Chapter 4~Explainations

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**Author's note**
Sorry for the lack of chapters this week! I just recently got a writer's block, but I think it's over now. Thank you for reading, and let's dive into it! (Sorry for cringey-ness)

Graser's POV
Right as Will left, Lizzie left as well. I was so confused, like why did he leave? Why did she leave? What did she mean by "we met before?" A bubble of thoughts filled my mind until someone interrupted me.
"Hey Graser, where are the other guys?" Nathan (Noboom) says as he logged onto TS.
"Well, Will and Lizzie were here, and now their gone!" I say still confused as ever.
"What? Why?" Nathan says as he takes a sip of his smoothie irl.
"To be honest, I have no idea. Lizzie said they met before, and then Will left, and then Lizzie."
"That's strange, I wonder why their acting like that.. Maybe you should ask one of Lizzie's friends? They might know." Nathan suggests as he takes another sip of his smoothie.
"You know what, I might will. Tell the other guys that i'll be back." I say as I log off TS.
Hmmm.. Lizzie's friends huh? I wonder who I should call.. I look at my contacts on my phone, H? No, Megan? Maybe. Suddenly a thought went into my mind. I know! I should call Stace! I dial her up and wait for her to answer.
"Hey Zach! I'm walking Page and Molly right now, could you call me later?" She says as I hear barking through the phone.
"Sorry Stace, but I can't right now. This is really important." I insist.
"What? What do you mean?" She asks confused.
"Did Will and Lizzie meet a while back?" I say forwardly, eager to know what has been happening between them.
"Actually, yes. They were high school sweet hearts before, after Lizzie moved to United Kingdom they spilt things off."
"OH MY GOD. Why didn't Will tell me before? No wonder why she and him were acting strange!" I say in realization.
"Graser, you're really confusing me right now, can you please explain?"
"Uhh.. Well earlier I called up Lizzie for that never have I ever.."
"Uh huh." She says in response.
"And then I logged into the server and then I noticed this awkward tension between them, I asked Lizzie and she said that they met before, then right after she said those words, Will left, then Lizzie! I was super confused so that's why I asked you." I say explaining, saying ever single detail there was.
"Wow, how's Will and Lizzie? Is everything alright?" She asks concerned.
"I-I don't know. I think i'm going to call Will, could you call Lizzie too?"
"Uhh.. Sure. Bye Zach, i'll tell you about it after i'm done."
"Same with you. Bye Stace." I hang up and call Will. I hope he answers.

Stacy's POV
Right after the call ended, I continued walking Page and Molly.
After 15 minutes of walking Page and Molly, we finally arrived home, tired. I unleashed Page and Molly as we went inside my apartment, god I was tired. I go into my office, seeing Milk sleeping soothly on his cat tower thingy. I let out a sigh, and sit on the couch. I was thinking about the whole issue me and Zach were talking about earlier, I wonder if everything is alright. Suddenly, it hit me.
I was supposed to call Lizzie! I say to myself as I rushed to my phone. I dialed up Lizzie, hoping for the life of me she would answer, and to my surprise, she did!
"LIZZIE!" I shout, not intending to.
"Stacy? Is that you?"
As she said those words, it didn't seem like her voice. Instead it was a male voice, it was not deep nor pitch. It was, normal. I then realized that it was Joel. Great Stace, great.
"Hey.. Joel.." I say, awkwardly playing with my hair.
"Hey Stacy, how are you?" Joel asks, a bit worried.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"Uhh.. Great! So.. You're probably wondering why I have Lizzie's phone right?"
"Yup." I say, eager to know.
"Well.. Lizzie, she's crying. I tried to console her, but, but it didn't work. I have no idea why she's crying. Can you please help?"
"What!? Why is she crying?" I say confused.
"I-I don't know! I was thinking you would know!"
Wait.. Crying.. Awkwardness between her and Will.. It could only mean one thing. She's crying because of WILL! Wow Stacy, you are so dumb. Wait... Does this mean Joel doesn't know about the sweethearts thing? Oh my gosh! Should I tell him? I mean he's her boyfriend and all.. But for some reason, I don't know what I should do! AHHHH. The decisions!
"Uhh.. Meep." I mumble.
"What?" Joel asks confused.
"Ermm.. Joel? Can you please hand the phone to Lizzie? I think I can help."
"Sure." He looks over to Lizzie, who's quietly sobbing.
"Errrr.. Stacy?"
"I think Lizzie is really having a crisis right now, i'll just give her the phone later, when she's less sad." Joel says as he shows pity towards Lizzie.
"Ok.. Thanks." I say, a bit disappointed.
"No problem, i'll tell you when she's better."
"Yeah.. Bye." I hang up and slowly go down the wall behind my back.
I hope she's fine.. That and, I hope Zach succeeds.

And there you have it! I made this chapter extra long since it's been FOREVER since I made a new one. Btw, thank you everyone for the reads and likes! I never imagined that this story, MY story, would have this much attention! Thank you guys so much! <3 Oh and also, since we accomplished such an achievement, i'm going to add YOU GUYS to this story! Just comment you're name, how you look like, and you're traits! Thank you again guys. -Author

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