Chapter 17: Monsterous Transformations

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A/N: in her rage, ryuko takes a monsterous form where she looses control. You soon take the form sof something as well to cause nui to retreat for now.

You were attacking nui by trying to snap your jaws against her.

(Y/N): Scorcer, do you feel it as well?

Dark Sorcerer: yes, something about this girl were facing isn't human.

(Y/N): she's something else.

You said as you tried to swing your tail at her. Ryuko was angrily going into furious attacks against nui. While she was doing that, nui started to speak.

Nui Harime: you'll never believe how I killed him. With his very own scissor blade he created. It's really a shame for him. But he kinda deserved after he cut out my left eye.

Ryuko: shut the hell up!!!

Senketsu: ryuko, you need to calm down!

Ryuko: I'm not calming down until I kill this bitch!

Senketsu: your boiling blood of your rage is having an adverse effect on me.

Nui: that man really deserved to die anyway.

Ryuko: that freaking does it!

Frostwing: wow, that's too much steam!!!

Ikara: w......what's happening?!

Senketsu: ryuko stop, I won't be able to control myself of you keep this up!!!

Ryuko's rage caused senketsu to go berserk and consume her. resulting in the two of them taking a monstrous form.

Ikara: h...h....h...... HOLY FUCK!!!!

Frostwing passed out.

Ikara: wake up!

Ikara tried shaking Frostwing up.

(Y/N): ok, that's not good. 0_0

Dark Sorcerer: we need to calm her down.

Nui then got in the way.

Nui: no, no, no. Your coming with me.

Red Eyes: no he's not!

Nui dodged an inferno fire blast from red eyes.

Nui: oh, looks like they all came.

Gandora: to hell with you bitch!

Gandora fired his giga rays but nui still dodged but she got hit by berserk ryuko.

(Y/N): well, I was wondering where you guys were.

Red Eyes: sorry for the delay. We ran into some trouble.

Gandora: but we're here now.

Dark Sorcerer: that's good. But we have a different problem now.

Red Eyes: we can see that.

(Y/N): I'll try to calm ryuko down.

You were hit by nui.

Nui: nope. Your all going to be cumming with me.

You tailed whipped her away.

(Y/N): we're not doing this.

You said as you headed to ryuko.

(Y/N): ryuko, you need to calm down. If you keep going like this, you'll die from you much blood loss.

Sh didn't listen as she was too focused on attacking nui.

(Y/N): ryuko listen to me!

She turned to you and her large arm hit you and sent you flying.

(Y/N): Jesus, she's gotten super stronger.

Dark Sorcerer: no shit!

You crashed against a wall and got covered in rubble.

(Y/N): Okay, I'm pissed.

Nui: you can't hit little old me.

Ryuko went back to attacking nui.

(Y/N): alright, I'm shutting this bitch up!

While Mako Mankanshoku and her family headed toward the scene, the ground in the spot where you crashed at started to shake.

Gamagori: what's going on?

Nonon: earthquake?

Gandora appeared next to them.

Gandora: no. But something much worse.

Nonon: where the hell did you come from.

Gandora: just look and you'll see what I'm talking about.

He pointed to the spot where you crashed at while it was still shaking. That's when a thunderbolt hit the spot and the ground shook more.

Frostwing: I'm up! What did I miss?

A burst of light came out of the ground and in the light, necks appeard near your head.

Satsuki: What is this?

The light died out and showed you but with three heads.

Frostwing: well..........that's new. 0_0

Ikara: yikes. 0_0

Houka: it doesn't show anything on this!

Nui: oooooooooo. This should be fun,

You lunged at nui but she dodged again. However, you were faster as you slashed her into the ground and stepped on her multiple times. She got up and showed she was unharmed.

Nui: you'll need to to better than that.

You bit down on her arm and slung her away while all three of your heads charged up a neutron blast. You fired the beam at nui and hit her. The blast caused minimum damage to the area but nui somehow survived the attack. Red eyes showed up near Tsumugu.

Red Eyes: we need to draw that crazy bitch away from (Y/N). So he can calm ryuko down.

Nui: I'd recommend you two not do that.

Tsumugu: try something then!

He steeped firing at nui while Red eyes was firing inferno fire blasts. during this all, Satsuki doned her kamui in order to stop ryuko as she was heading to her. Just as she was about to strike, you landed in front of ryuko and got in the way.

Satsuki: What?!

Ryuko stopped and looked up at you. You moved your middle head down to ryuko and rubbed it against her. Ryuko didn't seem to do anything but she started to feel a bit calm when you were close. Everyone got quiet for a moment until Mako showed up.

Mako: Stop it, Ryūko! C'mon, this isn't like you at all! Remember how you told me you wished you knew your dad better, and how you wanted to find out why he died? You can't find out if you're a raging monster! All you're doing is wrecking the school, just like me when I wasn't thinking straight! Remember me and our stupid fight club? Remember? When I was acting all horrible to you, you set me straight. So now...I'm gonna set you straight! I'll get you back, I'll get you back, I'll get you back!"

Mako said all that while literally slapping Ryuko to her senses. It worked as ryuko turned back to her normal self.

Ryuko: ugh......what the hell.....

Mako slapped her again.

Frostwing: now was that really necessary? -_-

A/N: probably wasn't, but she was probably just making sure.

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