"Whats that mean?" I asked, opening my water.

"much thanks" he said, taking a sip of blood. blood is slightly revolting....bleh! Gabrial and i sat down at the table. I kinda ignored them all.

"psst. hey gabrial. whats your middle name?" I asked. He gave me a wtf look.

"Ryan, why" he answered.

"Ohhh, ok, mines Marie." i said and then zoned every one out again, letting my imagination run loose.


"WHAT?!?! WHO DIED!" i asked, sitting up suddenly.

"You fell asleep" Brian said, crossing his arms. I stuck my tounge out at him. He stuck his tounge out back.

"Thats enough! C'mon, layla, get ready, we leave in 45 mins." Brittney said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To erase Raches memory, except for the things i told you." She said, walking up stairs. I sighed and nodded. Every one else was gone some where. i dragged myself up to the bathroom after picking out some clothes.

I turned the water to a nice hot tempeture and stripped down. I stepped in and washed myself. 15 mins later i was dressed and ready to go. I had on a cute panic! at the disco tee and jeans on with plain white tennis shoes.

I walked down stairs and entered the living room. Gabrial and Jesse were watching TV on one of the couches. I went and sat by Gabrial.

"Are you two going out yet?" Jesse asked. I blushed.

"Yup." Gabrial said.

"Cool" jesse replied, "sooo, have you kissed?"

I nodded.

"Cool" he said again, "can you show me?" He looked toward us. FOR WHAT?!?!?! i dont see why he needs us to-

"Sure" Gabrial said. I turned crimson red as he kissed me again, then pulled back.

"and why did we have to show you?" I asked.

"Hmmm, i dont know" Jesse shrugged and turned back the the tv. AKKKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!

About 20 mins later every one met in the kitchen and we set off in 3 jeeps. Father, Janet and theodore in one, holly, brittney and brian in another and Racheal, Jesse, me and gabrial in teh last on. Our was the best one. It was shiney and red and had a hood and was shiney and smelt good and was shiney!

We drove throught the forest like pros. My boyfriend was one heck of a driver! Our (shiny) jeep finally came to a stop along with all the others and we all shuffled out. We all met. Gabrial put a protective arm around my shoulders. I held Racheals hand for support.

"C'mon. This way." Father said. We all followed like lost puppies. Father surveyd(sp?) the fround until he reached down and lifted a 3ft by 3ft square off of the ground.

"Quickely now" He said, shooing us into it. I went first. There was a ladder decending into the black pit of nothingness. I gulped as I climbed down. I finally reached the ground.

"I'm down!" I called up.

"Ok Gabrial, you next." Father said. I heard Gabrial get on the rusty ladder and climb down. He embraced me as he reached the bottom. I kissed him lightly on the lips as i heard some one else climb on the ladder.

Once every one was down Theodore turned on a flashlight.

"Ok, we are now in the tunnel that separates our worlds. If we're lucky we wont run into any body." Theodore whispered.

"We wont!" Janet chimed in. Ok, that was kinda obnoxious. Brian laughed. Damn him and his mind reading. Theodore lit the way and we all followed. After about 20 minuets of walking (about 2 miles) we ended up at another ladder.

"Who wants to go first?" Brian asked. No one responded. I sighed.

"I'll do it" I said and started climbing the ladder. I lifted up on the door at the top. It took most my strength but i got it open with an oof. I got showered and dust and Brian laughed. Why does brian always have to laugh at me? Hes sooooo annoying sometimes!

I hoisted myself up onto the...cement? I looked around. It was an abandoned subway station. I looked around and screamed when i saw Claire and Sarah standing near by. Gabrial was at my side in a second.

"Whats wrong?!" He spotted them, "oh.."

"Wheres the family headin?" Sarah said snobbily.

"To-" I began but got interupted

"No where!" Gabrial said quickely.

"Whaaaaaaaaaatever. We're leaving anyway. We have a douple date with the two HOTTEST vam-" Claire began.

"We dont really care" Brian said, suddenely showing up. Ok, sometimes he comes in handy, sometimes. They left with a hmpf! and climbed down the ladder. A few minuets later the rest of the gang showed up.

"What was that about?" Racheal asked.

"Nothing" i sighed. She just nodded. We walked outside.We walked down the street till we came to a parking lot. More jeeps.

I'll skip all the boring details. We ended up a block away from Racheals house. Her face was on every telephone pole and stop sign.

"So...this is it?" I asked Racheal. She had started crying.

"I guess. But you guys HAVE to visit." She ordered. I nodded, tears streaming.

"Deal" I said, pulling her into a hug.

"And you," She said, pointing at Jesse, moving towards him, "Have to PROMISE to visit the most." Jesse held her hands.

"I planned on it" And with that they kissed. It lasted a few seconds before they broke apart.

"I think we need a group hug!" I said, opening my arms. Every one, Brian, Brittney, Me, Gabiral, Jesse, Father, Janet, Theodore and of course, Racheal, had one giant group hug.

"I'll miss knowing the secret." Racheal whispered. I nodded.

"Ok" Brittney's voice craked, almost all the girls were crying, "Are you ready?" We all broke apart. Racheal nodded. Jesse held her hand for support. Brittney nodded and put her hand on Racheals head. Brittney closed her eyes. She squeezed her eyes, holding her breath.

"UGH! I CANT DO IT!" she exclaimed, removing her hand, "I just cant do it" Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Racheal followed suit.

"Brittney? why not?" Father asked.

"Shes just-and-so sweet and i just cant! cant we just have her remember?" Brittney pleaded. Father shook his head. Brian gathered her in his arms until she calmed down. She took a deep breath. Gabiral pulled me to his chest. I held on to his arm.

"Ok." Brittney said, and put her hand on Racheals head again. This time she didnt shut her eyes, she just held that possiton for a while until Racheal fell, uncontious. Jesse caught her. I buried my face in Gabrials chest. Once again, i'm the only human in the house.

Gabrial released me and we all walked to the park while gabrial and jesse returned Racheal to her house. I felt two slim arms wrap around my waist and i looked down and saw Holly.

"hey" I said.

"hi" She said quietly back. I giggled and turned around and gave her a hug. She, of course, hugged back.

"Guess what?!" She asked excidedly.

"What?!" I asked with as much entusiasm.

"Brians gonna let us keep Bob!!!!!!!!" She exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile.

"maybe bob and bella are gonna be BEST friends!" I said.

"YA! and maybe they'll have babies too!" She said. I raised an eyebrow mentally but acted just as excited.

Gabrial and Jesse returned not too long after and we all went to the play ground where Brian played with Holly on the toys. I have to admit, it was pretty funny watching this "big, strong" man play on little kids toys. I had to giggle. Gabrial and I sat at a park bench and he draped an arm over my shoulders. I snuggled closer to him. He may be cold, but he was unusually comfy, so i didn't care at all.

I guess i must have dozed off cause the next thing i know im waking up to gabrial gentelly shaking me awake. I wasstill tiredso gabrial gaveme a piggy back ride back to the woods. Holly was fast asleep in Brians arms. Awww, hes gonna be a gooddad to holly.

Once weclimbed down GabrialGaveme another piggy back ride all the way down. I was forever grateful. I went up the ladder first again. Once i reached the top i was JUST about to yell it was ok when i tripped. Typical Layla. I felt some one catch me and i looked up to see a well tanned boy with brownhair and eyes.

"Its ok!" I yelled back down to the others. The boy let me up.

"Uh,Kyle" He introduced, sticking out his hand.

"Layla" I said, smiling and shaking his. As soon as she made contact with my hand i felt a bolt of electricity serge through mybody.

"Quick! They'recoming!" I heard some one shout. I wasdragged away, falling into a world of black.

---------------------Gabrials POV-------------------------------------------

I heard another voice up there. Who was that? I started climbing up the ladder at her word.

"Quick! they're coming!" awerewolf yelled. I shot strait out of the whole and started chasing them. I lost her more than once, all because i was careless! I wont let it happen again. Ichased them allthrough the forest. Unfortanatly one of them was hideing until i came and hit me on the head.Since im avampire it didn't hurt as much as it wouldhave if i were human. I continued running but thelycan followed.I then felt a SNAP! and awave of pain hit me.I let out a scream of pain and lookeddown to see my foot stuck in a bear trap. They used these here to capture wild unicorns.The lycan walked up to me.

"Well, well, well. Gabrial. Havn't seen youin a while"j

I would reconize that voice any where.

Xavior Lardens

"Obviously not long enough" I retorted. Xavior stepped out. He had blond/brown hair and green eyes. His appearance didn't matter at the time though. All that mattered now what that he has to pay for what he did.

"Hmm, I think its been too long." He said in his mocking voice. I scoffed.

"And why would you think that?"

"Because, after I exterminated your mother,"-I growled-"her friends Janet and Theodore killed my only son!" He boomed.

"Then what do you want with Layla?" I shouted. He smirked.

"Revenge" He said. Then I was knocked out cold.

-------------------------------Layla's POV-------------------------------------

I wearily opened my eyes and looked around. I was chained to a bed. My arms and legs were tied to the wooden things at the headboard and foot board. I hope they don't intend to rape me! I shuddered. Then I heard the door open.

"Glad to see you're awake" A man with blondish/brown hair stepped in, "How are you feeling?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows.

"I've been kidnapped for the second time in a row, I'm strapped to a bed and I'm not sure if I'm going to be raped or not. How do you think I am feeling?" I asked, frowning my eyebrows together.

"I'm not going to rape you, I can assure you that.." He said, stepping closer. I tried to inch away from him but the chains were too tight.

"Tell me, do you know why you're here?" He asked, bending down. I shook my head."Well, you're here, so I can avenge my son." He said, a solid look in his eyes.

"You know, you and him would have made such nice friends...too bad your parents killed him" He said, as he got up and paced around the room. My jaw dropped. What?!?!

"W-why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I just thought you'd want to know the reason why you are going to die is all." He said, shrugging.

"WHAT! This has nothing to do with me!" I defended. Sure they were my parents, but so?? I've barely known them!

"Yes, It does actually. They killed my son, I kill their daughter. In front of them." He said, and a wall revolved around and showed a terrified Janet and a sad Theodore. Okayyyy, my life Is officially f'ed up.

------------------------ Gabrial's POV ----------------------------------

I woke up in a dungeon cell. My foot had healed over. I must have been out a few hours. I looked around. I had to find Layla before he killed her! I teleported out of the cell without being noticed and teleported to the top floor. Most likely he's keeping her in the same room he killed my mother in. I can't let Layla be killed too. I can't lose them both...

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