Fatespeaker and the Dragonets

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"Hey Starflight!" Starflight sighed. "What is it?" "We're playing Kill Kiss or Marry, Starflight. I was asking you." 

"Oh." He was pretty sure that it was Clay's voice talking. "Yes. Clay."

"Kill Kiss or Marry Sunny, Fatespeaker, and Glory." Clay's voice said. He heard someone sit forward. Probably Fatespeaker. "Um, kiss Fatespeaker. Marry Sunny. But I can't really kill Glory, because I can't kill–" 

"And I like you better that way." Two voices said in unison. Starflight smiled. He was glad that at least someone liked him for who he was, not for his appearance, or his role in the prophecy.

"Who said that?" He couldn't tell. "Sunny." Fatespeaker's voice said. "Fatespeaker." Said Sunny at the same time.

Oh, he should have known.

"Kill Kiss Marry me, Sunny, and Flame. Fatespeaker." He asked Fatespeaker.

"Kill Flame KILL FLAME!" She screamed. "Kiss Sunny, marry you."

"Clay, Kill Kiss or Marry Me, Tsunami, and Sunny."

"Kill you sorry Fatespeaker. Kiss Tsunami. And marry Sunny."

"AGH!!! Why do you always include ME?!? 'Kiss Sunny.' 'Marry Sunny.'" Sunny complained. "Fatespeaker's been in all three as well." Starflight pointed out nervously. Sunny rarely got angry. She sometimes said things like 'What?' or 'You can trust me!', but those weren't often and she never yelled.

"By CHOICE! She said 'Me, Tsunami and Sunny.'  And, she hasn't. One she was asked."

"What's wrong, Sunny?" Asked Fatespeaker worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"NO! My– my– my mother got challenged for the throne and then got blown into the side of the stronghold and got extremely injured and my father turned entirely to stone and I haven't seen my adopted brother in WEEKS! And now you guys are picking me EVERY TIME for a stupid game I only joined to have fun and forget about my problems, and our Jade Mountain idea is falling apart, we're losing students and I–" She broke off into sobs. Starflight followed her cries to where she was sitting and rested his wing on her back. He felt another wing cover his at Sunny's other side and wondered who it was. "It's okay, guys. I'm just really stressed and upset. Let's just go back to Jade Mountain."

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