Chapter 6: Hunter vs Spider

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Ryuko's mind scape

Ryuko was in a dream right now. She was able to see in 1st person. She saw her Kamui floating and unable to move. It looked scared though. The whole area around her was completely surrounded by darkness.

Ryuko: H-Huh? Senketsu?

Senketsu: Don't.... Please don't... FOR GODS SAKE STOP.

Suddenly Senketsu was chopped up into a million pieces and his parts fell to the ground like leaves.


She then was somewhere else. She now saw Spider man. Except he was a bloody mess with rips all over his costume and his eye lenses were cracked.

Ryuko: S-Spider man? W-what happened to you.

Spider man: R-Ryuko g-get out of here go.

Ryuko: NO not without you.

She then tried to grab onto Spiderman to drag him away until Spiderman grabbed her and threw away and behind a trash pile.


Ryuko: Until who finds-

She was cut off though when she saw blue light again. She saw it hover over Spiderman's body.

Electro: The itsy bitsy spider-

Ryuko could only tremble in fear of not being able to do anything. She can't do anything. She felt completely powerless.

Electro: -crawled on the ground-

Spider man was trying to just crawl away from Electro but couldn't do anything.


Electro then sent a giant wave of electricity at Spider man completely frying his body with the only thing Ryuko can see is Spider man cold dead body twitch from electricity. All she could hear was his screams.


Ryuko: n-no. No

Then Electro stopped shocking him and Spiderman's whole body went dead and didn't move. Then Electro looked right at Ryuko.

Electro: It's your turn now Ryuko. So, let's play.

Ryuko then started to run away as fast as she could never giving the thought to look back. She just closed her eyes and ran. Suddenly she bumped into something and fell to the ground.

Ryuko: *thump* Oof.

???: Hey you ok?

She then looked up and saw it was Y/N giving her a helping hand up.

Ryuko: y-y/n?

Y/N: Um....... well yeah. Why should I be someone else?

Ryuko was happy to hear his stupid quip and smart-ass remarks. She grabbed his hand and got up and pulled Y/N into a tight hug.

Ryuko: OH Y/N THANK GOD. I was so worried I thought you got caught as well. I-I thought you were hurt I thought-

She went dead silent though when she suddenly felt a warm liquid go down her body.

Ryuko: y-y/n?

She then pulled away and went wide eyes at what she saw. Y/N was wide eyed and had blood trailing down his mouth. She looked down and gasped in fear.

Ryuko: *GASP* Y-Y/N.

He had a sword through his stomach from being stabbed in the back. Suddenly Y/N dropped to his knee and Ryuko caught him in her arms and brought him down trying to put pressure on the wound.

Ryuko: no *sob*..... nononononononono. *sob*C'mon please not you to please *sob* NOT YOU TO.

Satsuki: Hmph. Did you really think you could save him?

She then looked up to see Satsuki in her Kamui with a bloody sword.

Satsuki: If you cannot even save your friend how will you ever hope to beat me Matoi.

Ryuko could only just look at Y/N eyes. They didn't move ....... not even a twitch. They just stared into the sky lifelessly and Ryuko could only feel the weight of his cold dead body as it bleeds to death.

Ryuko: F-First my father.......... now him. It's all....... because of you.

Satsuki: They are weak just like you.

Satsuki then raised her sword.

Satsuki: SO, JOIN THEM.

She then swung it right at Ryuko's head.

In the Mankanshoku's house

Ryuko suddenly shot up from her floor bed and looked around breathing heavy and sweating.

Ryuko: *GASP* W-WHat?

She then looked around and just took a deep breath in and out.

Ryuko: *sigh* It was just a dream.

She then looked around though and looked into the bathroom where Spiderman got patched up a week ago. She couldn't help but remember what he said to her.

Flash back

Spider man: I also saw how Electro faught Satsuki...... she was completely powerless against him. Imagine if that was you....... actually, it almost was you. *sigh* I'm sorry but I can't let any more innocent people die because of me. So just drop anything you think you know about me. When you see me next time just think of me as a friendly neighborhood spider man...... nothing more nothing less.

Flash back ends

Ryuko head: Electro was something else. He wasn't a Goku uniform. He was like Spidey......... does that mean I'm not that powerful at all. Without Senketsu I'm ......... nothing.

Before she could think any further though a giant alarm was going off through all the speakers. Suddenly Mako got up from her sleep freaking the F$%& OUT.

Mako: AAAAAAHHHHHHH OH MY GOD weregonnabelateweregonnabelateweregonnabelateweregonnabelate Hurry up and get dressed Ryuko. Oh no what am I going to do? Ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno.

Ryuko: Jeez what's up with you Mako. It's only like 4 in the morning.

Ryuko then started to hear the screams of her Kamui.


Ryuko quickly followed the scream and saw Senketsu being scrubbed viciously by Sukuyo in a laundry bucket full of soap and water.


Ryuko just looked in anxiety at Sukuyo smiling while Senketsu screams for help.

Sukuyo: Good morning Ryuko. I have your lunch bagged up and waiting for you in the kitchen.


Sukuyo: Did you sleep well?

Ryuko: I uhm. Yes, mam I did. Excuse me but is that my uniform your washing?

Sukuyo: Yes hun. I'm just giving it one last scrub for good measure. I can't believe how filthy it is.

Ryuko: Thanks mam but I-I can take it from here.

Sukuyo then had a stern look on her face as she then pulled Senketsu out of the bucket and started to twist and squeeze the water out of him.

Sukuyo: OH NO you won't. *squeezes water out*


Sukuyo: What's your job as a student? To get educated. What's my job as a mom? To do the laundry.

She then hung up Senketsu on a cloth wire.

Sukuyo: Is that clear.

She then started to slap Senketsu with a laundry racket patting the water off of him.

Sukuyo: Now eat your breakfast*SLAP*-

Senketsu: OW.

Sukuyo: -brush your teeth *SLAP*-

Senketsu: GAH.

Sukuyo: -and get to school. *SLAP*

Senketsu: GAAH AH OWWW

Ryuko: B-But I can't go to school without my uniform.

The giant siren then went off again though signaling for them to hurry up.

Mako: WWAAHHH I FORGOT TO KEEP PANICING. C'mon Ryuko it's the big day.

Ryuko: Big day?

Suddenly Barazo and Mataro both shot up from bed.

Mataro/ Barazo: NO WAY ITS YOUR BIG DAY!

Mako then started to push Ryuko out the door even though she still only has her pajamas on.

Mako: Just go in your PJ's just MOVE.

The Mankanshoku family all stood their happy as Sukuyo held a laundry racket like she is from the movie scream with a big happy smile with Senketsu tied up on a cloth wire helpless.

Barazo: Don't worry. We'll drop your uniform off later.

Mataro: Yeah, we got this.

Senketsu: WAIT RYUKO. These assassins can't hear me. You're the only one who can.

Senketsu was then slapped down and laid out on an ironing board.

Senketsu: Please don't leave me. I'M BEGGING YOU.

Then suddenly a hot metal ironer was slammed on Senketsu.


Ryuko: Hang in there Senkets.

Mako: Senkets? What's that? No way did you name your uniform. Boy you must be really lonely.

She then started to run out of the house holding Ryuko by the collar of her PJ's.

Mako: EVEN MORE of a reason to get you to school so you can make friends.

Ryuko: But everyone wants to kill me.

Senketsu: NO DON'T LEAVE ME.


Senketsu was just getting ironed with hot steam coming off of him.

Senketsu: Ryuko abandoned me. AHH~ohhhhh~

Suddenly he started to really like getting ironed as it felt really good and relaxing.

Senketsu: ~OHhhhhh ohhh that feels niiiicee. The wrinkles are melting away hehe. ~

Outside of their house in the streets

Mako then jumped into the streets with Ryuko. They were hundreds if not a thousand students all around crowding the streets.


Suddenly she heard a familiar "Thwip" and felt herself being pulled up and saw Mako as well being pulled up.

Ryuko: Huh?

Spider man: Well looky at what I caught here. They say you should come early in the morning to catch the best fish.

Ryuko looked up and saw Spider man with 2 webs in his hands holding them both up while perched on a telephone pole.

Ryuko: S-Spider man?


Spider man: *chuckle* hey guys. You want up with me?

Mako: That'd be nice.

Y/N then pulled them up and all of them shared the telephone pole.

Ryuko: What the heck is everyone's deal. There all acting like its black Friday.

Spider man: It might as well be.

Ryuko: Huh?

Spider man: Wait do you not know what today is?

Ryuko: Am I supposed to?

Mako: Today the no stars of Honnouji academy risk their lives to get to school. It's a day of reckoning. A day of death. Its...... NO TARDY DAY.

Ryuko: ................................ huh?

Spider man: *sigh* Trust me it's as dumb and stupid as it sounds.

Suddenly though a giant freaking TANK with Honnouji academy golden stars on it. On top of it are some 1-star students and Ira Gamagoori himself.

Ira: HAHAHA I detect some confusion Ryuko Matoi.



Spider man: WE GET IT Hulk Hogan. You don't have to scream your name over and over.

Gamagoori just ripped the web off of his mouth and continued.

Ira: grrrrr anyways. RYUKO MATOI you are participating in no tardy's day. Once every semester you will be required to run an obstacle course designed by the disciplinary committee. It starts at 4am in the slums. No star students will have to avoid any traps and obstacles that come in their way. The objective is to make it to school before the first bell rings at 8:30am. BUT if you happened to be late you will be expelled.

Suddenly though Spider man raised his hand patiently which just set Gamagoori off a bit.

Ira: Uhhh....... yes Spiderman?

Spider man: QUESTION what if you are handicapped or have a disability.

Ira: Oh, an actual question? (*mumbles* Surprising?) AHEM well if you are disabled or have a legal handicapped transportation can be provided at trains and bus stops all at 6:00am.

Ryuko: Huh? At least they were considerate enough to have that.

Ira then suddenly noticed Ryuko's attire though.


Ryuko just immediately blushed.

Ryuko: B-But my uniform is still in the laundry and its being delivered.

Spider man: *chuckle* Nice bunnies.


Ira: HA spare the excuses. The evidence is clear you disrespect this school and Lady Satsuki. IT'S A MORTAL INSULT.


Then suddenly Mako was standing right next to Gamagoori.

Spider man: WOAH how did she even get there that fast?

Mako: She was asleep till a minute ago. It's normal for people to wear pajamas when there asleep isn't it? It is and you know it and you can't deny it.


Mako: Maybe you just don't know enough about pajamas is that it? Don't you wear them when you sleep?

Ira: No, I sleep in the nude.

Mako just kept going on as the crowd just gossiped and a few girls blushed thinking of Ira sleeping nude.

Mako: WELL THEN you are going to catch a cold. What happens when there is an emergency?

Ira: I uh...

Mako: FOR NOW ON, please wear pajamas like everyone else.

Ira just gave a smoldering intense look at Mako.

Ira: No star what's your name?

Mako just returned the stare with one of her own.

Mako: My name is Mako Mankanshoku and my jammies have Mount Fuji, 2 eagles, and 3 egg plants.

Spider man: Hm. I just wear gray pajama pants and no shirt.

Ryuko: Why are you sharing?

Spider man: Well everyone else is. I might as well to.

Ira: Mankanshoku huh? I'll remember that. *turns to Ryuko* MATOI I have decided to overlook your choice in wardrobe for now. However, I'm curious as to how you're going to make it without your precious Kamui.

Spider man: SHE GOT ME.

Everyone then looked at Y/N who was just standing on a light pole.


Ira: HAHAHAHA You are not even allowed to participate.

Spider man: True BUT that doesn't mean I can't help a bunch of kids get to school.


Spider man: -AP BUB. I actually I AM allowed, and your own school rules say so.

Y/N then pulled out the student handbook of the school.

Spider man: Page 35 section C line 34 rule #345. "Students are required to get to school by 8:30 before the first bell rings by ANY MEANS necessary". Meaning I can help anybody I want to school.

Y/N threw the book at Ira and he started to read through it.

Ryuko: Are you serious man?

Spider man: As serious as can be. I know how hard it is to get to school living in the slums. Especially since the school doesn't provide its own set of transportation. So, I figured I can help some students out.

Ryuko: But there are a lot of no star students. You can't help all of them.

Spider man: No but I need to try. They shouldn't get expelled because there forced to live in poverty with awkward transportation and unethical expectations from their school.

Ira finished reading and confirming and hated that Spider man was going to help the No stars out.

Ira: FINE SPIDER MAN. But Satsuki figured that you would get involved somehow. SO, we enrolled a new student and gave him a spot with the committee responsible for NO TARDY DAY.

Suddenly Y/N spider sense started to go off like crazy.

Y/N head: Great what does Ira have planned now?

Y/N then quickly ducked his head doing a matrix and dodged an arrow that was aimed right for his face. He was now hanging upside down from the lamp post by a web.

Spider man: What the heck was that?

He looked and saw a weirdly dressed man wearing animal fur and holding a bow while standing on a slum house high above.  

Spider man: Man, what is with the get up? Has no one ever heard of a shirt or just normal clothes before?

The man then fired more and more arrows at Y/N he quickly though just dodged a few other and when one was about to hit a student, he webbed the arrow before it could hit.

???: Amazing. His reflexes are impressive.

Y/N then webbed swing on a lamp post and then landed onto the roof the man was standing on.

Spider man: Where the heck did you come from?

When the man spoke, he had a deep Russian accent.

???: Mother Russia-

He then pulled out 2 bowie knifes from his vest jacket and ready them for a fight.

???: -By way of Mother Africa.

Spider man: Wow 2 moms and still so ill behaved.

Ryuko: Who the hell is this guy?

Ira: OUR NEW STUDENT. His name is Sergei Kravinoff. A transfer from Africa.

Spider man: THIS MAN HAS A BEARD. There is no way he is a student.

Ira: HIS PAPERS SAY OTHER WISE. He is part of the disciplinary committee. His job is to take Spiderman down Dead or Alive. It's up to him. Sorry that he won't be able to help you. He will be preoccupied with Kravinoff.

Ryuko just looked at Spider man. Y/N looked back and saw Ryuko stare, so he reassured her.

Spider man: GO. I'll take care of big and fluffy over here and help any students I can.

Ryuko: But-

Suddenly Kravinoff leaped at Y/N with both knifes and Y/N was pushing the knifes back from stabbing into him.

Spider man: JUST GO.

Ryuko hated that this is happening again. Not only is she useless without her Kamui but now she has to run away AGAIN. Leaving Spider man to deal with everything.


Mako and Ryuko then started to make their way up the obstacle course along with the other students. Y/N though was still struggling to not get stabbed with 2 GIANT knifes.

Spider man: *groan* You know. Kravinoff is a bit awkward to say. Mind if I call ya Kraven?

Kraven: Hmm for prey you talk a lot.


Spider man: Did you just say prey?

Kraven: That is why I am here. I heard of you from Lady Satsuki. She offered me the chance to defeat and conquer the most formidable of prey this world has ever seen.

Y/N then jumped backwards and did a backflip hand stand and tried to kick Kraven but Kraven blocked the kick and tried swiping his knifes at Y/N again only for him to turn into a sideways one handed hand stand and then cartwheel away from Kraven.

Kraven: I'm glad to know Satsuki words were true. You are a worthy beast for Kraven the hunter.

Spider man: See I think that's were your mistaken. I'm not a beast. Sorry if the spider part confused you but its Spider "MAN" as in human. Hehe.

Kraven: Species and race do not matter. Only the THRILL of the hunt.

Y/N head: Of course. First, I'm fighting crazy hungry power scum bags with Goku uniform. Then a walking man made of electricity and now a psychotic hunter who kills people for sport. Can't believe this is my life now.

Y/N then jumped backwards and webbed the knifes away from Kraven throwing them to the ground.

Spider man: I'd love to play and all, but I got to help some kids get to school. See ya.

Y/N then webbed onto a GIANT wrecking ball that was part of the obstacle course. He was then launched into the air and Kraven watched in awe and admiration.

Kraven: Such agility, such grace, such strength as well. Truly prey worthy of Kraven the hunter.

With Ryuko further along the obstacle course

Ryuko and Mako are hanging onto a giant spike on a sidewalk that did a giant loopy loop. Hanging onto Ryuko was some girl with a cast and sling with her broken arm.

Spider man: Looks like you guys need some help.

They then look to see Spider man flying through the air and right at them. Y/N quickly shot a web and swung up and was sticking to the sidewalk upside down as they hanged on.

Ryuko: Oh, thank god. I'm starting to lose my grip.

Spider man: Can't say I have that problem hehe.

Ryuko: Ha ha very funny. NOW HELP US OUT HERE.

Suddenly though the girl that was hanging onto Ryuko was slipping and falling.

Maiko: ~Oh no I can't hold my grip. ~


On the ground with a speeding truck

On the ground all the guys and dog of the Mankanshoku family were driving at high speed to return Ryuko's uniform.

Mataro: LOOK That's Ryuko up there and she's with Spidey and Mako.


With Ryuko up on the loopy loop sidewalk.

Maiko then suddenly lost her gripped and slipped down grabbing Ryuko pajama pants and revealing her pink/ white striped panties for the world to see.


Y/N head: PANTIES *Nose bleed*.

On the ground

All the guys of the Mankanshoku family saw Ryuko ass in her panties and immediately were distracted and weren't paying attention to the road and bust with their nose bleeds. Then they crashed and Barazo and Senketsu flew through the window of the truck.


Then suddenly Barazo hit a wooden lamp post causing a lot of bleeding from the head. Mataro went by his side in a dramatic fashion.


Barazo: Its t-to late son. Hey...... do your old man one last favor. T-Take this to Ryuko.

Then Mataro grabbed Senketsu with an upbeat smile and threw his dad away like chop liver.

Mataro: Don't worry dad. I'll get this thing to Ryuko safe and sound. May you rest in pieces.

With Ryuko and Y/N above

Y/N head: Um uh panties.... I uh there um Ryukos and I should........uh......

Clearly Y/N was not working as a bunch of [errors/ERRORS] were occurring in his head.


Suddenly Y/N window exp started back up again after a quick reset.

Spider man: OH, RIGHT s-sorry.

Y/N then webbed the back of Ryuko's pants and pulled them up and webbed up Maiko and let her hang on his back.

Spider man: So, what's the plan now.

Ryuko: Get pass this and the rest of the obstacles.

Spider man: Ok.

Y/N then made a web net wall on the loopy loop sidewalk and they all climbed it to the end of the obstacle.

On a pathway high above the slums

Y/N, Ryuko, Mako, and the new girl Maiko were all walking along the obstacle path.

Ryuko: So, what happened with that Kraven guy?

Spider man: I was able to ditch him. I don't know if it's the last I'll see of him, but I left him pretty far back. It should take a while for him to catch up-

Suddenly his spider sense was going off like crazy. Time slowed down for him and he saw Ryuko walk right over a trip wire.

Spider man: GET DOWN.

Suddenly Y/N jumped right on top of Ryuko knocking her to the floor. Suddenly 3 dart arrows were shot into Y/N back.


Ryuko: SPIDEY? W-What the hell was that?

Suddenly a cloud of smoke was made by a smoke bomb and Kraven appeared out of nowhere.

Kraven: I've seen you have fallen victim to my trap.

Spider man: That trap could have killed Ryuko or any other student.

Kraven: HAHAHA I do not care for others. They are just minor casualties and accidents to me. As long as the prey fall victim to Kraven any method will suffice. Even using innocents to lure you out and make you vulnerable Spider man.

Y/N head: CRAP. If I stay with Ryuko or any other students Kraven will use them to target me. If I don't help Ryuko along with any other students everyone will get expelled for being late. My best option is to take Kraven away from bystanders, take him out and then help anyone I can.

Suddenly though Y/N fell to one knee and felt really weak.

Spider man: Ohhhh I don't feel so good.

Ryuko: SPIDEY?

Ryuko then started to help Y/N stand back up on his feet.

Kraven: HMPH the poison from the darts are kicking in now. Most men and beast have fallen ill and collapse in the first 5 minutes. You how ever have not only remained conscious but still be able to kinder a FIGHTING SPIRIT. You truly are worthy prey for Kraven the hunter.

Y/N head: And now I'm weakened and not at my best. JUST GREAT.

Spider man: What can I say? I'm pretty durable.

He then started to run at Kraven and Kraven did the same. Kraven tried to go in for a punch but Y/N just drop kicked his body away jumping off the ground back on his feet.

Spider man: RYUKO GO.

Ryuko: But you just got poisoned. You need help.

Spider man: Kraven is targeting bystanders now which includes you. You don't have your Kamui which makes you vulnerable. I can't worry about fighting him and looking after you.

Ryuko: BUT I can still help.

Spider man: Help them.

He then points at Mako and Miako.

Spider man: They need you more than me right now.

Y/N then started to run back at Kraven leaving Ryuko. Kraven was recovered and ran at Y/N again. This time though Y/N ducked under Kraven's legs and slid on the ground. Y/N tried to fire a web at Kraven's legs but Kraven pulled out a stick then it suddenly folded and transformed into a spear and he spun the spear cutting the web before it could grab.

Spider man: jeez man how many pointy stabby things do you have.

Kraven: I have an entire arsenal of ways to kill you not only on me but all around the academy.

Kraven then jabbed the spear at Y/N but he dodged it and the grabbed the spear and broke it in half. Kraven though just tackled Y/N and held his arms and legs in place and locked up. They then started to free fall in the air.

Kraven: I once wrestled a boa constrictor and WON. How do you hope to escape so easily?

Spider man: HEY Spidey never does anything easy.

Y/N then shot a web line and swung on it while Kraven held on.

Spider man: Aw man now you got me talking in the 3rd person. So just for that.

Y/N then faced his back towards a wall he was about to swing RIGHT into and Kraven took the hit slamming into the wall and letting go. Y/N quickly webbed up Kraven in a web net bag and then stuck to a wall next to him.

Kraven: Amazing. No beast has ever broken the grips of Kraven the hunter.

Spider man: ONCE AGAIN.... HUMAN not a beast.

Kraven then pulled out another knife and cut himself from the webs he then fell to the ground doing a safety roll. Y/N followed, and they were now both in a fighting stance circling each other.

Kraven: You have proven yourself more than enough that you are worthy prey for Kraven the hunter.

Spider man: Umm...... thank you?

Suddenly his spider sense went off again. Then multiple traps were set off with Y/N dodging and weaving darts and arrows all being thrown and shot at him and even some trap floors with spikes showing out of nowhere.

Spider man: HOW LONG did this take you to set up so many traps?

Kraven: 1 night.

Y/N head: I know he is trying to kill me and stuff but that's just impressive.

Suddenly though a ball with wires attached started to fly right at Y/N he couldn't dodge it though being in midair and it wrapped all around him trapping him.

Kraven: Try all you want but those wires were weaved in a small nation in Africa. They have priceless and very useful materials in them. Not even an elephant or the force of a hippo's jaw strength could come even close to breaking them.

Y/N kept on trying and trying but it just wouldn't budge. Kraven then pulled ANOTHER KNIFE out of somewhere and made his way walking towards Y/N.

Kraven: This hunt was fun. I never had so much fun in years. Definitely a top 5.

Spider man: GRRR I say it's about a 3/10 on yelp vacation travels.

Y/N head: DAMMIT. I can't move. These wires just budge.

Kraven then came closer and closer with the knife.

Kraven: Do not struggle anymore Spider man. For your life shall be taken for a greater and more honorable purpose. For the thrill of the hunt.

Y/N couldn't budge it. No matter how much he tried the wires wouldn't budge. He felt so vulnerable and weak.

Y/N head: No, this can't be it. I need to break free. I can't give up not yet. People still need me. I can't die yet.

Images of Ryuko popped up in his head. Like the first time he saw her and was turned into a nervous wreck or the time she was knocked out and sleeping at Mako's house. She looked cute and beautiful when she slept. Or the time she was scared of Electro and the fear in her eyes made Y/N angry. Then the time in the stair wells when he caught her from falling and he couldn't help but feel giddy and tingly in his chest being so close to her. Then the one memory that showed up last was how they both looked into each other's eyes in Mikisugi's room. How he couldn't look away and how she couldn't either.

Y/N head: I can't let Ryuko down. I got to help her. I just need to BREAK FREE.

Suddenly Y/N felt a sharp pain in his wrists, and he pulled his arms up as somehow the wires were cut.

Spider man: Huh?

Kraven: Impossible. Those wires can't be broken by force.

Y/N then looked at his wrist and went wide eyed at what he saw.  

He had black metal like hard blades popping out of his wrists.

Spider man: No....... way........... I HAVE STINGERS!?

He started to fanboy over them and was so surprised to see them.

Spider man: THIS IS SOOO COOL. I mean weird but cool. Like just look at these things. How did I not know I had these? Maybe there like a flight or fight instinct. If I'm threatened, they popped out. No way this is so freaking cool. It's like a hidden blade from assassin creed.

Kraven: AHEM.

Y/N then looked and saw Kraven looking at him weirdly.

Spider man: Oh right. Your trying to kill me.

Kraven: I see. You have new adaptational features to fight me with...... good.

Kraven then pulled out MORE KNIFES in both of his hands and readied them for a fight.

Kraven: NOW you can fight me to the death with EVERYTHING you got.


Kraven then charged at Y/N with the knifes but Y/N used his now new "stingers" (I'm calling the blades that come out of his wrists stingers) to block the blades getting into another fight with who can over power who.

Spider man: Like seriously your wearing tight pants and a jacket vest where do you even keep the knives on your body?

Y/N then pushed Kraven away and backed up. Kraven then went at Y/N again with the knives. Y/N just used his stingers to block all of the attacks and eventually he made Kravens blade go flying out of his hands.

Spider man: Alright Kraven time to stop this hunt.

Y/N then dashed at Kraven and sliced the jacket vest off of his body leaving him shirtless. When the jacket fell almost 4 different knives 5 other bladed weapons fell out of it with a bunch "clanks" and metal hitting the ground.

Spider man: You have some pretty deep pockets.


Kraven then tried to attack Y/N with his bare hands but instead Y/N just dodged and went in for a K.O. PUNCH and upper cutted him into the air and off of the roof. Y/N than dived off the roof right to him and webbed his feet and hanged him on a flag pole high above the ground and upside down. Y/N also was hanging upside down on a web.

Spider man: Now I know you could probably cut or break through those webs. I wouldn't recommend it though.

Kraven just struggled though trying to break free.

Kraven: no, I will not lose to my prey.

Spider man: Man, you just don't get it do you. Your good don't get me wrong. When it comes to the super powered streets of Honnouji academy. You're out of your league.

Kraven: NO this can NOT be happening to KRAVEN THE HUNTER.

Spider man: Oh Krav-it-off.

Y/N then started to web swing away.

With Ryuko at the entrance of the school

Ryuko was at the entrance of the school with Mako and Maiko. Y/N was then swinging by and landed right next to all of them.

Ryuko: SPIDEY?

Spider man: HEY I made it.

Mako: Did you take care of that weird guy with the fluffy animal skin vest.

Spider man: Yeah, I did. Also check this out.

Y/N then showed his wrist and suddenly he popped his stingers out. Ryuko looked at them in surprise and Mako was also star eyed at them.

Ryuko: Woah...... that's new.


Spider man: I KNOW RIGHT? It's so cool. I found out I had them when I was fighting Kraven. I was in a tight spot and when my life was about to be taken by cat for brains suddenly, they popped out.

Ryuko: Do they hurt?

Spider man: Well when they came out at first, they stung. Now it feels like just a little pressure and a prick when they come out.

Suddenly though they heard a dog yelling "GUTS". They all turned around and saw a dog with Senketsu in its mouth.

Spider man: Isn't that your dog Mako?

Mako: LOOK AT THAT RYUKO. It's Guts and he is bringing your uniform.

Ryuko: Why is Guts bringing it. Jeez your dad has the goofiest ideas.

Maiko suddenly winced and held her arm.

Maiko: ~OH THE PAIN~

She then fell and grabbed Ryuko pajamas again and pulled them down for the world to see.


Suddenly Guts got a nose bleed as well and then started to slide across the floor with Senketsu.


Ryuko: Wait Guts stop where are you going?

Suddenly Guts was kicked in the face and Senketsu was grabbed from his.

Ryuko: GUTS?!

They all looked back and saw Maiko with an evil look and grin with her glasses as she ripped the cast and sling off.

Maiko: Hehe... HEHE.... HAHAHA....You let your guard down Ryuko Matoi.
I've been waiting for this moment for ages!

Mako: *GASP* MAIKO?!

Maiko: This injured No-Star classmate was but a fake identity! My true identity is Maiko Ogure, Disciplinary Committee Head of Trap Development!

Spider man: Trap development, huh? So, you were in on it with Kraven setting up all these traps for me to?

Maiko: That's right! A shadowy figure who remains undercover among the common students, spying on their behavior and developing traps! That is what the Head of Trap Development does! But I had grown sick and tired of that life. I had a flash of inspiration when I overheard your conversation with Gamagoori over the surveillance cameras. I would steal the Kamui, a Goku Uniform which held within it the power to go toe-to-toe with Lady Satsuki. Not only that but Kraven was just a great coincidence and chance for me to distract Spider man from Ryuko. Using this uniform, I could be a Two-Star No, be one of the Four Elites No, steal the throne from Lady Satsuki herself! STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT Yes! I'll become empress of Honnouji Academy and indulge in every luxury the academy has to offer! I can hardly wait!

Mako: Return that uniform to Ryuko! You see, putting on that uniform and transforming into something that leaves her half naked is Ryuko's only joy in life! She acts super shy and embarrassed, but she actually REALLY likes it.

Maiko: Oh, right the transformation. I'd have to try that.

She then just puts it on and transforms and is in the Kamui form.

Maiko: YES, THIS POWER. I can feel it course through my body.

Ryuko: WHAT THE HELL? She gets it on the first try.

Y/N head: Huh? That's weird. Why isn't my spider sense tingling? She has a Kamui on so shouldn't it be ringing a lot? Hello? This thing on? *knocks on own head*.

Senketsu: I'm sorry Ryuko but........ this girl has no shame.


Ryuko then got ready for a fight but saw that Spider man wasn't doing anything in fact he was just standing like nothing is wrong?

Ryuko: Uh Spidey you going to fight?

Spider man: Actually, I don't think were in danger?

Ryuko: What are you talking about she has my Kamui on.

Spider man: I know but my spider sense should be going off like crazy. It's not though.

Mako: OH RIGHT. Your early warning system thing.


She then tried to throw a punch, but she couldn't move.

Maiko: Huh? Why can't I move?

She tried again to punch but nothing happened.

Ryuko: Huh?

Ryuko then noticed how Senketsu wasn't allowing her to move at all.

Ryuko: Ohhh Senkets.

Ryuko then grinned and cracked her knuckles and Maiko trembled in fear because of it.

Ryuko: What was that about showing off that power?

Maiko: W-W-Wait. I-I-I was just kidding. It was all just a j-joke hehe.

Ryuko then UPPERCUTTED THE BISH OUT COLD AND K.O. her. She then pulled the uniform off of her. Suddenly though Senketsu started to spit out her blood.

Senketsu: PPLLAAHHH Her blood was disgusting.

Spider man: OHH THAT'S disgusting.

(To Y/N and everyone else Senketsu was just laying on the floor and was soaked with blood coming out of itself but to Ryuko Senketsu was spitting it out).

Senketsu: I'm sorry I was late Ryuko.

Ryuko: No, it's fine. It's not like you cheated on me or anything.

Ryuko then put her Sailor uniform on.


Mako then ran to the school only to hit a wall head first.

Mako: *THUMP* OW. H-huh?

She then saw where she hit, and the school had a tear in it. It wasn't the school entrance though. It was a painting of it.

Spider man: OH C'MON.

Maiko: YES, another trick by m-*thwip* MMFFF

Spider man: If I hear just ONE MORE MONOLOGE I'm going to punch someone.

Suddenly though the floor underneath them shook and suddenly they were rolling down a ramp going around the entire academy and they kept falling.

Maiko: *rips webs off* SO LONG SUCKERS.

Maiko jumps off with a parachute.

Ryuko: Dammit. Let's do this Senketsu.

She then pulled the pin on her bracelet glove and she transformed into her Kamui. By that time though they were all the way down on the ground and at the beginning of the entire course. With their school all the way at the top.


Ryuko: We might be farther than that.

Senketsu: Even with my help you'll be late.

Mako: OH MY GOD........ look at this. It's the express thingy majigys. Only the rich kids can use these.

1-star guy: Hey you can't be in here-

He was cut off by Ryuko punching the guy and then her looking very threatening with her giant ass scissor blade.


1-star guy: AAHHHHH OKOK.

The express thingy then started to go at full speed.

Ryuko: GET IN.

Mako: Oh wait I don't have money. I'll just leave some yummy-

Y/N then threw all the change he had in his pockets.


He then tackled Mako into the Express thingy and they were off and started to fly off.

Spider man: How much time we have left?

Mako: 10 Minutes. Then we'll all be late.......... OH MY GOD WE'LL BE LATE AND GET EXPELLED.

As they were riding the express though Y/N saw the students outside. They were all gathered around and looked like they gave up. He knew some of those kids to. They were just unlucky they don't deserve to get expelled.

Spider man: I'm going to help those no-stars out.


Spider man: They don't deserve to get expelled I have to try.

Y/N then opened the door and the wind was blowing in his face. Ryuko grabbed his shoulder though.

Ryuko: You already been through a lot. I know you go here. I have a feeling you know people down there and that's why you want to help. You can't do anything though. There basically goners.

Y/N grabbed her hand and gave it back to her nicely.

Spider man: I need to try though.

Y/N then jumped out of the express train and started to free fall towards the ground.

On the ground

(This about to be motivational)

All the students who missed their chance were all gathered around ready to accept their destiny. Suddenly though they heard a thwip. They all looked up and they saw hope. They saw Spiderman swinging down to them.

Student 1: S-Spider man?

Student 2: No way its him?

Student 3: What's he doing?

Spider man then landed and stuck to the top of a flag pole. He then gave the best damn pep talk you could ever hear as a no-star student.

Spider man: LISTEN UP. I know how you think it's over. I'm here to tell you it's not. Lady Satsuki has treated you all unfair. I know you all have had it hard. I know you all want to give up. But that just PROVES everything Lady Satsuki ever said about you guys. If we can push back. If we can show her that you all can take anything she dishes out. WE THE PEOPLE can take back this school and make a haven for not only the community but for all the no bodies out there in the Slums. We can make it a sanctuary for No-star students everywhere and not for the privilege A-HOLES this academy favors. NOW TELL ME ........................................................... ARE YOU READY TO GIVE UP?

With that the entire crowd of no star students cheered. All of them shouting.



Suddenly Y/N jumped down from the pole and started to give orders out.

Spider man: ALRIGHT PEOPLE LETS GET A MOVE ON. *points* This group grab that pole and dig it 4 feet in the ground. *points* This group do the same thing with that pole. EVERYONE ELSE. Get in a single file line based off class rooms. First floor up to the last floor.

In a class room

The class was dead silent with such few students in the class. Mikisugi was taking role call.

Mikisugi: Ok next is Matoi? Ryuko Matoi?

Suddenly a giant CRASH came through the class room as an express thingy went through the wall of the class room. The door opened up revealing Ryuko in her regular Sailor uniform. Ryuko just walked out and sat down in her seat.

Ryuko: *sigh* Here.

Mako: WOW I can't believe we made it.

Ryuko: Yeah. Thanks to Spidey we made it huh?

She then looked around the class room though and didn't really see that many people.

Ryuko: I feel bad for anyone else who couldn't-

Her eyes then laid at Y/N desk and he wasn't there.

Ryuko: Wait...................... WHERES Y/N?

Meanwhile with Y/N on the ground.


All the students were pulling a giant sturdy metal pole into the air and into the ground. Suddenly other students were piling it with dirt, rocks, sands, and even cement. Anything to keep the pole in the ground and in place.


Y/N then webbed onto the two poles and pulled on the web really hard. There was also a flat landscape made by a bunch of students.


Suddenly students with piles of clothes and rags everywhere started to wrap students in clothes making them soft cocoons.

Wrapping students: WERE GOOD SPIDER MAN.


Suddenly a group of girls was in front of Y/N and showed him a map of the school.

Girl student: We figured out all the classes with their windows. We marked them all for you and numbered them as well. Every student has a letter and a number. The letter represents the floor number and the number represents the window across.


You see Y/N was able to rally up all the students into following him. He made them build a giant sling shot. Next he had them gather anything soft or that could cushion a fall or impact. Next he had students map the school windows with room numbers and classes. Y/N plan is to sling shot every kid straight and right into their class before time is up.


Student 1: A-5 SPIDEY

Spider man: Ahh chemistry. Had it last year.

He then pulled the webs as hard as he could and aimed the student at the window and floor it was on.

Y/N head: Looks like all those hours playing angry birds is going to prove useful.

He then let go and suddenly the student was shot right away. He then saw the student from a distance crash into the room.

Spider man: IT'S A TOUCHDOWN.

Random student: That's not actually correct.

Spider man: I don't really pay attention to sports. ANYWAYS NEXT.

With Ryuko in her class

The express thing that launched into the class fell and now the room was left with a giant hole in the wall and a view of everything high up. Ryuko was standing there looking out thinking.

Ryuko: Y-Y/N.......... I can't believe I'm not going to see him at school ever again. The idiot should have made it to school.

Ryuko could only grip her hand in anger. Suddenly though she heard a scream.

Ryuko: Huh?

She looked forward and saw.......... a giant pillow wrapped guy flying right at them.


Suddenly Jake was slammed into the wall of the classroom completely unharmed from the cusion he has on.

Mikisugi: Uhhhh Jake?

Jake: HERE.

Suddenly another student was seen flying into the room.

Mikisugi: What the hell? Uhmmmm Yui?

A girl then sprung up who was getting out of her sleeping bag cocoon.

Yui: HERE.... hehe I'm here.

Ryuko: H-How did you get here?

Yui: It's Spider man.

Ryuko went wide eyed at that.

Ryuko: What?

Jake: Yeah man. We all gave up, but that guy showed up out of nowhere. He fired us all up and made us build a slingshot and made us where these *gestures to cushioning* then to make a map of the school windows and what rooms they are. He is still launching students see.

Ryuko looked outside to see other students being launched into windows all across the school.

Ryuko: Hehe. Well I'll be dammed...... he actually is doing it.

With Y/N on the ground.

Spider man: NEXT.

Student girl: H-8 I Have the new Bio teacher.

Spider man: Dr. Connors? Great guy.

He then sent her flying at the room.

Spider man: NEXT.

Then the last guy showed up.

Student: U-Um. Uh...... I-I don't know about this.

Spider man: I get it. It's scary. If you don't want to do this there is no shame in that. If you don't do it though you're going to look back and wish you took this chance.

The student was hesitant. He looked nervous and overall not a thrill seeker. Something about Spider man though gave him........ confidence. He then had a thought though.

Student: W-What about you? Don't you have a class. There's only 2 minutes left till the bell rings.

Spider man: I'll be fine.

Student: *sigh* Uh well ok. F-7 please.

Spider man: COMING RIGHT UP.

Y/N then sent the student flying towards his class. He then looked back and saw how he was the last one.

Y/N head: Ok good. Everyone made it to the school. Now it's my turn. 

He then quickly jumped on a roof and picked up a back pack that he hid their full of clothes and with his school stuff. He then put the back pack on himself and was about to open it but suddenly his spider sense started to tingle.

Spider man: Oh, what now-AGH.

He was then kicked in the back and knocked onto the ground. He looked back and was surprised to see who was back.

Spider man: KRAVEN?

Kraven: That is right Spider. I have come prepared this time. You humiliated me and my skills. So, I took your advice and got an............... upgrade.

He then took note of his clothes. They were similar to the ones he had before except it look more advanced.  

Spider man: You got a new look? So what? I'll still kick your butt.

Kraven: Oh, I am not sure about that. This new upgrade is made of life fibers. The same power in the Goku uniforms. You may even beat me again still with this new power. However, can you do it in *checks time*. 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Y/N head: I need to finish this up fast.

Y/N quickly shot 2 webs at Kraven only for him to pull out a red glowing knife and cut it like nothing.

Spider man: Oh, great now you have a light saber knife to.

Y/N then popped his stingers out of his wrists and started to go at it with Kraven. He kept on blocking the knife with his stingers and would retract his stingers to dish out some punches. This was more difficult than before though. He has a Goku uniform as powerful as a 2-star no less. He was stronger and a lot faster. He could take him on, but he doesn't have the time. Y/N then did a back-flip kick to his body pushing him away.

Y/N head: I don't have time for this.

He then noticed though how he was conveniently lined up with the poles. So, an idea popped up in his head. He ran at Kraven and threw a punch Kraven hoe ever didn't notice that he shot a web at both poles when he did kraven then kicked and threw Y/N back and away from him pulling the webs making them build with tension. Kraven slowly walked towards Y/N he then put a foot on his chest crushing his ribs.

Spider man: GRAAHH.

Kraven: Any last words Spider.

Spider man: *grunting* Yeah...... hold this.

Kraven was confused and raised an eyebrow. Until he suddenly saw the web around his waste with the only thing holding it back is Y/N hand.

Spider man: Have a nice flight.

Y/N then let go and suddenly Kraven was pulled by the web sling shooting him all the way into the sky.


Spider man: You really need to find a new hobbie.

Y/N then quickly grabbed his backpack. He then webbed up the 2 poles and pulled on them as hard as he could. He then started to fly though the air as soon as he let go and was flying towards his class with Ryuko.


With Ryuko in her class

Ryuko watched in disappointment and sadness. She looked back and saw literally everyone in their seats. Spider man was able to literally save everyone from being expelled....... expect Y/N Parker.

Ryuko: Dammit........ stupid.........stupid idiot.

She looked at the time on the wall and saw there was only 25 seconds to class. She just took a deep breath in and out. Giving up hope that she is ever going to hear his dumb voice again.

Y/N: *very faint screaming* Ryyuukooo.

Oh, how she would miss his stupid quips and awkward stuttering voice.

Y/N: *little bit louder screaming* RYYUUKOOO LOOK OUT.

She could even hear his voice right now screaming her name along with "look out".............

Ryuko: Wait a Minute.

She then shot her head back and smiled wide when seeing Y/N flying through the air in his No-Star uniform.

Ryuko: Y/N!?


Ryuko thought fast and quickly grabbed a bunch of pillows and created a giant landing spot for Y/N which he ZOOMED through the air and into the class and into the landing pad. Y/N then slowly got up dazed and feeling a bit uneasy.

Y/N: Ohhhh boy. That is very unsettling to do. *holding in barf*.

Before he could do anything though he was tackled to the ground by Ryuko.


Y/N head: Holy crap she is hugging me. I didn't even know we made it to hugging? I don't care ILL TAKE IT.

Y/N just returned the hug.

Y/N: H-Hey Ryuko. H-How's your morning going?

Ryuko then let go and looked at Y/N. She however then turned from smiling and hugging him with a frown on her face that said's he fucked up somehow.


Y/N was quickly punched in the shoulder and arm.

Y/N: OW hey man I over slept. My alarm didn't go off and I kind of got trampled by students. I was about to go home and accept my fate but then Spiderman showed up and saved my butt.

Ryuko and Y/N were both standing up now. Ryuko was blushing and suddenly hugged Y/N.

Ryuko: I-I'm j-just glad you made it. I didn't want you expelled.

Y/N happily returned the hug.

Y/N: M-Me to hehe.

Everything worked out in the end.............


Y/N and Ryuko turn around to see NED eating a box of frosted flakes with milk at his side and a bowl.

Ned: *Mouth full* You know this like a really sweet and nice moment of you two *swallow*.................................................................... Frosted flakes? Theerrreeee Grrrrreat.

Y/N: NED?! H-How the hell did you get here? I didn't see you at the sling shot. Not at the obstacle course either.

Ned: I've been here since 3AM. I just decided to wake up early sleep at the school before the school had to either force me or was even able to put me in the obstacle. So, when the siren rang, I was already in class and was taking a nap waiting for first class to start.

Y/N, Ryuko, Mako and literally every single student there just was dead silent hearing that simple and easy plan, and all had the same thought.

Everyone's head: Damn............. I should have just don't that.

With Satsuki in the council president's office

Satsuki was happily siting on her throne as she sipped her tea. She always loved today as it reminded her of the power she has earned and conquered from others. She loves to see the no-star students attempt to put their resolve to the test only for it to break and fail them. Ira Gamagoori was walking in and Satsuki had a smile.

Satsuki: Ahhh Gamagoori good morning.

Ira: Good morning my lady.

Satsuki: SO, tell me how many were expelled this year hm?

Ira was a bit hesitant to answer that.

Ira: Uh well.........

Satsuki raised an eyebrow at this.

Satsuki: What is it?

Ira: uhm well you see my lady....... Only 1 was expelled. That was because she tried to back stab you and take Matoi Kamui to take over the school.

Satsuki accidentally gripped her tea cup to hard breaking it.

Satsuki: I'm sorry I think I misheard you. I thought I heard you say only 1 student was expelled.

Ira: Sadly, you heard right.

Satsuki SLAMMED her fist down on her thrown chair and stood up.

Satsuki: WHHHAATT?! How is it only 1. EVERY YEAR almost a hundred if not two hundred students are expelled. NOW ITS ONLY ONE?!

Ira: Sadly, it was due to Spider man.

Satsuki: Excuse me?

Ira: Spider man interfered. Kraven failed his mission and in turn Spider man was able to help all the no-star students pass the obstacle course at the last 10 minutes.

Ira: Uhm Lady Satsuki?

It was just a long pause until finally Satsuki slammed her foot and heel so hard it broke her shoe and the ground underneath it and Satsuki screamed at the top of her lungs.


HAHAHAHA I had a lot of fun writing this. If you liked this story please leave a vote or comment. If you have a thought or comment please leave it I always like to read them. As always I hoped you enjoyed............................................... OK BYE. 

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