Please Just Walk Away

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Andreis doodled circle after circle on the paper in front of him in a desperate attempt to not doze off amidst Mister Keeley's boring ass lecture about God knows what. Whatever the matter, the man's lanky frame was darting back and forth in front of the chalkboard and he appeared to be absolutely enthralled in whatever he was talking about.

"And sooooooo After his return to England, Wynfrid was chosen to be the abbot of his monastery. Still wishing to evangelize, he turned down the position and proceeded to Rome in 718. There, he met with Pope Gregory II, who gave him the name Boniface!" Andreis was beginning to wonder if this was what hell was like. He glanced over to Charlie who sat beside him and gave a little shrug. Andreis's mind began to drift to other subject matter. It was Friday night...just how was he planning into sneaking into the White Rose meeting. He assumed he would try to sneak into the building first. Then he could just simply hide before the other boys came in. It was a simple plan but it somehow felt...too simple. It couldn't simply be that easy. When he snapped back to reality Mister Keeley had somehow managed to climb on top of his desk and was waving his arms about, still giving his same old boring ass lecture as if he was presenting a sermon. "Boniface next chose to return to his missionary work!!! He was at Dokkum in Frisia when a group of pagans killed him and his companions on June 5, 754! How exciting is that? Boniface was approximately 80 years old at the time. His body was taken to the monastery at Fulda, which he himself had founded in 744!" Charlie glanced back to him again mouthing the words,

'I want to die.'

"What was that Mister Hawkins?" Mister Keeley suddenly jumped off his desk with a shocking amount of grace. "Would you mind repeating that to the entire class?" As he spoke he cocked his head to the side like some strange kind of bird. Charlie nodded, standing up.

"I said, you have striking eyes, sir." Mister Keeley gasped.

"Oh my goodness. Mister Hawkins! That's so kind of you!" He grinned, the corners of his mouth spreading to form a smile so wide that it didn't seem humanly possible. "Alright then, I'll carry on. So after he was killed..." Charlie passed Andreis a note from under his desk and when the boy was sure that Mister Keeley was once again completely enthralled in his lecture he carefully folded it open.

-Andreis old chap, come to my room after classes. Mika and I are studying for that bitch of a history test Keeley is giving us tomorrow. Mika won't admit it but I think he secretly wants you to come. Xoxoxo Charlie-

Andreis glanced over to Charlie who arched a eyebrow, silently asking is his response was a yes or a no. In return Andreis nodded. He would just have to slip out early enough to go hide in the library.


Andreis had never been to any other student's room before so he was a bit nervous when he first knocked on Charlie Hawkins door. Charlie opened it almost immediately, grinning from ear to ear.

"Andreis, so good to see you! I'm glad you didn't stand a fella' up. Mika is already here. Don't worry, we have the whole room to ourselves. Second year Sylvester is sick with the flu so he's spending the night in the infirmary." He ushered Andreis inside. "Seriously, I don't know what I did to get Kane to punish me by rooming me with a second year. Every day feels like I'm babysitting." As Andreis stepped into the room his mouth dropped open.

"Charlie...holy hell..." Charlie laughed.

"Yeah, I know, it's a bit much isn't it?" Spread across the entire wall were clippings and newspaper articles about the Wakefield ripper.

"I know. It's awful isn't it?" Mika's voice came from the floor. He was sitting there, cross legged, multiple textbooks open to various pages around him. One seemingly large one rested in his lap. Mika rolled his eyes. "He's been obsessed with the case ever since the first news story about it came out." Charlie nodded excitedly.

"I'm writing an article about him for the school paper. I think it could be my big break! I have already been interviewed by many a newspaper and TV program after finding a 'supposed' victim of the Wakefield ripper! Do you think a real newspaper might want to use my article?"

"Well, you never know. Some low-class species with the same viewpoint as the author might find it as interesting as you do." Charlie sneered giving Mika a little shove.

"You're the worst." Despite the fact that they bickered, Charlie seemed to be the closest thing Mika actually had to a friend. Andreis plopped down onto the floor now.

"Do you guys really take these tests this seriously?" Charlie nodded.

"Oh right, you've never had to take one of Raymond Keeley's tests before. They're absolutely brutal. I'm going to lose my 98 in the class if I don't do well on this." Andreis's eyes widened.

"You have a 98 in Mister Keeley's class?" Charlie nodded, smirking.

"Yeah, Raymond Keeley likes me. It's probably cause I'm so smoking hot." Now Mika was the one who gave Charlie a little shove.

"I can not believe you just used the words Raymond Keeley and hot in the same sentence." Charlie shrugged.

"I don't know. If he changed up his wardrobe a little and actually fixed up his hair style so he didn't look like Edward freaking Scissorhands he might actually be kind of cute. He can't be more than 4 or 5 years older than us old chap."

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear any of that. And why have you suddenly started using the words 'old chap' this week?"

"I saw the movie the Great Gatsby last weekend-"

"Gatsby says old SPORT not old CHAP! And why would you watch the movie when you can read the goddamn book?" He chucked his pencil at the other boy's head but Charlie just flicked it aside and laughed.

"Maybe I was just doing it to get a rise out of you, ever thought of that?"

"Charlie Hawkins, you are seriously insufferable."

"Um guys..." Andreis stood up quickly. "I know that I didn't really get to study much...well more like at all... but...I kinda have to go." Charlie glanced to him confused.
"Where are you off to? Please don't take this the wrong way Andreis but Mika and I are kind of your only friends." Mika scoffed.

"I'm not friends with him."

"Oh sorry? You hear that Andreis, you're down to one." Charlie rolled his eyes giving Mika one final shove. Mika glared at him.

"I told you, we're not friends."

"Sure, sure whatever. I'm not the one who kept asking to have him join our study session." Andreis didn't think he had ever seen Mika's glare reach the kind of intensity he was currently aiming towards Charlie. Charlie's eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh shit. It's Friday night. Holy hell, Andreis please tell me you're not planning on doing something extremely stupid involving the White Rose club." When Andreis didn't say anything Charlie gasped audibly. "Oh my God he is! Andreis, forgive me when I say this but you're a freaking idiot. I'm telling you now, whatever you plan to do is a horrible idea." Mika shook his head.

"I say you just let him go. It's not our problem. He's not going to last five seconds trying to interact with those boys. If they end up deciding to drive him out of the school so be it."
"Wow, really feeling the love Mika Barton."

"I mean what I said."

Andreis spoke again now, bowing his head.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I just...I need to do this."

"No you don't Andreis," Charlie said, standing up as well. "There's no point, this obsession with the White Rose club is seriously unhealthy."

"Oh, so my obsession is unhealthy?" Andreis snapped back, a slight hint of anger creeping into his voice as he gestured to the wall of Wakefield Ripper articles pasted to Charlie's wall. Charlie in return furrowed his brow.

"Don't bring the Wakefield Ripper into this! I'm writing an article, it's different-"

"At least my obsession isn't a murderer!"
"At least mine isn't....err...a group of assholes." Mika finally stood up now.

"Jesus Christ, Andreis just go." He glanced to Charlie. "It's not our fucking problem. If he is this self destructive he's going to fuck himself over one way or another. I just can't wait to have the room to myself once the White Rose boys chase him out of the school." Andreis glared at him a moment before turning to the door. Mika just gave him a small two finger salute.

"Good luck."

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