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Jungkooks pov

I sit in a chair while yoongi styles my hair. I sigh "but minjun was just playing around? Aera didn't really mean it did she?" yoongi nods "kook, when teenagers say something they want. They'll kill anything in their path to get it. And I wasn't gonna be killed by a teenage girl" I laugh a little

I look down "what if jimin doesn't even like me though?" yoongi bursts out laugh "HA you're more oblivious than I thought you were" I pout "I'm not oblivious" yoongi nods "and I'm not about to burp"
Not a second later yoongi burps loudly making me roll my eyes "excuse you"

He shrugs and then sighs "look. Jimin has been alone for awhile now and his daughter is his main priority in his entire life. He'd do anything to make her happy and I can tell you're the same way about minjun.. Just Try this? If this works out then Aera has an eomma again and minjun will have an appa"

I glance at the monitor I have in minjuns room. I smile seeing him asleep. I then nod "okay.. I'll do it" yoongi nods "I know you will..i might be an evil bitch at times kook but I do have a soft spot for you"

I giggle "I know you do" he slaps the side of my head "shut up" we both laugh and I then glance at the monitor again

I hope everything will be okay in the end..


Jimins pov

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG" I hear a bunch of giggles as I walk into the lounge. I huff "how am I supposed to do this?! I've met the man once!! ONCE!"
Taehyung pokes his head out the top of the couch
"welllllll just express your love to him and get to know him"

I chuck a pillow at him "I HAVEN'T BEEN ON A DATE IN 13 YEARS!" he laughs "that's a you problem chim. Me and yoongi are just the helpers"
I groan "I'm gonna die"

Aera walks out from her room and sighs "oh appa you're being ridiculous. Just go and get me an eomma" I look at her "I can't exactly just... Make him your eomma straight away. I need to make him like me"

She huffs "ugh old people are so slow. He already likes you dumbo" I stare at her "I am not old..and I'm not dumb" taehyung shrugs "ehhh" I look at him "you're dumber and you're also the same age as me dumbass"

Aera huffs "appa just go. He'll probably already be waiting. Go get me an eomma!!" I nod "okay. Okay deep breaths. Okay!"

I take a deep breath and walk to the door..

I hope this ends well.

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