raglak os

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🎂happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you....
Happy birthday dear bulu🎂




Scene starts from a house which was decorated. Then we can see some group of boys standing out side the house. They were chit chatting and doing masti when suddenly some one turned one of the boy from them and slapped him. The boy was shocked.

He looked at the person still in shock. And the person was a girl. She was glaring him.

Laksh was looking at ragini shocked and confusedly for her sudden slap. He tried to talk but before that she started shouting at him.

Ragini:I can't believe it that you can do this. Looking at you no one can say that you can be like that. You idiot... you duffer... don't you have any shame. Today it's my friends engagement and you are blackmailing her that you won't let her marriage happen. You tapori...loafer....lafunge.. gunde mavali kahinke... dare you came near my friend. Just stay away from my friend and stop troubling her understand. She shouts in full anger while laksh looked on.

Ragini:if I saw you in her marriage na then... she said pointing her finger
At him angrily.

Laksh:then what will you do Haan tell me.? He said in attitude and she glared him.

Ragini:you...you are so cheap. You don't have any shame. Even after doing all this you are showing me attitude. She said angrily.

Laksh:ya I don't have any shame but you say na what will you do if I will come in marriage..? He said raising his eyebrow and she was really getting more and more angry with his cool behaviour.

Ragini:then...then...I...I...will..I will... She was dragging her words as she didn't got what she can do. She just said that to scare him but now she was stucked.

Laksh was smirking looking at her confused face while ragini was thinking what to say and suddenly she said something for which he started laughing hard.

Laksh:what...what you said.? You... you will kidnape me. He said while pointing his finger first to her then to himself. She too looked at him properly ofcourse he was like body builder. She was too thin but yet she isn't weak. She thought and glared him while he was laughing.

Ragini:just stop it ok...stop it you idiot. She again shouts and he stopped laughing.

Ragini:what do you think I can't kidnape you ofcourse I can. If I decide something then I can do it. Don't underestimate the power of a common man. She said in anger.

Laksh:what you are a man... He said and again started laughing teasing her. She was now giving him death glares.

Ragini:shut up just shut up. Stop laughing you stupid boy other wise I will break your teeth and I can do it. Don't underestimate the power of a women and stay away from my friend I'm warning you other wise I will really kidnape you and will lock you in a room till her marriage got finished understand. She shouts pointing her finger at him with full anger and started going away while laksh looked on at her confidance.

Ragini reached near gate and before going inside the house she turned around and looked at laksh angrily but he winked at her and she widen her eyes and cursed him and went from there stamping her feet in anger and laksh was laughing at her antics.

Laksh then turned towards his friends who were in shock by all this and was looking at him while he just started going away from there and they followed him.

"Marriage day of ragini's friend"

Ragini was very excited as it was her best friends marriage. She was roaming here and there and also was cheaking everything Is it proper or not.? She was smiling and chatting with some girls when suddenly her eyes fall on something or to say on someone. She got shock then angry as she saw laksh there talking on his phone.

Ragini:this boy.. he didn't listen to my warning. Now you will pay for this Mr. Flirty. I won't let you create any problem in my best friends marriage. She said looking at him with anger and determination.

Laksh wasn't able to talk properly on phone because of crowd there so he went out of the house. Ragini noticed him and followed him. Laksh was talking on phone busily while ragini was thinking what to do with him. Suddenly something popped up in her mind and she smirked and went away from there.

Laksh was talking on phone just then he sensed someone is behind him. He turned around and some one attacked on him with hands. He got shock but hold that persons hands and looked at the person who was none other than ragini. She was looking at him angrily and was trying to free her hands from his grip.

Laksh:what are you doing...? You crazy girl. He asked in shock while holding her hands.

Ragini:I'm giving you your punishment for not listening me. I have warned you na not to come here still you came. Now see I will do what I have said. She shouts while struggling.

She was actually trying to put her hand on his nose in which she was holding a handkerchief. This was her plan she thought to make him unconcious with colourform and then lock him in a room which is out side the house there but now he caught her.

They both were struggling. Laksh to stop her while she was trying to put handkerchief on his nose. Laksh was really amazed by her this move. He thought she was just saying that to make him scared. She can't do it but here she was really trying to do it. Ragini was very angry on him and she wasn't thinking anything else other then make him away from the marriage.

In their tug of war suddenly the handkerchief touched ragini's nose. Laksh looked on while ragini slowly losing her concious. She was curshing him in her half concious state too while laksh chuckled at her craziness. Ragini faint in his arms and he nodded his head in disbelief.

After some time ragini got her concious. She opend her eyes slowly and found her self in a room. She looked around then she found something is wrong with her hands she looked down at her hands and got shock seeing herself on a chair and her hands were tied. She started struggling to get her hands free but she wasn't able to do it.

She was confused how she came there and that's when she rememberd about whatever happend beetween her and laksh. She widen her eyes in shock realising the fact that may be he had done this with her after she got unconcious.

Ragini:that stupid boy. I'm sure he had tied me here. What if he will ruin the marriage now. She said getting tensed and curshing laksh. 

Laksh:God...God...God stop it now yaar I will die because of your this continues curshing girl. He said entering in the room and looking at ragini with a smirk while ragini was glaring him.

Ragini:you stupid...idiot boy. How dare you to kidnape me..? Just free my hands and see what I will do with you.? She said angrily and was struggling to free her hands.

Laksh:cool cool relax girl. It isn't my fault. You were the one doing stupid things. If your plan backfired on you what should i do in it.? He said in attitude and ragini was glaring him.

Laksh then went near her and untied her hands from chair.

Laksh:I tied your hands like this just to tease you madam as you have troubled me yaar. He said after untieing her hands but next second he was pushed on chair by ragini and she started tieing his hands on chair while laksh was looking at her in shock.

Laksh:hey what are you doing.? He asked looking at her confusedly.

Ragini:mister flirty you deserve this only. Now till the marriage you will be locked in this room understand. She said and then smirked looking at him who was now sitting on chair with shock and his hands were tied.

Ragini was giving him winning looks but suddenly her expressions changed and she widen her eyes and was looking at him with open mouth as he easily untied his hands from chair and now that winning smile was on his lips. 

Ragini composed herself and again hold his hands and tied them but he again untied them. She glared him and again tied his hands and he again untied them now ragini was making faces at him and he was supressing his laugh. Like this ragini tied his hands more two three times and he kept untieing them and giving her teasing smiles while she was getting annoyed.

Ragini:you...what are you doing.? Sit properly. She shouts actually ordered him like she is his boss. 

Laksh:ya ya you are my teacher and I'm your student na...so teacher ji is saying to sit properly. Saying this he started laughing.

Ragini:shut up don't make me angry. She shouts glaring him but there was no affect on him.

Laksh:oh dialouge baazi. You know you are really expert in dialouges. He said teasing her and making her more and more angry and frustated. 

Ragini was giving him death glares by now. She was really annoyed by his behaviour and was curshing him under her breath while tieing his hands on chair this time very tightly. Laksh didn't untied his hands this time and was sitting there silently.
Ragini was keenly watching him and her hands were still near his hands so that if he untied them then she can catch him but this time laksh was sitting quietly. He didn't untied his hands. Ragini slowly smiled brightly and next moment started dancing in happiness on her success in tieing him finally. 😂

Ragini:yayy I did it...I did it yayyy I kidnapped him yayyy I did it. She was saying this in singing rhythem and dancing and jumping clapping her hands.

Laksh was looking at her in horror like is this girl crazy or is she crack.? She is getting happy for kidnapping him. He was just shock and nodded his head in disbelief at her crazyness.

Ragini then looked at him with victorious smile. She then went near bed and sat on it with crossed legs infront of him showing him attitude. Laksh was just staring her and there was a small smile on his lips. He was just admiring her each and every action. to be its her anger...her crazyness...her cute antics...her annoyed face or this her attitude. She is just adorable girl.

Some time passed after that ragini was sitting on bed and laksh on chair with tied hands. Many times laksh tried to talk but she didn't let him. Even she threatens him that she will cover his mouth also with a cloth if he will talk and irritate her. So he kept quite but Ragini was getting bored sitting there. 

Ragini:yaar I should go in marriage now. I'm getting bored sitting here. Yes. She thought and stand up smilingly and was about to go but stopped suddenly.

Ragini:but what if he will untie his hands again and will get out of room. He really has perfect body. He is good looking too infact he is very handsome and his smile. She was thinking dreamingly looking at him laksh was also staring her confusedly.

Ragini:no.... no... no... no. What is wrong with you ragini.? What are you thinking. Just stop it don't forget he is a bad boy. She said in her mind while shaking her head to left to right like throwing away all her thoughts but this made laksh shocked now he was looking at her weirdly.

Laksh:God what is wrong with her.? What she is doing.? Is she mad.? Oh God is she ran away from mental hospital..? He thought looking at her with wide eyes but immediatly scold himself for thinking like this.

Laksh:stop it laksh. Have you lost your mind.? What are you thinking.? Don't be stupid man. Hey you my stupid mind shut up your stupid thoughts. He scold his mind and was again staring ragini who was again lost In her thoughts.

Ragini:whatever but the main thing is i cant go from here. He can break the door too after all he is a gunda then he can create problems in marriage. No no I can't leave him here. I have to stay here. She said in her mind and pouts at last line then looked at him angrily cause she can't attend marriage because of him. 

Laksh looked at her confusedly at her sudden reaction. Ragini sat on bed again while glaring him and making faces. Laksh was just getting more and more confused and somewhat scared of her.

Laksh:what happend to her suddenly. Now to I'm sitting silently. I didn't even utter a word then why she is glaring me. He thought and pouts looking at her who was now looking away from him.  

Again there was silence beetween them and both were sitting quietly when suddenly ragini felt hungry. Rats were running in her stomach as she doesn't ate properly from morning in marriage preparations.

Ragini:I'm so much hungry. I need food now yaar. She thought while putting her hand on her stomach pouting cutely.

Ragini:but this stupid boy. I can't leave him here. He had snached my food from me. She said in her mind and glared laksh again angrily.

Laksh was noticing her changing expressions. He was really getting confused with her behaviour and the way she was glaring him with big eyes was scaring him actually. He was now getting irritated not understanding anything why she was giving him this looks.?

Laksh:what..? What is wrong with you yaar.? Why are you glaring me and making faces and all. I'm sitting quietly na now. He finally asked being annoyed and she glared him more. 

Ragini:you..you theif. She said and he was shocked.

Laksh:what.. it's too much now. I'm not a thief. He said still in shock.

Ragini:you are Mr. You are a thief. You snached my food from me. She said confusing him.

Ragini:because of you I can't go out and I'm hungry but food is out side in marriage not here. She said making crying faces and laksh was just again staring her in disbelief.

Laksh:ok you go and have food na why are you sitting here.? He said and she again gave him glare in return.

Ragini:oye don't be so smart mister. I'm not a kacchi khiladi understand. I know why you want me to go out so that you can escape from here right. She said in attitude and he smiled as she was looking really cute while saying that too.

Laksh:acha my two friends are standing out side the room. You say them to bring food for us. I'm also hungry. He said and she looked at him then towards door.

Ragini went near door then opend it and found two boys showing their back towards her standing there. She was confused how to call them and also how can she believe them after all they are his friends whom she have kidnapped. What if they will attack her to get him free. She thought this and closed the door immediatly. She looked at laksh while laksh was confusedly staring her.

Ragini:they are your friends na so you only say them to bring food. She said trying to be normal as she doesn't wanted him to know she is scared.

Laksh:how can I say this.? You have kidnapped me na so you should only bring food kidnapper ji not me.? Also I'm to tied here I can't go there na see. He said making innocent faces but she glared him.

Laksh:or are you scared of them kidnapper ji? He asked with raised eye brow and teasing smile. This made her more angry.

She gave him a glare then went near door with full attitude. Laksh smiled at that. She opend the door and found that two men's still standing there only.

Ragini:oye you both goons. Go and bring food from marriage now. She shouts at them with attitude actually ordered them but as soon as they turned towards her she backs off immediatly with scared face.

(Sorry I know pics aren't good 😔 but I didn't got any other)

Ragini:mummy... they are so scary. She thought and was making crying faces.

They gave her a look of what.? She gulps looking at their stunned expressions. Before some time she was shouting but now her voice automatically got low.

Ragini:your friend is saying bring food for him. She said in low voice and showing them her 32 teeths.

They both looked at each other then at her and nodded and was about to go but she stopped them.

Ragini:and for me too. She said from behind and they looked at her.

Ragini:pls. She immediatly said as soon as they looked at her. She was blinking her eyes and smiling innocently.

They both went from there and ragini breath in relief. She was just so scared till they were standing there. Specially the way they were looking at her. She was feeling like they will attacks on her any time. She then hurriedly closed the door and came inside the room.

Ragini:are they really your friends? She asked looking at laksh with her cute looking face making him awww at her.

Laksh:ya they are why.? He asked.

Ragini:they are so scary. She said in low voice.

Laksh:what.? He asked looking at her and she realised what she said.

Ragini:they were very scared of me you know. She said with attitude not letting him know she was scared but he actually heard her and her expressions were enough for him to know who was scared.? He  was supressing his laugh and she sat on bed showing him the same attitude.

Ragini:1 minute. Your friends were standing out side the room why.? And if they were standing there why they didn't came to help you? She asked suddenly realising it.

Laksh:because they don't know na you have kidnapped me. He said simply and she nodded.

After some time they both men's brings food for them. Ragini took it from them in hurry and immediatly closed the door not even looking at them. Laksh chuckled looking at her antics but she didn't gave any heed to him. She just sat on bed and was staring at food with watery mouth and was ready to attack on her food.

Laksh:hey don't eat all alone. I'm also hungry. He said and untied his hands and was about to go near her but suddenly she shouts at him making him startle and he sat on chair again in shock.

Ragini:how dare you.? She shouts and he was staring her silently not able to understand what happend to her suddenly.

Ragini:how dare you to untie your hands by your self. I have kidnapped you I should do it na. Why you did it.? She said then started crying fakely without any tears. She was just shouting and making crying faces.

Laksh was blinking his eyes trying to understand is this true or is he dreaming.? He wasn't able to believe she was making this much drama on this thing. He hit his hand on his forehead and looking at her with disbelief.

Laksh:stop it yaar. Have you lost your mind some where or what.? Are you crazy girl.? He said irritatedly and she glared him.

Ragini:stop it. You are mad not me. Don't you know I'm your kidnapper to I should untie your hands na. Now sit quietly. She shouts then came near him and again tied his hands then again opend them smilingly while he was staring her with open mouth.

Ragini:ya you can have your food now Mr. And eat silently without any drama understand. She said with attitude like a real kidnapper says and he was giving her who is doing drama here Look.

Ragini just ignored him and started eating while laksh too sat on bed and started eating. Like this both had their food and ragini again tied him on chair while she sat on bed.

Ragini was sitting on bed when suddenly she saw a rat on floor. She widen her eyes and took her legs up on the bed. She started jumping on bed and started shouting. Laksh looked at her shocked.

Laksh:what are you doing.? Stop jumping now you are not a kid. You will break the bed. Stop it. He shouts and she stopped and glared him.

Ragini:what do you mean by I will break the bed.? Am I looking fat to you.? You idiot your friends are fat infact they are double..triple fatty. Never call me fat understand. She shouts at him angrily then again started jumping and shouting like before.

Laksh was shocked by this. She is really a crack piece. He thought and was looking at her. 

Ragini:rat there is a rat ahaaa... go away...go away... She was shouting looking at rat jumping up and down on bed.

Laksh:stop it yaar. That rat won't eat you. Stop it. He was shouting at her but she wasn't listening him. Laksh was getting really irritated by her continious shouts.

Ragini was jumping and shouting. Laksh was also shouting at her to stop. The room which was so silence till now becomes like a fish market by their shouts suddenly one more voice got added in their shouts. Laksh was the first who realised the voice and started looking around. Ragini too heard the voice and stopped shouting. They both then noticed the voice was coming from tv which suddenly got on.

Ragini:who turned on the tv now? You stupid boy here I'm in problem and you are watching tv. She shouts at him angrily.

Laksh looked at his hands which were tied then looked at ragini. She too looked at his hands then at him. Laksh then noticed remote near ragini's leg. He signed her to look there. She too looked there and realised that while jumping her leg touched remote and tv got on. She looked at laksh smiling sheepishly.  Laksh glared her cutely and she giggled at that making laksh too smile.

They both were disturbed by tv's voice. Both looked there. Ragini got shock. Her eyes got wide.. mouth hung open and she was looking at tv without even moving. She started blinking her eyes to confirm wheather she is looking is true? She looked at laksh then again at tv. She again looked at laksh coming close near his face and again looked at tv.

Ragini:do you have any twin brother.? She asked suddenly looking at laksh. He nodded no and she put her both hands on her mouth being shock and again looked at tv.

There on the tv laksh's pic was shown in news channels. She was more shocked with the news which was written there.

"Biggest buisness tycoon Mr. Laksh maheshwari's interview"

She was very much shocked to know that the one whom she has kidnapped is not a goon but a respected buisness man. She was biting her nails in tension realising what blunder she did.

Laksh:tapori...loafer...lafunge.. And what else.? He said in her ear standing just behind her.

Ragini closed her eyes tightly biting her tounge remembering those names which she gave him from the time they met. She was really scared. She turned towards him and started saying sorry continuesly. Her eyes were still closed. She was looking very cute in that expressions that laksh felt to pull her cheeks but he controlled and made a serious face. Ragini opens her one eye to see what is happening as she didn't got any reply from him. She found him standing infront of her with stunned face.

Ragini:I'm sorry pls. I'm really sorry. Actually my friend said me one boy is troubling her I got angry on that and said her to make me meet that boy. She said me that boy is out side the house and is wearing blue shirt and when I came there you were the one who was wearing blue shirt so i thought you were the one... she said looking down and feeling guilty. Laksh was smiling looking at her innocence but changed his expressions as soon as she looked at him.

Ragini:plz forgive me na im sorry. It was misdunderstanding. Plz don't punish me plz. She said with puppy eyes. He was admiring her cuteness but wasn't showing it.

Laksh:no you will get punishment. He said in strickt tone making her tensed and scared at what punishment he will give.

Laksh step closer towards her and she backed off. He started coming more closer while she kept going back words. She suddenly stopped as her back hit on the wall and she was stucked beetween laksh and the wall.

Laksh was just staring her. They both were standing very close. Ragini gulps looking at him. He started coming closer towards her and she got more tensed. She closed her eyes tightly just then he said something near her ear making her shock.

Laksh:your punishment is you have to live with me from now on. You have to marry me. He said and looked at her to see her expressions.

Ragini was standing there numb. Her eyes widen in shock. Heart beat stopped for a second. She wasn't able to say or do anything. She was just staring him without even blinking. Her mind stopped working.

Ragini:why.? This was the one word came out of her mouth even after getting some courage but she was still in the shock.

Laksh:because I LOVE YOU.. he said giving her another shock.

Ragini:w...wh...what....why.? She asked stammering in shock while laksh chuckled.

Laksh:what why.? How can I say why I love you.? It just happend. When I saw you for the first time. Your attitude...your anger... your cute warning and most specially your heart. You know why because the way you came there to fight with a goon for your friend it shows how much caring and supportive you are. I mean see the goon can harm you also but you didn't got scared infact for your friend you got ready to kidnape the goon I mean it was so risky. So in short I fall for you at the first sight. He said making her go numb at his every word. She was feeling her heart beating fast with his each word. Their was sincerity in his eyes and love. She can feel it. She was just staring him not understanding what to say.

Laksh:see I know this was really sudden and also like a shock for you. You pls relax Im not forcing you. I just asked you. Will you marry me.?  I really love you alot. He said genuinely with love. He knew this wasn't a way to propose some one but he just want to confess but now he was really tensed about her reaction. His heart beats were getting fast with each passing second. Her silence was making him more worried.

Laksh:plz yaar say something. Till now you were blabbering non-stop and now you are silent like you don't even have tounge. Plz say some thing. He said being disparate but she was still silent.

Laksh:see if you want to reject me then also it's ok. I won't mind it. I understand you but plz don't be silent. It's making me more tensed. Have you lost your voice in shock or what.? He said desperately and she finally took a deep breath.

Ragini:I...actually..I.. I love you too. She said in a go and hides her face in her palms making him first shock then happy then he started laughing at her antics. He hold her hands and took them away from her face.

Laksh:really you love me. He said happily and she just nodded looking down.

Laksh:aaye...haayeee.. I didn't knew you know blushing also leaving your that crazy antics and stupid acts. He said winking at her and she looked at him and widen her eyes at his last sentence.

Ragini:what.. You are calling me stupid. She said showing her cute anger and he chuckled.

Laksh:common I was just kidding. You are to very sweet. Little crazy but cute too. He said smiling and pinching her cheeks while she giggled at that.

Laksh:acha now tell me one thing from when you started loving me.? He asked pulling her close towards him holding her waist making her cheeks red in shy.

Ragini:umm... actually I too liked you from the first time only but I thought you are a goon so I tried to stay away from you. She said cutely and he chuckled.

Ragini:You are so bad why didnt you said me before only that you are not any goon then i wouldnt have did all this na. She said pouting and he looked at her with raised eyebrow.

Laksh:oh really. I didn't said you or you didn't let me.? He said and she bites her tounge.

Laksh:and there was one more reason why I didn't told you im not any goon and that was because I was loving it to be here. He said and she started him being amazed.

Ragini:what you liked to get kidnapped.? She said cutely and he nodded smiling.

Laksh:yes because i was kidnapped by my love. He said and winked at her while she blushed and hugged him. He too hugged her back happily.

They both never thought they will get their love like this. It was unexpected but they were just very happy. There was new feelings in their heart. They were lost in hug when suddenly laksh realised something and he breaks hug and looked at her.

Laksh:hey wait..I don't even know your name. What is your name my love.? He asked with cute smile.

Ragini:my name is... She was dragging her words teasing him while he was impatiently waiting.

Laksh:what yaar don't you remember your own name.? He said being irritated with her teasings while she giggled.

Ragini:ok ok my name is ragini. She finally said making him smile widely.

Laksh:ragini aww so cute name just like you. He said smiling and she smiled while blushing a little.

Ragini:oh no I just forgot. She screamed suddenly making him shock and worried.

Laksh:what happend ragini.? He asked worriedly.

Ragini:I forgot about wedding laksh. It's my friends wedding and because of you i have missed it. She said pouting and he got relaxed.

Laksh:oh hello it wasn't me but you who kidnapped me and also threatens me to keep quiet. He said like complaining and ragini smiled sheepishly.

Ragini:ok fine I'm sorry na. Now let's go in marriage na. She said and started going out without even waiting for his reply while he looked at her in disbelief with a smile.

Soon they both attiand marriage as laksh was from groom's side. Ragini gets to know it and again said him sorry while he smiled. Ragini also asked him about his friends who were standing out side the room there and laksh laughed at that and said her they aren't his friends but his bodyguards as there are some enemy's also of him so his father bring bodyguards for his safety.

Laksh then talked with his parents about ragini and Ragini talked with her parents. Soon they got married and started living happily.
Finally here it's got completed bulu. I'm not good in funny story's but I tried hope I didnt bored you.

Once again a very happy birthday bulu😘😘 lots of love ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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