Chapter 1~Falling For Him

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Before anyone gets confused, right now we focus on teenager-Lizzie and Will. This means that she didn't meet Joel yet, but don't worry! After a few chapters we will finally be in present day, so yeah. Oh and also, this is my first ever fan fiction so please no hate :) thank you for reading and let's go!

Lizzie POV's
Ever since I was in high school, I hardly had any friends. One, I spend to much time playing video games, and two, I didn't really like talking to people. But on one faithful day, I actually made a friend. It was back at high school, Saturday, 6:00 PM. I was alone in my house because my parents had this business meeting. They said they would be back at 12:00 so that meant I literally could do anything I wanted. But unlike every other normal teen, I played video games instead of throwing a party or drinking with friends. Weird right? As I played my game, I teamed up with this random dude in a mini-game. He said in chat to talk to him on TS (team speak) so that's what I exactly did. "Hey, is this working?" I say being a bit anxious.
"Yup." Replies the gentle,sweet,unknown, voice.
"C-cool." I say as anxiety fills my body.
"Are you okay?" Asks the gentle,sweet,unknown, voice.
"Errr.. Yeah?" I lied. "Uhh.. So, what's you're name?" I ask as I try to be comfortable.
"It's William, but you can can call me Will." Will replies.
God, first he has a dreamy voice. Then he has a dreamy name?! God dammit. I say to myself as I blush.
"Uhh.. Cool? My name is Lizzie." I say as I bit my lip.
"That's a cute name." He giggles.
God dammit, Dreamy boy! I say to myself frustratedly.
"So, do you wanna do the game now?"
"Sure." He says as he smiles.
That night, we talked and played for hours. It really felt like we had this deep connection even if we met each other only a few hours ago!
"God, I slayed that game!" I say with excitement.
"Oh give me some credit too!" He says with a giggle.
"Oh--" Suddenly, I stopped talking as I heard a doorbell ring.
Nuu! That must be my parents! I say to myself sadly.
"Sorry, but I really need to go now."
"Really? Just one more game?" He begs dreamily.
I bit my lip, I really did want to talk to him more.. But yet, the doorbell kept spamming and I had no choice but to open it.
"Sorry, this is really important. But i'll talk to you later, K?"
"Ok.. Bye!" He says.
"Bye.." I say sadly as I end the call.
Years have pasted, and I'd still talk to him everyday. But one day, he suggests to meet up at this café close to where me and him lived. As I went out of the taxi, a gush of anxiety filled my body. Maybe he would think that I was ugly, or he didn't want me to be his friend. No, he won't think that. We have been talking to each other for years, god dammit! But maybe he will not like me irl? Thoughts filled my brain and eventually, gave me a headache. But then, I had to face reality. I've been waiting for this moment for years! I couldn't just leave now. I took a deep breathe and entered the café. As my eyes looked at various people in the café, no one looked (or how he described it) like him. I suddenly felt like he backed out because he was afraid or something, I then lost hope and was about to leave the café, until...
"Wait! Are you Lizzie?" Replies the unknown voice.
As I turned around, I saw a boy with brown eyes, luscious brown hair, and a killer of a body. I just stood there in awe, did I really just get to be friends with this handsome dude? No way. But suddenly, I snapped out of it as he said "Are you alright?"
"Wha.. Ye.. Yes!" I say nervously.
He giggles, "c'mon, let's get a table."
Hours had past and Me and Will got together like a synchronized melody. He made me enjoy myself, like I was actually worth something to someone. We had the same interests,humor, and best of all we both loved games! Even though I didn't want to admit it, I think I was falling for him.

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