Clearsight, Sunstreak, and TLC characters

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Warning: may contain spoilers

"Wow. We're actually playing KKM with Clearsight." Cricket breathed.

"Yep!" Clearsight replied. "So, SUNDEW, Kill Kiss Marry Blue, Swordtail, and Sunstreak." Sundew shook her head violently. "Ew. No way." "Yes, way!" Sundew scowled as if, Clearsight or no Clearsight, she was going to kill any dragon who asked her that.

"No." The LeafWing's green scales glimmered. "I won't."

"You will."

"I don't have to."

"Fine. CRICKET, Kill Kiss Marry same as I asked Sundew."

Cricket smiled. "Kill... No offence, Swordtail, but you've said some pretty rude things about HiveWings, and you are the one I like least."

"Kiss Sunstreak, although that would probably be gross."

"And Marry Blue. Clearsight, Kill Kiss Marry same as you asked me and Sundew."

"Marry Sunstreak, there actually is a future where that happens. Kiss Blue, because Swordtail was all for stealing the book that didn't belong to him. And kill Swordtail."

"WHY is everyone killing ME?" Swordtail demanded. "Because you're not easy to like." Explained Sundew. Luna, Io, and Blue glared at her. She glared back.

"Kill Kiss Marry Sundew, Luna, and Clearsight, Swordtail," Blue said.

"MARRY LUNA." He announced. "Now it's actually hard. Kissing Clearsight feels wrong, like not respecting her, and I'm certain Sundew will kill me if I choose to kiss her."

"I'll protect you from Sundew, Swordtail." Said Io and Luna in unison. "Then Kiss Sundew over there, and kill Clearsight. He answered. Sundew growled.

"Kiss, Kill, and Marry, Swordtail, Sunstreak, and... Me. Luna." Io asked.

"Um. I wanna do it, actually do it." Luna said. "I will... kill Io." She slowly lifted a talon and aimed it at Io. Flamesilk shot out of it. Io screamed.

She kissed Sunstreak on the cheek lightly. "Ew."

Meanwhile, in heaven...

"Being burned to death hurts." Said Io.

"Tell me about it." Replied Horizon the SandWing from TDP.

"I learned that, believe me. I hate Sora!" Carnelian cried. "Me too." Bigtail agreed.

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