The White Rose Club

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Andreis was crammed into a spot in the pews beside Charlie and some other St.James boy he had never talked to. A memorial service for Jacob Shaw was about to begin. There was a little black and white picture of Jacob resting on a table adorned with flowers at the front of the church. It was strange being at a memorial service for someone you didn't even know existed until a few days before. Honestly Andreis felt sorry for the boy for more reasons than the simple fact that he had been brutally murdered. No one at St.James appeared to be well...particularly upset about the matter. It was like they were watching a murder mystery on TV, no one seemed to care that an actual classmate of theirs had died. Andreis couldn't help but notice that there was one pew in the front that had been left completely empty, that was extremely odd. Then again, he was starting to learn that most things that happened at St. James were outside of the world's usual norms. Charlie's gaze darted around the church and finally he crossed his arms behind his head leaning back against the pew.

"You know what Andreis, I just realized I know hardly anything about you. Tell me something interesting about yourself." Andreis furrowed his brow in an attempt to think.

"Uh...I don't know...I'm pretty terrified heights. My mom took my on a ferris wheel once and I started crying to badly they had to stop the ride."

"Ha, that's kind of funny actually. Hey, you want to hear a fact about this place Andreis? Something other then that there was a brutal murder here!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Sometimes the upper classmen come here to fuck." Andreis straightened at that, his mouth hanging open.

"But...this is an all boys school." Charlie shrugged.

"So? Everyone's gotta find some way to pass the time." He grinned. "It's like a secret rule, it's been around since the beginning of these kinds of schools. It doesn't count if it happens on school grounds. Where do you think the famous school proverb came from, 'If it's gay at St.J it stays at St.J !' I'm sure St.James boys have been fuckng here since the building opened up 200 years ago." Andreis flinched.

"Would you please stop saying fuck, we're in a church." Charlie just laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Murder and fornication in the house of God, I'm sure Jesus is looking down at us from somewhere saying 'I didn't die for this shit'." Andreis gave him a little shove.

"Stop it, what if the priest hears you?" Charlie smirked.

"If he doesn't like it then screw him, everyone's thinking it.

"Hey Charlie..."


"Have you ever...done it in here before." Charlie let out a snort of laughter so loud that the group of boys around them all turned to stare.

"That's my little secret to keep. I talk so much that I gotta keep some air of mystery about myself to impress you." He glanced around the crowded church once more. "Shit, I think Mika's skipping out of the memorial. This is going to look bad, especially if they planned to try and drag him up there to talk about Jacob."

"Charlie can I ask you another question?"

"Does it involve me fornecating in this church?"


"Then go for it." Andreis's gaze darted to the floor.

"Did Jacob not have many friends here?"

"Oh no, he had friends. Though not the kind I would want to have around...oh shit." Charlie's gaze suddenly caught on something and he rolled his eyes. "Of freaking course they would come late. They always have to come in making some kind of big entrance, overdramatic bunch of fucks that they are." A group of boys had appeared in the back of the church. As they made their way through the aisle the church grew silent. Finally they filed in one by one to the pew which had been left empty. At the back of the group was the tall boy Andreis had seen in the hallway. As he brushed past them however the tall boy didn't as much as glance at them.

"You can just ask me who they are now, I can already see you drooling over them. Not that it's anything to be ashamed of. The whole school hates them yet we would all gladly give up an arm and a leg just to be one of them in a heartbeat."

"Be one of them?" Charlie nodded slowly.

"Yeah, they call themselves the White Rose club. Pretty stupid name if you ask me. They only have seven members. I'm pretty sure Eric Marshall started it when he first came to this school." He pointed to the tall blonde boy from the halls. "That's him. Beside him, you see those two..." there were two identical looking boys on either side of Eric. A pair of spectacles rested on each boy's handsome indistinguishable face. Their dark hair was smoothed back and both had their left leg crossed over the other when they sat. "Those are the Faulkner twins. The one on the left is Norman and the one on the right is Kian."

"How can you tell?" Charlie shrugged again.

"I told you, I know everything. Anyways, the one next to Norman with the blue hair is Robert Reed. Dyeing your hair is against the school's policy but his dad donates so much to St.James that they just turn a blind eye. The thin pretty one next to him with the auburn hair is Bentlee Mullins, he kind of looks like a girl if you ask me. And then finally next to Bentlee, the one with the brooding and honestly almost emo esque appearance, that's Fitzwilliam Gutierrez but everyone just calls him Fitz. I think that's all of them. I often refer to them as the dick squad myself though other times I fondly like to call them the bitch brigade, it depends on what kind of day I'm having. They only talk with other boys selected to be in the White Rose Club. They practically never interact with any other students unless it's absolutely necessary." Andreis couldn't seem to pry his gaze away from them.

"How does someone...get into the White Rose Club?"

"It's some long ass process. I don't know it too well since they're pretty secretive about everything they do. I only have heard from people that tried to take the test to get in and couldn't do it."

"Holy crap, there's a test?"

"Yeah, first to even be considered you have to be hand selected by a group member. Then you go to the library at exactly 10:35 PM or something. They have pretty strict criteria just to be brought there. You have to be good looking, come from a rich well to do and honorable family, oh and of course you need a list of notable achievements. Eric there, he's the student body president, Fitz is VP and Kian's the treasurer. I'm the only non-member so they all pretty much ignore me. Once I asked Fitz for a report and he handed me back a note to respond, a freaking NOTE Andreis!"

"Why do they meet at 10:35?"

"I have no freaking idea. They always meet in the library at that time every Friday night. God knows what they do in there." A sly grin crept over Charlie's face. "I have a theory that they have orgys." Andreis's attention fell back to the White Rose club, his gaze sweeping over the group of boys.

"Wait a minute," he said suddenly, straightening in his seat. "Didn't you say that there's seven members?"


"But there's only six of them. Who is the seventh?" Charlie glanced over to them, shaking his head slowly.

"I think the word you're looking for is who was the seventh. It was Jacob Shaw." 

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