Chapter 2: Run and Fight AKA: AVS Time!

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(Kristina's P.O.V.)
We ran until we hit the concourse of the Pepsi Center, and we were all scared to death.  We decided to try and find a place to hide somewhere safe and sound.  Whether that would be in a gift shop or an unopened concession stand, we were determined to hide and wait the storm out.  

"Where should we go?"  Emma and Abi asked, almost in sync.  

"To the top!  They would never expect us to be in the nosebleeds!"  I tell them as we started to split up.  

Too late, as J squared found us.  We all stopped and looked in fear towards the camera. 

Sarah, who was clearly scared as the rest of us, was the one who got us all together.  

She stated, "AVS position!"

For those of you who don't have a clue to what's going on, AVS was founded based on Sarah's dream.  We were hunting aliens and we were all in black.  Odd enough, today we decided to look like those people that were in the dreams.  The only thing that was different was that we were fighting actual people this time.  

We started to fight them.  It was the two of them against the seven of us.  We were throwing punches, and we brought them down to the ground.  We started to run again, but this time we ran into Kane.  J&J Security somehow managed to get to back on their feet, and we divided and conquered.  Sarah, Emma, and D'Mitri went after Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble was defending himself against Hanna and Abi.  Shannon and I went after Kane.  

"Well, Sammy, it's the two of us against the world."  

My sister, Shannon, replied to me, "Let's get him, Dean."  

Kane was hard to bring down, but we decided to use weapons against the monster.  Shannon was smart and grabbed a ketchup dispenser and threw it at him.  It was a direct hit, and he fell to the ground only to recover quickly from the blow.  He got up, but he had ketchup all over his suit.  I started to throw punches at him, but the two of us started to back up some.  We were trying to defend ourselves and our friends.  

No, we were trying to defend our family.  We backed into the other five, as more members of the Authority started to surround us.  It was now six of them against the seven of us.  Seth Rollins, Stephanie McMahon, Kane, J&J Security, and Triple H surrounded us.  

I whisper to them, "We should spit up."

My family nodded to me, as they agreed that running was the best chance at freedom.  As AVS decided their next move, somehow, Bray Wyatt came out of nowhere and the odds were now even.  

I yelled, "Run!" and we all broke apart.  We ran seven different directions, and nobody knew if they were going to come out of this alive or not.  


(Sarah and Emma's P.O.V.)

Somehow, Emma and I started in the same direction, so we decided to keep close together.  We had the two security guards racing after us.  We ran towards the entrance that we came in through.  Emma and I kept on running and running, but she tripped on something and fell unconscious.  That scared me enough to stop and go back for her.  

The security guards were right there, and then, my world went black.  


(Abi's P.O.V.) 

I went around the Authority, and I had "Creeper Dude" running after me with his lantern.  I could easily outrun him any day of the week.  He was somewhat easy to beat, but then someone started throwing stuff at me.  It was two tones, and he was trying to get D'Mitri with those objects.  We teamed up for a little bit, but eventually they were able to pin us down.  


(D'Mitri's P.O.V.)

I had the WWE World Heavyweight Championship running after me.  Why would he go after me???  How come he can't go after, I don't know, Sarah or the twins??  I'm harmless!  I started to run when they did, and he went after me.  I guess I'm easy prey, but I started to prove him wrong.  He looked weak, and then he started to throw objects at me.  

Then, I ran into Abi, and the rest was a blur as the champion hit me with something hard enough to knock me out.  


(Hanna's P.O.V.)

I started to break off from the group, but I had the bossy woman chasing me.  She was evil, and I knew I wanted to escape quickly before she could catch up to me.  I kept looking behind me, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and she caught me.  She then started to drag me away.  


(Shannon's P.O.V.)

I hate being separated from Kristina.  I didn't know what was going on, and all I heard was somebody yelling, "Run!"  I listened to whoever the voice belonged to and started to run away.  I went towards the vendors set up with their WWE gear, and hid behind a booth.  The employee clearly knew my situation that I was forced into due to the Authority.  I secretly thanked the guy for letting me hide until the storm of the Authority ran out of rain.  

I saw Kane looking for me.  The ketchup stains had officially ruined his outfit choice for the evening, and I couldn't help but smile a little bit.  Kane walked up to the vendor and asked to see if he saw either my sister or me at all, but the vendor refused to speak.  Kane tore down the booth, and a piece of a display fell on me.  I couldn't move, because my legs were pinned.  I was caught and I closed my eyes.  I hoped my sister could get out alright.  


(Kristina's P.O.V.)

I was the first one to take off, and who else was trying to capture me other than the King of Kings himself??  I heard by the communication between them that they caught six out of seven of us.  I was the only member remaining out of AVS.  That hurt a little bit, because it felt like I made a stupid decision by putting my family at risk and having them run alone away from the Authority.  I thought that they would make the quickest escape that they could, and they didn't.  I should of known that this would be the result.  

     I ran to where Rocky would sign his autographs and hid there for a while.  Triple H had to be the dummy that ran right by me, and I ran to the nearest exit.  Triple H must of heard the beeping of the elevator or something, because when I exited the elevator I was surrounded.  There was the Authority, and behind them, a cameraman.  I was caught not only by them, but on film as well.  

Triple H was behind me, and he said, "Anything else you want to say???"

I whispered loud enough to hear, "You will not get away with this.  My family and I will escape."

They all started to laugh at me.  I think that they didn't believe a word that I was saying.  If the seven of us were their new traveling "buddies," I wanted to make them regret this decision.  I would be the one, along with my family, to end the Authority's reign of terror.  

As they took me away, I thought about a couple of quotes that ran through my head.  These quotes were going to be what I fought for each and everyday I was taken away.  "'They're supposed to make you miserable!  That's why they're family!  Family don't end in blood, ya idjits!'"

Bobby Singer may have been a character on a show, but now I'm a part of one as well.  I needed to guard my family well, and my family wasn't just my blood relatives either.  Before I was thrown into whatever little hole they planned to throw me in, I started to thrash around.  Then, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship met my head.  

And I fell unconscious, with the hope that my family wasn't as harmed as I was and to start a war against the Authority.  I would be the one to end it all.    

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