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Author: Kay

Translator: Kay

Rating:  PG

Genre: Fanfiction, KiGo, Kim x Shego

Disclaimer:Kim Possible and Shego belong to Disney and their copyrights, but the story here belongs to me


Right here but can't reach you.

Just right here.

Even if I'm right here, you wouldn't notice that.

Or perhaps...chose not to.

You changed the key.

You changed your digits.

You locked away all that was once ours in to the attic.

And ignored my existence.

Even if I shouted at you, tried holding your hands, begged you to stay...

You would've just tossed it all and walked away coldly.

When I called out your name, you didn't even turn around to face me.

 Sat right next to you and you didn't bother to give even just a glimpse.

Those olive eyes, once filled with love and passion, now only left with vacancy and indifference.

Why are you being so heartless princess?


You cried, your thin shoulders trembled everytime you inhaled for air.

Olive green eyes covered in tears, pink lips grinded to each other, jaw clenched, hands clasped until the finger gone pale.

Who? Who dared hurt you so?

You're quivering in pain and despair.

But all I can do is standing here, outside the windows, helplessly watch you suffer.

So powerless...

Since when did you stop crying on my shoulder?

Since when did you no longer share your feelings with me?

Since when did I become invisible to you Kimmie?

I can't be there to console you,can't be there to comfort you, to calm you down in my embrace.

Since when did you started ignoring me for him?

Since when cupcake?

Since when?


Ron, he's a buffoon, an idiot!

Yet he's your best friend..

You smiled with him, the smile once mine only.

And now, you're crying on his shoulder, letting him comforts you.

Do you know how hurt it is to watch you in other's arms?

Please! At least give my a reason why!

So I don't have to feel like an useless pathetic piece of crap..


Was it because of me? Because I hadn't paid enough attention to you to realize that you'd gone bored of me?

Was it because I was too careless of your daily emotions that slipped you away?

Tell me!

Don't just drown me in silence then ignore the fact that I've ever existed!

You didn't even say a word, no bye bye, no farewell, nothing..

Just walked away, coldly, turned your back against me and never looked back, not once.

How can you be so cruel pumpkin?


Dammit! That bastard! He didn't answer me either!

Everyone are ignoring me.

What did I do??? Tell me!!

Just give me a reason, anything, why???


You forgot to lock the door on your way in so I quickly took my chance.

I'm not a perverted stalker!

But I deserved to know why are you treating me less than a stranger!

Your delicate back, now so skinny and emaciated, I could even see your scapulae through your white thin cotton materials of shirt.

So fragile one slight breeze could tore you to thousand pieces..

It kills me seeing you like that, you know?

What have you done to yourself?

If you can't be good to me, couldn't you at least be good to your self?

You turned around and startled me.

Those olive green eyes once alighted with happiness now just gloomy and filled with sorrow.

And that dark circles around your eyes, that ruddy cheeks now just emaciated..

Where is it now? The enlighting smile I love?

"Why? Why did you leave me?"

Tears started to shed from those deep green eyes, limpid olive spheres now drowned..

Your burning gaze, full of anger and terminally pain.

But I've never left you, not ever, you're the one that walked out of my life without a word, you're the one that got away!

"Why?? Weren't we so happy? Is it because of me? Because I was too boring that you couldn't manage just to breathe the same air with? That's why isn't it? You're sick and tired of being anywhere near me aren't you?"

No!! You're crazy! The one who changed the lock was you! The one who switch digit so I could never reach you was you your self!! I'm the one who got treated with neglect, I'm the one who got left behind! It was you who heartlessly ignored my existence! It was you who never turned around when I called out your name! It was you who walked away and coldly shoved off my every effort to pull you back! It was you! YOU ALL ALONG!!!

"Dammit Shego! I... love you..."

I love you too! Love you like hell, can't you realize that? I love you! YOU! That's why I'm here right now, to clarify why did you do that to me, why did you treat me so cruel that way, I deserve to know!

But.... why?

How can it be? How can you walk through me like there's nothing, like I'm thin air? What the hell's happening to me???

"Dammit Shego! Please come back! I miss you! I miss us!I love you, so much I couldn't put it on words! Things weren't the same without you anymore! Please come back I'm begging you! I'll do whatever you want, I'll put on those stupid bunny ears and let you photograph me, I'll do it all...just please return to me"

Kim collapsed on the ground, hand holding their 3 years anniversary photo, they both smiling brightly with their hands showing the wedding rings they gave eachother in Alaska. It was biting cold yet Shego still gave up her coat for Kim.

It was chilling at that time consider the fact that they both got surrounded by snow, Kim still feel utterly warm and happy.

Then again, she couldn't help trembled, hot tears slowly ran down her pale cheeks.

Kim curled her self up, squeezed the picture in her palms.

Shego's smile.... it was so bright, alighted with joy.

And yet, it was like a sharpened knife, stabbing in to Kim's chest.

All is gone now..

You're one cruela Shego! How do you suppose I should live from now on, without you???

Somewhere deep inside the cold cemetery, the dawning smile was carved on stone cold marble.

There lies a small grave already covered with the green color of grass..

"Shego 19xx-20xx may she rest in peace and in the protection of God,may her unfinished aspiration be complete at His place"


Translator's note: this is the second KiGo short fic that I've translated from my oneshot collection,hope you enjoy it

Please NOTIFY me when POSTING this story in a different webpage

And I don't like my character got replaced by something else so I'd be very appriciated if you DON'T COVER this to a different couple

All you counsels, reviews, comments and advices would be very precious to me :D

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