Sky or should I say Skybrine?

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It has been 2 years since I saw the blue sky,and now I'm here finally going to see the blue sky and my mum again,by the way I'm Skybrine but my human name is Sky,and I'm 15 years old,I live in the nether because my dad Herobrine is the ruler of the nether and mum is a human,that's why I have a human name and my real name,I couldn't see my mum for 2 years because of an accident when I was still living with my mum.


I was in the boys toilets in my school alone,when suddenly Rex the bully entered the toilets and stared at me with a evil grin on his face,I backed away slowly and told him to leave me alone,but he ignored me,

"Well if it isn't the girl with her pretty neckless around her neck?Your in the wrong toilets,the girls toilets is next door where you belong!"He jokes,anger started to take over my body but I knew I had to control it before things get messy,

"I'm not a girl Rex!"I shouted with a dark tone in my voice,he walks closer to me and he slowly reach for my emulate,

"Then why do you wear a neckless like a girl Sky?"He replied,I grabbed his hand before he gets any closer to my emulate,my eyes turned into yellow soulless eyes then I stared at Rex in his eyes and whispered,

"Sweat nightmares Rex."Rex's eyes closed and I let go of his hand letting him fall face first to the ground,that was one of my powers,I called it the soulless stare,it gives the victim their worse nightmare and it lasts for 6 hours,but it drains a lot of energy so I usually pass out and I did,soon after I pass out another student entered the toilets and saw both of us on the floor,so he called the teacher near by,and the teacher brought both me and Rex to the nurses office,when I woke up I saw my mum looking at me worried,I sat up and looked down my emulate nowing what is going to happen next.


After the accident my mum called my dad Herobrine and told him what happened,so my dad decided to take me back to the nether to teach me to control my powers,but after 2 years of training with my dad he thinks that I'm ready to head back to the over world,but my dad told my mum to move to a new town before I come back,but that was last week and my mum is now at our new house so my dad told me to pack my things before I go through the portal to the over world,I ran up to my room and got my things into a large bag and went down stairs seeing my dad waiting for me next to the portal,

"Ready Skybrine?"My dad asks,I nod and I put on my emulate,so when I'm wearing it,it would turn my yellow soulless eyes to yellow pupils,which makes them look like normal human eyes even if I was still wearing my sunglasses,then I run in front of the portal and said good bye to dad,then I walk into the portal,I always hate going through portals,it makes me feel dizzy,but luckily it only takes a few seconds to arrive,I look around and saw my mum standing in front of me smiling with joy,I smile back as I run towards her with open arms,when I reach her I hug her,she hugs me back,

"I missed you Sky."She said after we stopped hugging,

"I miss you to mum."I reply,after that she told me to put my stuff away then come back down for dinner,wow I can't believe that I can finally get to see my mum again,it's been so long,I thought as I climb up the stairs to my room,just wow.

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